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Simultaneous Attacks in Sinai: Tens of Egyptian Soldiers Killed

It's a tough fight, but not as tough as the insurgency along Afghan-Pak boder. Sinai region is not mountainous, it's fairly barren. I'd be surprised if the Egyptians are not using unmanned aerial systems to monitor areas but they cant be everywhere at one single time

ISIS & Ansar bayt maqdis are better armed than TTP/Taliban, the first also has modern ATGW & Manpads whilst the latter has manpads.
Gaza had nothing to do with your problems. Black market was always existing in Sinai and other places in Egypt for stuff like Diesel gas, goods, etc...

Arms market in Egypt was never that big of deal until Libya destabilized. Egyptian bediouns took advantage of it to make income. Then from there weapons spread around in Sinai and Al-Arish.

Making income out of smuggling to Gaza, which incidentally terrorists did too. Unless you think they make money out of thin air. You will defend Gaza till your death even if it blatantly is part of the problem, and this is something anyone with an informed opinion will tell you. There's literally no point arguing with you.

Any nonsense that men travel from Gaza into Egypt is propaganda from your childish government. Your childish military blamed someone who is in military confinement for orchestrating attacks. Someone who has no communication to outside world and has been imprisoned for 2 years now. How do you expect people to take such a childish government seriously?

Stop living in denial.

So when Reuters, Associated Press, and numerous other western news outlets interview actual tunnel owners and they admit to ferrying armed and masked men across into and out of Gaza its Egyptian governmental propaganda. I guess the confessions of militants are also Egyptian Governmental propaganda. As are confiscated documents and books produced by AQB on the use of certain weapons systems. You know in August 2012 when ABM killed 16 BGs and then tried to attack Israel, but some others headed for the tunnels and then Gaza, that was Egyptian governmental propaganda too.

A handful of people that information was requested on (but lets just say the state wanted them) were incarcerated or otherwise, what of the 70 others?

But of course it is me who is in denial.

If they are funded by anybody then it certainly isn't coming from us. We are broke as hell. And have over 50% unemployment. Civil employee wages haven't been paid for 8 months. The problem is in your country. Leave us the **** out of it.

Didn't say it was funded by Gaza.
Every single time something happens the same old lice come out of the woodwork come out and blame the terrorism on the actions of Elsisi on the 30th of June onwards when in reality the terrorists started their operations in 2011.

Well, at the moment sisi the thug is the top mafia boss in Egypt. So, he is the most powerful terrorist in Egypt. We can see that scumbags take pride in him.
Making income out of smuggling to Gaza
In other words, bedioun Egyptians run black market to make money. Not the other way around. Palestinians don't sell goods from Gaza into Egypt. Which is exactly what I stated. That Libya/Egyptian black market trade on many items is run by Egyptians. We pay to get stuff into Gaza.There's no problem in that. We basically employ all your tribes and people in the whole Sinai peninsula. And now you took all their jobs. So government is responsible for any future tensions.

So when Reuters, Associated Press, and numerous other western news outlets interview actual tunnel owners and they admit to ferrying armed and masked men across into and out of Gaza its Egyptian governmental propaganda.

There was no such thing ever clown. And Egyptian government already stated Morsi orchestrated the attack. So what does it have to do with Gaza? :lol:

Only media outlets are Jewish/Israeli that report that in order to hope for tensions between Egyptians and Palestinians.

I guess the confessions of militants are also Egyptian Governmental propaganda. As are confiscated documents and books produced by AQB on the use of certain weapons systems. You know in August 2012 when ABM killed 16 BGs and then tried to attack Israel, but some others headed for the tunnels and then Gaza, that was Egyptian governmental propaganda too.

Again another lie, they went to Israel and were killed. And Egypt gave us a list of 13 people to turn over. All those 13 either were dead from 2008 or are currently in Israeli prisons.

But of course it is me who is in denial.

