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Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

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How people of sub-continent were converted into Islam/Christianity is different debate but let assume for argument sake that all coward Hindus who were converted into Islam were Pakistani Muslim(leave Indian Muslim because they are tough guy like shah Rukh khan, Saif, Salman etc). I said already that coward Hindus converted into Islam/Christianity because of cowardice (or discrimination) of brave Hindus. Brave Hindus who were living close to coward Hindus were watching that their own kind is being converted and oppressed in the hands of invaders came from places too far and these brave Hindus did nothing to protect their people but instead some brave Hindu princes and Rajas made alliances with these invaders to oppress their own people. Some were serving British/Portuguese masters, some Mughal badshas and some Arabs/Persian.

Yea it make sense. I said it before that religion often act as a morale booster. If you hold your beliefs close to your heart and only fear and bow to Allah then you will not have fear of any one else. You will fight against injustice and oppression even if he is your brother who is oppressor. Hindus were cowards(or say peaceful if it hurt) because of dogma, superstitions, castes, disunity which actually promotes insecurity, hatred, fear, selfishness, mistrust among each others.

Okay let's agree with the highlighted part of your statement for the sake of progress. Isn't the same thing happening to current day Islam with all its divisions and mistrust and hatred and division ? Hinduism moved away from that hundreds of years ago. Islam has just entered that cycle
Okay let's agree with the highlighted part of your statement for the sake of progress. Isn't the same thing happening to current day Islam with all its divisions and mistrust and hatred and division ? Hinduism moved away from that hundreds of years ago. Islam has just entered that cycle

No ; indian often make.fun of us when we talk about rights of plastenians/kashmir/iraqi muslims and care about muslims all over the world. There is only one standard of superiorty in islam and that is taqwa(fear of Allah). There are no caste system in islam. We have different sects within islam because of different interpretation but the bond between two muslim is strong even if they belong to two different countries or culture. You can see it in western countries.
Lets recount the major historical events from the earliest history of Pakistan to understand the relation of this land with various religions till it became majority Muslim.

The Indus Valley Civilization which emanated from Mehrgarh (7000 BC) in Balochistan reached its peak between 2500-1900 BC. Though the religion of these people has not been deciphered so far, it is generally assumed that they were monotheists. The fading out of this civilization was also presumed to have resulted in evolution of Rig Veda, the earliest Vedic scripture which many attribute as primarily monotheistic in nature. Indus Valley Civilization ended by 1300 BC. The Iron Age period can be taken to last roughly form 1200 to 300 BC. Most of the Vedic period (excepting the earliest phase of the core of the Rig Veda) falls within the early part of the Iron Age (12th to 6th centuries BC) and is therefore referred to by the Indians as a historical and geographical record, as no other historic records are available. However, there are various Indian Hindu religiously inclined scholars who state that Rig Veda should not be cited as historical and geographical references.

Alexander’s Indian campaign began in 326 BC in the territory of Indus by defeating Porus. Many historians relate it to the Dasarajna (Battle of ten kings) between the Purus and Bharatas as explained in Rig Veda. Those of us who have travelled on motorway M2 from Lahore to Islamabad/Rawalpindi do break journey at Bhera, a city which is over 2300 years old. This is the city which is cited as the probable location of this battle.

In 321 BC, Chandragupta Maurya founded the Mauryan Empire in India and conquered the areas under Greek rule during the Seleucid–Mauryan war (305-303 BC). The Mauryan Empire is generally said to be followers of Shiva and were probably Shaivites (monotheists). Their ruler Chandragut Maurya later converted to Jainism (monotheist). Later the ruler Ashoka became a Buddhist and it was also declared as a state religion. Mauryan Empire ruled from 322-185 BC.

Kushan Empire ruled between Ist and 3rd century BC in parts of Afghanistan and general area Taxila near Islamabad, Pakistan. The Kushans adopted elements of the Hellenistic culture of Bactria and emanated from Amu Darya area in eastern Afghanistan. Various Kushan emperors represented a wide variety of faiths including Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, and possibly Shaivism (monotheists).

The kingdom known as Kabul Shahi comprising parts of Afghanistan and Taxila ruled between 565 and 879 AD when they had Kapisa and Kabul as their capitals, and later as Hindu Shahi. The Shahis of Kabul/Kandahar are generally divided into the two eras of the so-called Buddhist-Shahis and the so-called Hindu-Shahis, with the change-over thought to have occurred sometime around 870 AD. During the 7th and 8th centuries AD the Pashtun Buddhists of the same areas also predominated the populations of Sindh and parts of Punjab as well.

When Mohammad Bin Qasim attacked Sindh in 712 AD, he was supported by Jats, Meds and Buddhists against Raja Dahir. The rulers in Sindh were high cast Brahmins who ill-treated majority population consisting of Buddhists. Thus Raja Dahir was decisively defeated. This has been mentioned in Chach Nama. The religious demography of this area is therefore clearly indicative of this fact that though in certain time periods when the rulers were Brahmin Hindus, majority population did not generally follow the religion of rulers except during the early and later Mauryan period.

From the 8th century to the 9th century AD, many inhabitants of what is present-day Afghanistan, Pakistan, and areas of northern India were converted to Sunni Islam. It is surmised from the writings of Al Biruni that around 1100 AD, some Pashtuns living in Pakhtunkhwa (present-day western Pakistan) and the neighbourhood of Sindh (ie Indus) valley had not been completely converted to Islam. Al Biruni, writing in Tarikh al Hind, also alludes to the Pashtun tribes of Pakhtunkhwa as Hindus. The word Hindu in those days alluded to the people living in a geographical location known as Al-Hind and not those who were followers of Hinduism, which was a much later characterization. In actual fact, majority of these Pashtuns were Buddhists at that time and the remaining were shaivites (monotheists). Gradually most of them came within the folds of Islam.

