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Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

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I did prove that Hinduism was not the majority religion since the earliest times in Pakistan. And this was only a historical interpretation of events and happenings and nothing more.

I do not have an obsession of Dharmic religion and neither do I have any identity crisis. This is your misconception. The mere fact that a historically referenced thread was presumed to be against Hinduism portrays the shallow minded response some of you gentlemen resorted to. My idea was never to undermine any belief.

The known history of Pakistan evolved since over 9000 years ago and I am a proud owner of my heritage. I wish you the same and hope that you seek your identity in your own environment and not in some one else' heritage.

You should know that you are wasting your time with idiots like those of Vinod2070 who brainwash others with their lies and fabricated version of history. He is too much obsessed with identity/ideologies of Pakistani . I have read enough of his BS on *** where he is trying very hard to portray Pakistani as confuse souls when its actually him who need a help of psychiatrist
Typical Brainwashing.. Monotheism started from Egypt when "Pharao" declared himself as God and asked ppl to worship Him. That is the first historical account for Monotheism.

Polytheism is natural (evolutionary) of religion. They worship Sun to thank Sun for warmth and life. The worship wind to thank for rain and so on..

Islam is made by Muhamamd and his frnds, There is no historical and logical truth in Islam. Islam is copy paste religion. The compiler of Islam copied existing thing.. Its like old wine with new label..
I don't care what rat/snake/cow/ idol worshiper think about my beautiful religion Islam. I am fully convinced that Islam is divine religion and all Abraham Religions and Prophets brought same message of Islam from same God which got corrupted over time. The difference is those prophets were appointed for particular nations/tribes but our prophet was appointed for all mankind. You can worship *** to thank it as well because you will not be able to poo without it . I don't care lol Hinduism is a copy paste from Buddhism, pagans and others practices of polytheist cultures
I don't care what rat/snake/cow/ idol worshiper think about my beautiful religion Islam. I am fully convinced that Islam is divine religion and all Abraham Religions and Prophets brought same message of Islam from same God which got corrupted over time. The difference is those prophets were appointed for particular nations/tribes but our prophet was appointed for all mankind. You can worship *** to thank it as well because you will not be able to poo without it . I don't care lol Hinduism is a copy paste from Buddhism, pagans and others practices of polytheist cultures

Education Helps buddy.... Calm down!
Education Helps buddy.... Calm down!
why you don't tell this to your fellow Hindus who started bashing my religion that also on Pakistan defense forum. I just gave him taste of his own medicine and i was calm and polite otherwise such people deserve smack on their butt
No there are not. As for your claims of Hinduism not being in Pak, about 20% of population of what is now Pak was Hindu in 1941 but it hardly had any Buddhist population. Buddhism did exist in Pak, but the only regions in South Asia where Buddhism has survived in majority are Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Ladakh, Arunachal, Chittagong hill tracts, parts of Nepal, parts of Himachal etc but not Pak. BTW Buddhism is part of Indian civilization hence you are contradicting yourself by saying Pak was not part of India and Indian civilization.

Your figures are incorrect. I had posted the United Nations' figures of pre-1947 Hindu and Sikh Population in Pakistan, W. Punjab: 9% Hindu, 11% Sikh; Sindh: 10% Hindu, 5% Sikh; NWFP: 2.5% Hindu, 2.5% Sikh; Baluchistan: 3% Hindu. Over 50% of them left for India when the partition took place.

There is limited Buddhist population in the whole of India because the Brahmins systematically eliminated Buddhism and Buddhists from India and this is a historical fact no matter how much you Indians try to hide it. The places where Buddhists survive in India were probably out of reach of those Brahmins who eliminated them from India through the process of persecution and elimination. And also the Buddhists survived in places outside India where the Brahmin Hindu could not harm them. And now after persecution and elimination of Buddhists from India, you have the temerity of identifying them through constitutional edicts and supreme Court judgments as part of Hinduism and a sub-sect of Hinduism. Shameless people.

I don't need to argue on this with you. I already said neutral sources call India one of the oldest civilizations and do not talk about any Pak civilization or heritage. The truth is for the world to see.

many of these neutral sources have already started calling the IVC as Pakistani civilization. As the world comes to know about the reality, you will see only Indians identifying themselves with things which do not belong to them.