Yes you are denial. There are many factors which brought Egypt to this situation. And Gaza isn't related to them.

ISIS & Ansar bayt maqdis are better armed than TTP/Taliban, the first also has modern ATGW & Manpads whilst the latter has manpads.

Ansar Beit Maqdis is not advanced at all. And since when did manpads make you advanced? Those are useless, decades old weapons that have no use. It's just that Egyptian army head rather protect border with Eilat and do buffer zone on Gaza instead of protecting Egyptian people. That and sending army to streets in Cairo to crack down on Egyptians. Egypt is gaining nothing out of this relationship with Israel. It is relationship of appeasement. Maybe some guys at top level gain but poor Egyptians will suffer.
Ansar Beit Maqdis is not advanced at all. And since when did manpads make you advanced? Those are useless, decades old weapons that have no use. It's just that Egyptian army head rather protect border with Eilat and do buffer zone on Gaza instead of protecting Egyptian people. That and sending army to streets in Cairo to crack down on Egyptians. Egypt is gaining nothing out of this relationship with Israel. It is relationship of appeasement. Maybe some guys at top level gain but poor Egyptians will suffer.

Manpads are trouble for helicopters, but the real danger comes from IED's and the PKC/PKM, they spray at soldiers with that.
In other words, bedioun Egyptians run black market to make money. Not the other way around. Palestinians don't sell goods from Gaza into Egypt. Which

It's a joint operation, tunnels are usually joint ventures by Egyptians and Gazans. Goods are not the only commodity, people, weapons, drugs, and anything else that's lucrative.

It's not a one way business, people are smuggled back and forth as are weapons.

. We pay to get stuff into Gaza.There's no problem in that. We basically employ all your tribes and people in the whole Sinai peninsula. And now you took all their jobs. So government is responsible for any future tensions.

There's a massive problem in that. The majority of smuggled goods be it fuel or food provisions are tax payer subsidised, along with shortages due to stocks being diverted elsewhere, the profits made by smugglers are not taxed, meaning the state loses out, and in return funding for other things health, education, healthcare, or even subsidies is lower than what it should be, meaning an overall loss to the Egyptian tax payer. Hamas' coffers are also bumped up, because they tax the tunnel trade.

Now, ignoring that that their 'jerbs' are illegal, and they pay zero direct tax, they are actively aiding a foreign party in violating a sovereign nations (their own) territory. In my opinion those who were implicit in this trade don't deserve to be a part of the new infrastructure projects cropping up in the Sinai.

There was no such thing ever clown. And Egyptian government already stated Morsi orchestrated the attack. So what does it have to do with Gaza? :lol:

Exclusive: Militants, weapons transit Gaza tunnels despite Egyptian crackdown| Reuters

People can pass for $50 each but the rate increases if they are armed. Most of the passengers are men, the owner said, but women and children also use the tunnels. Farm animals occasionally make the journey as well.

"If someone is passing with one or two guns, we charge $60 to $70. But if someone has more weapons, it's a special operation and might cost as much as $1,000 or $2,000 depending on the type of weapon," the Egyptian owner told Reuters.

He said he does not check the identification of people who pass and even allows masked men to use his tunnel if his Palestinian partner vouches for them. "As long as they give me $50, I let them through," he said.

The owner said he also does not seek to know the affiliation or destination of militants and weapons for fear that displeased customers will use another tunnel or report him to the security forces. "I just deliver the weapons and take the money," he said. "I'm not concerned with where they're going."


Show me one official governmental statement which accuses Morsi of orchestrating the 2012 August attacks. If there was it would be a massive part of his trial but he isn't being tried for anything to do with it.

Again another lie, they went to Israel and were killed.

Wrong, the largest Fahd APC variant can take a crew of of 12 people (including driver and commander), the group that carried out the attack was a platoon sized formation consisting of 35 people, the Israelis killed four attackers and later turned their bodies over to Egypt. After the attack the Army chased militants to the Egyptian side of Rafah.