One aspect clearly stands out as a historical fact is that a large majority of the people living in the landmass of Indus Valley Civilization and current day Pakistan, for most part of known history since earliest times, largely followed Buddhism and Islam as their main religion and not polytheist Hinduism. And those who followed Vedic culture followed a monotheistic format instead of the later diluted polytheist culture based Hinduism.
Provide sources. Your article is a historical fantasy, sadly our people do not seem to know the difference. The land between indus, from which the word hindu comes, and ganges is the birth place of hinduism and buddhism. It.s bonkers to think that they weren.t popular here or accepted. We.re proud muslims, yes, but we.re proud of our history as well.
No ; indian often make.fun of us when we talk about rights of plastenians/kashmir/iraqi muslims and care about muslims all over the world. There is only one standard of superiorty in islam and that is taqwa(fear of Allah). There are no caste system in islam. We have different sects within islam because of different interpretation but the bond between two muslim is strong even if they belong to two different countries or culture. You can see it in western countries.
What happened to this bond in 1971??? or between iraq and iran, or iraq and kuwait, or PLO and jordan or saudi and Iran, Somalian civil war, Libya civil war, Was the BOND on a special mission
What happened to this bond in 1971??? or between iraq and iran, or iraq and kuwait, or PLO and jordan or saudi and Iran, Somalian civil war, Libya civil war, Was the BOND on a special mission

LOLLL; BOND had then become MIA (not Miyan).

MIA---Missing In Action.
Wow, this idiotc thread based on fantasy and feel good by the forever subjugated by foreign cultures is still on. Identity crisis is strong in these ones.
No ; indian often make.fun of us when we talk about rights of plastenians/kashmir/iraqi muslims and care about muslims all over the world. There is only one standard of superiorty in islam and that is taqwa(fear of Allah). There are no caste system in islam. We have different sects within islam because of different interpretation but the bond between two muslim is strong even if they belong to two different countries or culture. You can see it in western countries.

First establish the rights of the Ahmedi, the Shia etc in your country of origin. Then establish why that strong bond between your country of origin and the TTP and other rebels are being exploded on a regular basis. Once you are done with that I will give you a further list :D
Excellent,i always knew that pakistanis had to be something inferior,no wonder they converted.
What happened to this bond in 1971??? or between iraq and iran, or iraq and kuwait, or PLO and jordan or saudi and Iran, Somalian civil war, Libya civil war, Was the BOND on a special mission

No need to go so far, they have one with the name katipahari in Karachi where a road divides population of Muhajir and Pashtuns while every house is bore with bullet marks.
Why are these 98% pakistani low caste choora converts claiming our heritage- the IVC ? There is some spillover of IVC in pakistan but that does not make it pakitani civilization .Building a civilization was not in the capacity of these pakistanis . Don't we all know that pakistanis were living like uncivilized creatures in caves( as they claim) till they saw light of islam ?:lol:
Why are these 98% pakistani low caste choora converts claiming our heritage- the IVC ? There is some spillover of IVC in pakistan but that does not make it pakitani civilization .Building a civilization was not in the capacity of these pakistanis . Don't we all know that pakistanis were living like uncivilized creatures in caves( as they claim) till they saw light of islam ?:lol:

Look what we have here, Chamar sweeper claiming to look like European. As i said before Vedic Aryans completly fucked their minds for ever. Only Sir Zaid Hamid can free them.
Look what we have here, Chamar sweeper claiming to look like European. As i said before Vedic Aryans completly fucked their minds for ever. Only Sir Zaid Hamid can free them.

look what we have here , Choora bhangi convert toilet cleaner claiming to be vedic aryan . As I said invading muslims completely *** raped their ancestors . So chooras like shan who are rape products of muslims , have gone completely insane with embarrassment
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Bro this is not disrespect, you should be proud of being austroloid hybrid chamar. Building civilization was not your ancestors thing, read my sig for more info.

Tata bye bye

Shan snowwhite, I find all Pakistan carrying the Caucasian genes of Alexander. :omghaha::omghaha:
look what we have here , Choora bhangi convert toilet cleaner claiming to be vedic aryan . As I said invading muslims completely *** raped their ancestors . So chooras like shan who are rape products of muslims , have gone completely insane with embarrassment

Perfect example of fucked up mind. Not long ago you was proud of being Chura from UP who though looked like European and even posted your photo. And now you are using Chura as insult, thats why i say be proud of what you are. No need to claim anything which isn't yours, being Chura sweeper is not insulting.
May i know which ignorant statement hurt your lil heart?

You should read more about Islam before making such stupid comparison. Visiting graves is not part of religious obligation and people visit graves to pray for dead ones and for pious people or saints. They don't visit graves to worship graves or saints. They don't consider saints as image of God and all such BS. There are few idiot who go to extreme on such mazaar and dargah but its because of illiteracy and ignorance about teaching of Islam. Hinduism also influences some people villagers especially in India where they live side by side with Hindus and still have believe in certain superstitions of Hinduism

dude the more u read ur thing the more delusional ull be. just let me know what u peaceful pipo have contributed to human life in recent decades? apart from mindless killing n insanely believing some 7th century sex guide?
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