Not only India but also the rest of the world.

I never thought it that way but that guy seems to have reached a good point. Vedas praise Hindu deities. They would only be written by people if the deities were already worshiped. Furthermore, names of many Vedic deities have already been traced to proto Indo-European roots which means the deities' names existed before Vedas were written down. After all Vedas are first "recorded" texts of Hinduism. People will only record something they already did. Good thinking @Black Widow

copying aspects from the earlier times does not mean that they also used those same things which you do now. Like the 7000 year old swastika which was found in Belgium where they would certainly not have followed Hinduism by any stretch of imagination.
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Yet another piece of Illogical Reasoning from your side? Why am I not surprised?:-)
btw seriously, no hard feelings bro. Our discussion was earnest from both sides and was productive in my opinion.:cheers:

The feelings are mutual :cheers:
The golden age of Hinduism that is often cited to project the glories of Hinduism is more accurately the golden age of Buddhism.
Well Hinduism is relatively a new term,Throughout the subcontinent smaller religion combined together and formed 1 sanatana dharma the dharmic religion.The merged because of the foriegn invasions.

What makes me happy is that even pre conversion to Islam.Anceint Pakistanis even back than were Monothiest.

Monothiesm is must.
Well Hinduism is relatively a new term,Throughout the subcontinent smaller religion combined together and formed 1 sanatana dharma the dharmic religion.The merged because of the foriegn invasions.

What makes me happy is that even pre conversion to Islam.Anceint Pakistanis even back than were Monothiest.

Monothiesm is must.

The term Sanatana Dharma was coined during the Hindu revivalism movement and nascent Hindu nationalism in order to avoid having to use the term "Hindu" which is of non-native origin. In current-day usage, the term Sanatana Dharma is used to emphasize an orthodox or sanatani (eternalist) outlook in contrast to the socio-political Hinduism embraced by movements such as the Arya Samaj which propagated the belief that Rig Veda is monotheist propagation and that idol worship is prohibited in Hinduism. The term sanatani was popularized by Gandhi in the early 1920s.

The phrase dharma sanatana does occur in classical Sanskrit literature, e.g. in the Manusmriti (200 BC-200 AD) and in the Bhagavata Purana (9th or 10th century BC).
1. What do you mean where he came from? Didn't I make myself clear when I said Rudra, a RigVedic God's qualities, were later merged with Shiva's in Krishna Yajurveda? Pashupati was also Rudra's quality as mentioned in RigVeda(Pushan is another God of Animals as mentioned in RigVeda). So yeah, all these names of Shiva came from the Vedas!
2. How did you assume that the RigVeda does not describe the original Aryan Homeland?? Heard of the elixir called Soma(cognate with Avestan Haoma)? It's believed now that this was prepared from the plant Ephedra, a shrub that does not grow in India, but in Iranian highlands and other parts of Central Asia. It's fair to say the RigVeda describes all the rivers of modern-day Afghanistan as well.
3. Precisely my point! The Swastika is not an exclusive IVC symbol. The fact that IVC and Vedic lore both record the Swastika then does not mean that it was incorporated into Vedas only from IVC.
4. Perhaps you should pose this question to Hindu priests who denounced the Nastikas and also the surviving Nastika traditions of Buddhism and Jainism on whether they're Hindus. I have nothing more to add on this as I'm neither.

1. Again, if Rigveda was composed outside India, Rudra/Shiva should have been in other religion.. they are not

2. Soma doesn't grow in India? may be not in current India, but in pak afghan border land, even today they drink soma...

3. It may not be exclusive, but what hinduism uses today is carryover from IVC than any other society.

4. Denouncing is not new in hinduism. Shaivites denounce vaishnavas and so on. Does it mean that they are not Hindus? That is why I asked specific question, where it is written that nastikas are non-hindus. It is your statement that they are not as I am not aware of single such statement from ancient times.
hinduism as it exists in india doesnt show up in archeological sites found in Pakistan , hinduism in india has dieties and figures like monkey , elephant , woman with many hands etc , such like figures have not been found in archelogical sites in Pakistan

how hindus counter this is that anything rod shaped object found anythwere at an archelogical site they say this is shiva and hence lay hinduism claim over it.
Out of a total of around 1800 seals that have been discovered from the IVC sites, only about three seals are linked by Indian Hindus to Hinduism, the so-called Pashupati look alike seal , the so-called Mother Goddess look alike seal and the Swastika seal.