Egypt hunts Sinai terrorists; 'we'll strike Gaza if needed' - Israel News, Ynetnews

"But Gaza has nothing to do with it":-

Egypt Says Sinai Attack was Backed by Gaza Mortar Fire — Naharnet
Egyptian officials: Gazan terrorists were involved in Kerem Shalom attack | The Times of Israel
Forensics report gives clues to identity of Sinai attackers | Egypt Independent

Only media outlets are Jewish/Israeli that report that in order to hope for tensions between Egyptians and Palestinians.

Except you swear by Jewish/Israeli/CIA/Mossad/FSB/Ozzie outlets when trying to frame the Egyptian Military as one that collaborates without heeding your own advice.

And Egypt gave us a list of 13 people to turn over. All those 13 either were dead from 2008 or are currently in Israeli prisons.

A lot more than thirteen people were wanted, even IQB leaders were wanted. There was no single request either, nor were the requests related to a single attack.

Hamas terror chief wanted by Egypt for Sunday's attack was involved in Shalit kidnapping | The Times of Israel

Hamas ignored requests to hand over Arish suspects | Egypt Independent

Yes you are denial. There are many factors which brought Egypt to this situation. And Gaza isn't related to them


Ansar Beit Maqdis is not advanced at all. And since when did manpads make you advanced? Those are useless, decades old weapons that have no use.

They used a newer generation of Soviet/Russian MANPAD, the Igla. With a much higher Azad Kashmir, and much better performance in range and aversion to jamming its a very potent platform against low flying military helicopters that may have troops on board or are important assets such as Apaches.

ABM are a very well organised and trained group, their corps are all veterans of Iraq, Syria, Afghan, and Yemen. A lot of the tactics they use are those used against ISAF and against the Pesh and IA in Iraq.

It's just that Egyptian army head rather protect border with Eilat and do buffer zone on Gaza instead of protecting Egyptian people. That and sending army to streets in Cairo to crack down on Egyptians. Egypt is gaining nothing out of this relationship with Israel. It is relationship of appeasement. Maybe some guys at top level gain but poor Egyptians will suffer.

Yeah, the 2nd Army, 3rd Army, Special Operations, Special Forces, Rapid Deployment Forces, EN, and the EAF are all protecting the border with Israel and stopping the 'thowar', it's not like they're in NS at all actually fighting or dying.
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It's a joint operation, tunnels are usually joint ventures by Egyptians and Gazans. Goods are not the only commodity, people, weapons, drugs, and anything else that's lucrative.

It's not a one way business, people are smuggled back and forth as are weapons.

Not true, Egyptians run black market in their country. Back then there were tunnels for travellers, and they paid a lot for it since border was closed. No such thing as armed people going through them. We don't have incompetent, Israeli collaborating government like yours.

Weapons are not smuggled out of Gaza. Again you are pathologically lying. Like Egyptian private media, their economy is ruined and they are fuming at Palestinians because Egypt is now a failed state. And also because Palestinians are smarter than them they are jealous.

There's a massive problem in that. The majority of smuggled goods be it fuel or food provisions are tax payer subsidised, along with shortages due to stocks being diverted elsewhere, the profits made by smugglers are not taxed, meaning the state loses out, and in return funding for other things health, education, healthcare, or even subsidies is lower than what it should be, meaning an overall loss to the Egyptian tax payer. Hamas' coffers are also bumped up, because they tax the tunnel trade.

Then Egypt should provide economic opportunity for Sinai community by opening borders with Gaza and increasing trade/tourism. Otherwise tribes in Sinai have no income at all.

This black market of fuel is also available in Cairo and I've seen myself. So go cry me a river about the issue with taxes. Most of black market in Cairo is run by your army. I bought diesel fuel directly from your army in Cairo in one of their factories when they were hiding the fuel away to put pressure on Morsi. If you have no connections and don't know about this then shut up. Because it is 100% true and everyone knows it.

