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Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

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Since 1947, the Hindu population of Pakistan decreased from 20% to 1% now. I don't know whether is it is due to less popularity of Hinduism or forcible conversion and persecution of Hindus
There are many factors behind it

1) Hindus are cowards and they cannot stand up and fights for their rights and gave up easily especially in ares where they are in minority

2) In 1947 pakistan consist of bangldesh which had plenty of hindus and they still have them. Your idiot historian compare total hindu population of east and west pakistan in 1947 with present hindu population of only west pakistan to make point that hindu ran away or we ate them
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After few centuries Pakistani kids will start to claim Pakistan had no history of Hinduism, just like you will see many of them claiming now that Gandhara had no history of Hinduism.

Pakistan has pre-islamic history which will be mention in history books always just like many arabs has pagan and pre-islamic history but its not something we are proud off . Pakistani people are not followers of Hinduism and we came out of ignorance; superstitions and cowardice beliefs
what ever religion you choose people should stay happy and respect others with eqaulity ...... presnet condition in pakistan post islam envantion dont reflect same.....just saying
what ever religion you choose people should stay happy and respect others with eqaulity ...... presnet condition in pakistan post islam envantion dont reflect same.....just saying
Dont worry about pakistan and you dont need to be sleepless over what is going on in pakistan. We all know your genuine feelings, sincerity and care for us :D
Alexander called the land east of Indus as India, not the land east of Radcliffe line. :lol:
Alexandar called the land of indus as pakistan and pakistan was not part of india.... 
After few centuries Pakistani kids will start to claim Pakistan had no history of Hinduism, just like you will see many of them claiming now that Gandhara had no history of Hinduism.

The RigVeda is anything but monotheistic. Vedic Religion was basically nature-worship with a specific deity in control of elements like wind, water, rains, Sun etc. Indra, Vayu, Varuna, Savitr, Rudra, Mitra etc are among the various elemental deities mentioned in the text. And please, since when is Shaivism monotheistic? There are 5 "primary" Gods that are honoured more over the rest in Shaivism. Buddhism and Jainism are not monotheistic either. Rather, they're sects that border on Atheism!

It does not matter what a certain Swami Dayanand Saraswati thinks about Hinduism or any other religions. Those are his personal views. Going by the same yardstick, do all Muslims follow/believe everything that an Ayatollah says?

Just like there are sects in Islam, there are sects in Hinduism too. The only difference is that Shaivites won't kill Vaishnavites over this petty squabble. :partay:

Still, if it can help with his wet dreams, the OP can go ahead and sleep tight with thoughts that Hinduism was never established north of the Radcliffe Line in over 4000 years.

plz tell this kid then ...
who wrote the vedas ,,
who made first idol??
and to whom vedas was reveled?
what the "hindus"were called in sanskrit??

and before vedic which religion was exist?
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Alexandar called the land of indus as pakistan and pakistan was not part of india....

Indus river does not flow through pakistan . Indus only flows through India :wave:

plz tell this kid then ...
who wrote the vedas ,,
who made first idol??
and to whom vedas was reveled?
what the "hindus"were called in sanskrit??
and before vedic which religion was exist?

Indians wrote the vedas for the Indians and in areas controlled by modern day India .Hindus were called dharmic in sanskrit .
Alexandar called the land of indus as pakistan and pakistan was not part of india.... 

plz tell this kid then ...
who wrote the vedas ,,
who made first idol??
and to whom vedas was reveled?
what the "hindus"were called in sanskrit??

and before vedic which religion was exist?

Dude, isn't LSD considered haram under Islam? ROFL at your wisdom!

Hinduism/Hindus, like the name India, were coined by Iranians and Greeks for their convenience. We call our land as Bharat and our religion as "Sanaathan Dharma", meaning a code of conduct devoid of beginning or end (eternal Law). The ancient Greeks used to call the Baloch near the Makran coast as Ichthiophagaii (fish eaters). Doesn't mean you guys ever called yourselves that, does it?

Hinduism isn't one of those Abrahamic religions which are "revealed" to someone alone. The Vedas are an esoteric body of knowledge and a code of worship &conduct. They were in all likelihood composed by a group of the earliest sages/rishis who accompanied the Aryan tribes. The Vedas were orally communicated for centuries(millenia even) before written down around 5th Century AD. As to the question of who made the first idol, idol worship is a practice that has existed throughout all cultures of the world for thousands of years. The concept is probably as old as the concept of Gods and Religion itself. Idol worship is permitted in all religions except Islam. Even then, visiting the dargahs/graves of sufi saints isn't very far from idolising a person and offering worship/prayer to them.
. Idol worship is permitted in all religions except Islam. Even then, visiting the dargahs/graves of sufi saints isn't very far from idolising a person and offering worship/prayer to them.
Idolatry is forbidden in all Abrahamic religions. You have no clue about sufism if you link visiting graves with worshiping the dead ones or worshiping idols. What you will say next? Muslim pray and worship the Black stone at the Kaaba in Makkah.
Idolatry is forbidden in all Abrahamic religions. You have no clue about sufism if you link visiting graves with worshiping the dead ones or worshiping idols. What you will say next? Muslim pray and worship the Black stone at the Kaaba in Makkah.

If one worships an image of Shiva in a temple, it's idol worship and if one does the same in a Church or Dargah, it isn't? Doesn't Islam explicitly forbid idolizing mortals? Then why visit the grave of saints as part of a religious devotion?

Anyways, Ignorant statements hurt,don't they. If you're ready to dish out cr@p, be ready to receive them in equal measure.
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Arre Chhodo na yaaron. PDF pe chillane se history nahin badalti. Some pople dont understand natural streaming of timeline and even if they do they are binded by the necessity of rejecting hinduism by hook or by crook.

so it be. Let them satisfy their imagination. big deal. :D
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