Contrarily, there is overwhelming evidence that proves the fact that IVC was not Vedic by any stretch of imagination. Yet the insistence to the contrary is very surprising indeed.
So according to the fact, by 1951 the hindu population was refuced significantly. Use your head, that only means that the majority of the hindus migrated to the remaining India. As migration was still allowed at that time.
Also, at that time there were a million deaths and many muslims also lost their lives at that time during the partition.
First look at your forefather's deeds then accuse others.

Let's look at simple facts.

Pakistan had almost the same Hindu Sikh population in 1941 as the Muslim population in India.

See where are we now.

What does it point to?

Almost complete ethnic cleansing in Pakistan and an increasing Muslim population share in India.

If this hard data doesn't tell you the difference, I can't help it.

I did prove that Hinduism was not the majority religion since the earliest times in Pakistan. And this was only a historical interpretation of events and happenings and nothing more.

I do not have an obsession of Dharmic religion and neither do I have any identity crisis. This is your misconception. The mere fact that a historically referenced thread was presumed to be against Hinduism portrays the shallow minded response some of you gentlemen resorted to. My idea was never to undermine any belief.

The known history of Pakistan evolved since over 9000 years ago and I am a proud owner of my heritage. I wish you the same and hope that you seek your identity in your own environment and not in some one else' heritage.

Absolutely. For you, your environment changed post conversion and that resulted in the formation of Pakistan (and you happened to be in the Western wing) in parts of India that happened to have higher Muslim population.

It had nothing to do with any past history of these Dharmic lands, just the Muslim population share and the TNT bases on Islam and how that makes one a separate nation.

BTW, I have nothing against your trying to associate with the pre-Islamic past on the part of some of you. That is an improvement over the majority Jahiliyah crowd.

Also I understand why you would necessarily have to go through stage 2 that I have outlined before some of you graduate to a stage 3 in a few decades from now.

So, we have had our say I guess.

hinduism as it exists in india doesnt show up in archeological sites found in Pakistan , hinduism in india has dieties and figures like monkey , elephant , woman with many hands etc , such like figures have not been found in archelogical sites in Pakistan

how hindus counter this is that anything rod shaped object found anythwere at an archelogical site they
say this is shiva and hence lay hinduism claim over it.

That is because of the massive destruction wrought by primitive uncivlized barbarian invaders that indulged in massive destruction and rapine, plunder, slavery and forced conversion of your ancestors.

Did Pakistan have things like stoning people to death, chopping of limbs, rape of captured women as booty, camel piss drinking, marring and raping 9 year old girls, blowing up in market places to get your 72 earlier or did it come to you with your heroic invaders?

Have these been found at your archaeological sites?

Out of a total of around 1800 seals that have been discovered from the IVC sites, only about three seals are linked by Indian Hindus to Hinduism, the so-called Pashupati look alike seal , the so-called Mother Goddess look alike seal and the Swastika seal.

Contrarily, there is overwhelming evidence that proves the fact that IVC was not Vedic by any stretch of imagination. Yet the insistence to the contrary is very surprising indeed.

What is sure is that none of this had anything to do with Islam.

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Let's look at simple facts.

Pakistan had almost the same Hindu Sikh population in 1941 as the Muslim population in India.

See where are we now.

What does it point to?

Almost complete ethnic cleansing in Pakistan and an increasing Muslim population share in India.

If this hard data doesn't tell you the difference, I can't help it.

Absolutely. For you, your environment changed post conversion and that resulted in the formation of Pakistan (and you happened to be in the Western wing) in parts of India that happened to have higher Muslim population.

It had nothing to do with any past history of these Dharmic lands, just the Muslim population share and the TNT bases on Islam and how that makes one a separate nation.