These same tribes also do drug smuggling trade with Israeli intelligence officers. And it's been documented with visual proof.

Stupid article with no proof. Claims the smuggler is an Egyptian from Egyptian side. Still no proof at all. Reuters is pro-Israel Jewish owned press. No one takes it seriously.

Show me one official governmental statement which accuses Morsi of orchestrating the 2012 August attacks. If there was it would be a massive part of his trial but he isn't being tried for anything to do with it.


EL-ARISH, Egypt — Militants struck more than a dozen army and police targets in the restive Sinai Peninsula with simultaneous attacks involving a car bomb and mortar rounds on Thursday, killing at least 26 security officers.

An Army spokesman immediately blamed former Islamist President Mohammed Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood of orchestrating the attack, which killed 25 Army soldiers and one policeman.


Wrong, the largest Fahd APC variant can take a crew of of 12 people (including driver and commander), the group that carried out the attack was a platoon sized formation consisting of 35 people, the Israelis killed four attackers and later turned their bodies over to Egypt. After the attack the Army chased militants to the Egyptian side of Rafah.

Again you're making things up. And as I stated Egypt's list was childish and made up.

Egypt said no such thing. And even if we take 'security source' seriously. He states if it is proven that it was related to Gaza. And in the end it had nothing to do with Gaza. Also any claim of attacking Gaza is joke, Egyptian army will cease to exist within two days. Gaza isn't Rabaa civilians son of bitch. And Algeria/Morroco/Libya will immediately wipe off the Zionist army along with all 50million MB inside Egypt.

Once again propaganda by Egypt. The attack took place tens of kilometes away from Gaza. Mortar fire doesn't cover that range. And we would hear any such fire. It never happened. In the same way that Egyptian army never devloped Kabob cure for aids.

Your country's economy has failed because your dictorial, corrupt army leadership. And it is unfixable. Don't blame others for your problems.

A lot more than thirteen people were wanted, even IQB leaders were wanted. There was no single request either, nor were the requests related to a single attack.

Hamas terror chief wanted by Egypt for Sunday's attack was involved in Shalit kidnapping | The Times of Israel

Hamas ignored requests to hand over Arish suspects | Egypt Independent

You are full of shit and don't know what you're talking about. Hamas addressed the list on live tv and gave specific names listed. All of them were dead since 2008 or in Israeli prison.
Hmmmm......interesting, seems another Arab country getting into conflict with itself/turmoil. To be honest, I think SISI made a mistake trying to totally purge/violently crush the MB after he toppled morsi. Even Mubarak didn't go to the extend of criminalising/hunting down their members to the last one. I think Sisi should have tried to reconcile and form a national/all inclusive government like Mandela did when he took power. Seeking revenge never works in politics, it only leads to more violence/more turmoil for the country which turns into a vicious never ending cycle.

Hopefully Egypt will recover from this. But first sisi needs to review his policies IMO. After all, the MB are Aldo Egyptians and a major/significant party as well. So it will be difficult or impossible to totally eliminate/eradicate them. A compromise is needed for peace to prevail in the long run and for the greater good of the country.

RIP to the dead soldiers.

This guy has crushed democracy, banning the MB effectively disenfranchises more than half the egyptian population. Egypt had no 'terrorist ' problem until the military intervened. If these ppeople are the MB, then you can say they are the 'popular' resistance.

Interestingly, the West hasn't complained about the end of democracy in Egypt....
ABM are a very well organised and trained group, their corps are all veterans of Iraq, Syria, Afghan, and Yemen. A lot of the tactics they use are those used against ISAF and against the Pesh and IA in Iraq.


Stop trying to hide your embarrassment. ABM is rag tag militia made up Egyptian tribes. All their leaders are from Egyptian tribes. They have no training anywhere around world. Even if you look at their footage of attacks, it is hit and run/spray and pray/ambush style.
Not true, Egyptians run black market in their country. Back then there were tunnels for travellers, and they paid a lot for it since border was closed. No such thing as armed people going through them. We don't have incompetent, Israeli collaborating government like yours.

