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Since Earliest Historical Times Hinduism Was Never Popular in Pakistan

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I dont know why 98% of Indians who are basically chamars claim our heritage. I think being slaves of Vedic aryans have completly fucked their minds. No wonder Brahmins even now still treat lower caste like cow dung.
Friend. This is interesting to see and i aint shocked to see this as this is what proofs have always specified. But again, I will ask you to post the relevance of the links where you brought this information. will be helpful to debate on the topic put forward by @Nassr in a structured manner. Regards.

The author is professor B.B Lal retired Director General of Archaeological Survey of India also wrote a book "The Saraswati Flows on"
Why Perpetuate Myths? A Fresh Look at Ancient Indian History
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I dont know why 98% of Indians who are basically chamars claim our heritage. I think being slaves of Vedic aryans have completly fucked their minds. No wonder Brahmins even now still treat lower caste like cow dung.

I told you before ..we sent the chamars to Pakistan as converts . You and your language aptly proves this. Case closed
@INDIC it seems this thread made u totally retard .......:o: hahahaha 
I dont know why 98% of Indians who are basically chamars claim our heritage. I think being slaves of Vedic aryans have completly fucked their minds. No wonder Brahmins even now still treat lower caste like cow dung.

inke mind saee karne ka aik he hal he zaid hamid ........ghazwa-ehind bohat zaroori hogaya he iss stage mein :pop:
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@INDIC it seems this thread made u totally retard .......:o: hahahaha 

inke mind saee karne ka aik he hal he zaid hamid ........ghazwa-ehind bohat zaroori hogaya he iss stage mein :pop:

Yes Sir Zaid Hamid can free these slaves from Brahmins.
I never said that. I believe that the man landed on earth from the heavens and eve emerged from his side. That is why most women stand by their men. :)

Dude , go do some reading on the X and Y Chromosomes. I will not go into detail on issues here since I don't know your age and I don't want your folks reporting me to Interpol for corrupting your supposedly young and innocent mind. The only stand men get from their women...argh forget about it...you will learn about the birds and the bees as you grow older. For now, continue reading those fairytales about Pakistan existing some 10 000 BC :D
Yes Sir Zaid Hamid can free these slaves from Brahmins.

actually i was expecting every thing from @INDIC for bashing pakistan history as he an indian but did not ever expect that he will sell out the religion which is monotheistic(beleiving in ONE GOD)for saving india....actually it always seemed me that indic beleive in one GOD but today he proved me wrong ........it was my mistake
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Dude , go do some reading on the X and Y Chromosomes. I will not go into detail on issues here since I don't know your age and I don't want your folks reporting me to Interpol for corrupting your supposedly young and innocent mind. The only stand men get from their women...argh forget about it...you will learn about the birds and the bees as you grow older. For now, continue reading those fairytales about Pakistan existing some 10 000 BC :D

We can discuss the Indian Y chromosome if you so desire.
Yeah Right ! Since earliest historical times Islam was popular in Pakistan ! They knew one day Pakistan will be Mulsim nation !

There is a limit to brain farts !
Yeah Right ! Since earliest historical times Islam was popular in Pakistan ! They knew one day Pakistan will be Mulsim nation !

There is a limit to brain farts !

No, I have never said that. Islam came to Pakistani landmass much later and before that the people did follow different religions. All I am stating is that Indian Hindu religion was not the one majority followed here. These people were monotheists from earliest times, then they adopted Buddhism in large numbers and later followed Islam, also in majority. There were those who followed the Indian Hindu culture but their number was comparatively much less and they were never in majority since the earliest times. And this is a historically supported fact.
I dont know why 98% of Indians who are basically chamars claim our heritage. I think being slaves of Vedic aryans have completly fucked their minds. No wonder Brahmins even now still treat lower caste like cow dung.

You know brother. When someone disrespect India and use the words like fucked, chamar, etc etc. We can only say as said in the Army.......... 'ITTA BADA HIDUSTAN......JHAAT BHAR KA PAKISTAN' ...... So better show respect coz recieving disrespect isnt a tough thing for a country of Pakistani stature.
No, I have never said that. Islam came to Pakistani landmass much later and before that the people did follow different religions. All I am stating is that Indian Hindu religion was not the one majority followed here. These people were monotheists from earliest times, then they adopted Buddhism in large numbers and later followed Islam, also in majority. There were those who followed the Indian Hindu culture but their number was comparatively much less and they were never in majority since the earliest times. And this is a historically supported fact.

You do know that Budhism came much later. Back then Hinduism was simply a way of life not a religeon in the strict sense of the word. It was only when other religeons came into picture, Hinduism started recognizing itself as a religeon
You do know that Budhism came much later. Back then Hinduism was simply a way of life not a religeon in the strict sense of the word. It was only when other religeons came into picture, Hinduism started recognizing itself as a religeon

You may call it a culture instead. But because this may be identified as a culture, as in way of life, there were still different types of cultural ways of life where either there was one God or many, that were followed by a different sets of people having different sets of belief systems. This, in my opinion and that of many others, can not be transformed under one belief system as many Indian Hindus insist, just because the one identification word given to all the people living in this geographic zone was Hindu or because it is thought that they all belonged to an identical historical culture or sub-culture thereof. For example the Indian constitution and Indian Supreme Court places Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists as a sect of Hinduism. Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists do not agree with such a categorization.

Many Hindus believe that Rig Veda is identified with monotheism but majority Hindus do not believe this. When majority Hindus do not believe that monotheism is Hindu in cultural essence, how can Shaivism and many other such beliefs can be identified as Hindu sub-sects.

I therefore identify such completely different cultural phenomenons as different beliefs and not part of Hindu culture.
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Yes, you are right the cowards Hindus converted to Islam and became brave Muslims. Makes sense. 
How people of sub-continent were converted into Islam/Christianity is different debate but let assume for argument sake that all coward Hindus who were converted into Islam were Pakistani Muslim(leave Indian Muslim because they are tough guy like shah Rukh khan, Saif, Salman etc). I said already that coward Hindus converted into Islam/Christianity because of cowardice (or discrimination) of brave Hindus. Brave Hindus who were living close to coward Hindus were watching that their own kind is being converted and oppressed in the hands of invaders came from places too far and these brave Hindus did nothing to protect their people but instead some brave Hindu princes and Rajas made alliances with these invaders to oppress their own people. Some were serving British/Portuguese masters, some Mughal badshas and some Arabs/Persian.

Yea it make sense. I said it before that religion often act as a morale booster. If you hold your beliefs close to your heart and only fear and bow to Allah then you will not have fear of any one else. You will fight against injustice and oppression even if he is your brother who is oppressor. Hindus were cowards(or say peaceful if it hurt) because of dogma, superstitions, castes, disunity which actually promotes insecurity, hatred, fear, selfishness, mistrust among each others.
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