BTW, I have nothing against your trying to associate with the pre-Islamic past on the part of some of you. That is an improvement over the majority Jahiliyah crowd.

Also I understand why you would necessarily have to go through stage 2 that I have outlined before some of you graduate to a stage 3 in a few decades from now.

So, we have had our say I guess.

That is because of the massive destruction wrought by primitive uncivlized barbarian invaders that indulged in massive destruction and rapine, plunder, slavery and forced conversion of your ancestors.

Did Pakistan have things like stoning people to death, chopping of limbs, rape of captured women as booty, camel piss drinking, marring and raping 9 year old girls, blowing up in market places to get your 72 earlier or did it come to you with your heroic invaders?

Have these been found at your archaeological sites?

What is sure is that none of this had anything to do with Islam.



These videos just resonate with Hindu virtue.

Let's look at simple facts.

Pakistan had almost the same Hindu Sikh population in 1941 as the Muslim population in India.

See where are we now.

What does it point to?

Almost complete ethnic cleansing in Pakistan and an increasing Muslim population share in India.

If this hard data doesn't tell you the difference, I can't help it.

Absolutely. For you, your environment changed post conversion and that resulted in the formation of Pakistan (and you happened to be in the Western wing) in parts of India that happened to have higher Muslim population.

It had nothing to do with any past history of these Dharmic lands, just the Muslim population share and the TNT bases on Islam and how that makes one a separate nation.

BTW, I have nothing against your trying to associate with the pre-Islamic past on the part of some of you. That is an improvement over the majority Jahiliyah crowd.

Also I understand why you would necessarily have to go through stage 2 that I have outlined before some of you graduate to a stage 3 in a few decades from now.

So, we have had our say I guess.

That is because of the massive destruction wrought by primitive uncivlized barbarian invaders that indulged in massive destruction and rapine, plunder, slavery and forced conversion of your ancestors.

Did Pakistan have things like stoning people to death, chopping of limbs, rape of captured women as booty, camel piss drinking, marring and raping 9 year old girls, blowing up in market places to get your 72 earlier or did it come to you with your heroic invaders?

Have these been found at your archaeological sites?

What is sure is that none of this had anything to do with Islam.


According to the UN estimates following were the pre-1947 percentages of Hindu and Sikh population in areas of Pakistan.

W. Punjab: 9% Hindu, 11% Sikh

Sindh: 10% Hindu, 5% Sikh

NWFP: 2.5% Hindu, 2.5% Sikh

Baluchistan: 3% Hindu

Over 50% of these figures migrated to India around the time of partition. Stop deliberately spreading false and incorrect information.

Also, Pre-1947 region of present-day Pakistan only had 15% non-Muslims, out of which half were Sikhs. Many of remaining half that were Hindus were actual migrants from the region of present day India during the British rule. For example, most of the Hindus in pre-1947 Karachi had migrated from Gujarat/Rajasthan during British rule because of Karachi's economic boom then.

And the lands of Pakistan were never Dharmic since the earliest historic times in any sense of the way and history proves it beyond any reasonable doubt. In any case Dharmic, Indic, Hindutva etc are racist terminologies which are used to spread the farce of a so-called superior supra-religion like the German Aryan race theory.

The Two nation Theory was not based on religion alone. It is primarily an Indian spread misinformation. The Two Nation Theory comprised the following major elements:

Religious differences

Governing differences

Civilizational differences

Cultural differences

Societal/Social differences

Economic differences

Political differences

You can live with your stages from being racists to supra-racists, as if any of us bothers.

Compare the massive destruction wrought by primitive uncivilized barbarian invaders that indulged in massive destruction and rapine, plunder, slavery and forced conversion etc with the deaths that occurred in Mahabharata and calculated by purest of the pure Indian Hindus - 1.66 Billion people. Can you imagine. From Rig Veda to other scriptures to Mahabharata, war is the primary element that is discussed and you have the temerity to accuse others of mass murder.

What is thankfully certain is the fact that there is no link of the Indus valley Civilization with Vedic or Hindu culture and since the earliest times Hinduism has never been a majority religion in Pakistan.
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