Of course Egyptians run the black market in their own country, what in the hell do you think I'm writing. The black market surrounding the tunnels is a joint venture, as is the one surrounding the Sudanese Egyptian border and so on, there can never be a one sided market along a border, relationships need to be built in order for trade to occur.

Weapons are not smuggled out of Gaza. Again you are pathologically lying. Like Egyptian private media, their economy is ruined and they are fuming at Palestinians because Egypt is now a failed state. And also because Palestinians are smarter than them they are jealous.

I'm sorry but I'm not taking your word over that of the Police and Border Guards after several busts, it's fine if you don't want to admit it.

Palestinians are smarter OK, Egypt is failed OK, we're jealous and fuming OK.

Then Egypt should provide economic opportunity for Sinai community by opening borders with Gaza and increasing trade/tourism. Otherwise tribes in Sinai have no income at all.

New Suez Canal, and New Rafah/Ariash plus a lot of other projects should provide chances of work if they are implemented properly and with thought.

This black market offuel is also available in Cairo and I've seen myself. So go cry me a river about the issue with taxes. Most of black market in Cairo is run by your army. I bought diesel fuel directly from your army in Cairo in one of their factories when they were hiding the fuel away to put pressure on Morsi. If you have no connections and don't know about this then shut up. Because it is 100% true and everyone knows it.

You have never provided proof of systematic abuse or provided any proof to back up your claims, sorry but your word or the word of the MB are not sufficient. But of course you're the one with connections and I don't know about this so I must shut up, but everyone else knows about it, yet still nothing reputable and no proof whatsoever has surfaced.

You seem to think I turn a blind eye criminality, I don't. Wherever it may be and by whoever it must be stamped out.

Stupid article with no proof. Claims the smuggler is an Egyptian from Egyptian side. Still no proof at all. Reuters is pro-Israel Jewish owned press. No one takes it seriously.

No one takes one of the most reputable and trustworthy news outlets in the world seriously, OK.


EL-ARISH, Egypt — Militants struck more than a dozen army and police targets in the restive Sinai Peninsula with simultaneous attacks involving a car bomb and mortar rounds on Thursday, killing at least 26 security officers.

An Army spokesman immediately blamed former Islamist President Mohammed Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood of orchestrating the attack, which killed 25 Army soldiers and one policeman.


There's only one spokesman:-

نتيجة للضربات الناجحة التى وجهتها القوات المسلحة والشرطة المدنية ضد العناصر والبؤر الإرهابية خلال الفترة الأخيرة بشمال سيناء ، وفشل جماعة الإخوان الإرهابية والعناصر الداعمة لها لنشر الفوضى فى الذكرى الرابعة لثورة (25 يناير) المجيدة ... قامت عناصر إرهابية مساء اليوم 29 / 1 / 2015 بالإعتداء على بعض المقار والمنشآت التابعة للقوات المسلحة والأجهزة الأمنية بمدينة العريش بإستخدام بعض العربات المفخخة وقذائف الهاون... وجارى تبادل إطلاق النيران والتعامل معهم.

إجتمع اليوم المجلس الأعلى للقوات المسلحة لبحث وتحليل الأحداث الإرهابية التى وقعت أمس بشمال سيناء ... وإذ يؤكد المجلس علي الآتى :
- أن تلك الأعمال الإرهابية الخسيسة لن تثنينا عن القيام بواجبنا المقدس نحو إقتلاع جذور الإرهاب والقضاء عليه .
- إستمرار وتكثيف أعمال المداهمات والملاحقات لكافة عناصر الإرهاب والتطرف بسيناء وكافة ربوع البلاد بالتعاون مع عناصر الشرطة المدنية وبالدعم المطلق من جموع شعب مصر العظيم.
- الإصرار علي الإستمرار في تأمين كافة جهود الدولة لإستكمال خارطة المستقبل لتحقيق الأمن والإستقرار ودفع جهود التنمية .
وقد أشاد المجلس الأعلي للقوات المسلحة ببطولات أفراد القوات المسلحة والشرطة المدنية في التصدي للأعمال الإجرامية التي تهدف إلي النيل من إستقرار الوطن ، ويثمن المجلس مدي الوعي لدي الشعب المصري بما تبذله القوات المسلحة من جهود وتضحيات لمجابهة عناصر التطرف والارهاب ذوداً عن مقدرات شعب مصر العظيم .
وإذ ينعي المجلس شهداء الوطن الأبرار داعين الله عز وجل أن يسكنهم فسيح جناته ويلهم ذويهم الصبر والسلوان متمنين الشفاء العاجل للمصابين .
عاشت مصر حرة أبية مستقرة ، والله ولي التوفيق
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته .

‫الصفحة الرسمية للمتحدث العسكري للقوات المسلحة | Facebook‬

Sorry, no accusations here. Also, your link is for the most recent attack, not that of August 2012, try again. This time try find something from SIS. It's OK though I'm lying.

Again you're making things up. And as I stated Egypt's list was childish and made up.

Again Platoon sized attack, killed 16, stole two Fahds, two Fahds can only take 24 people, only 4-8 were killed by the Israelis.

Israel hands over 4 bodies of Sinai attackers | Egypt Independent

But it's alright I'm making things up.

Egypt said no such thing. And even if we take 'security source' seriously. He states if it is proven that it was related to Gaza. And in the end it had nothing to do with Gaza.

Well, Rafah was surrounded and the policy of tunnel closing was enacted after the attack, coincidence?

Also any claim of attacking Gaza is joke, Egyptian army will cease to exist within two days. Gaza isn't Rabaa civilians son of bitch. And Algeria/Morroco/Libya will immediately wipe off the Zionist army along with all 50million MB inside Egypt.

50 Million yah Ragel! Algeria, you mean the country that Egypt has a strategic and military partnership with? Libya, the nation which Egypt has a solid relationship with and is aiding the government in fighting extremist and Islamist rebels, oh wait is it those rebels who you mean by Libya? Morroco, the only nation with actual military ties with Israel in the region will come to your aid?

What are you smoking!? genuinely interested.

Once again propaganda by Egypt. The attack took place tens of kilometes away from Gaza. Mortar fire doesn't cover that range. And we would hear any such fire. It never happened. In the same way that Egyptian army never devloped Kabob cure for aids.

120mm mortar 10k plus range, the attack took place near the Kelem Shalom border crossing into Israel, which is on the edge of Gaza well within mortar and artillery range, not 10s of kms away.

You are full of shit and don't know what you're talking about. Hamas addressed the list on live tv and gave specific names listed. All of them were dead since 2008 or in Israeli prison.

Sure, I'm full of pooh.

This guy has crushed democracy, banning the MB effectively disenfranchises more than half the egyptian population. Egypt had no 'terrorist ' problem until the military intervened. If these ppeople are the MB, then you can say they are the 'popular' resistance.

Interestingly, the West hasn't complained about the end of democracy in Egypt....

Cross border attack of 2011, August 2012 BG attack look them up. Terrorism in Egypt predates the rise of Sisi. These particular terrorists are not MB.

Stop trying to hide your embarrassment. ABM is rag tag militia made up Egyptian tribes. All their leaders are from Egyptian tribes. They have no training anywhere around world. Even if you look at their footage of attacks, it is hit and run/spray and pray/ambush style.

Yeah, sure. VBIED attacks followed by on foot assualt, with IEDs left for reinforcements and targeting of ambulances, very rag tag, as is their ability to identify and execute personnel when they're off duty.

But of course I'm lying! Would I really have a problem if they were a rag tag bunch of slipper munchers, no. I would be worried, and I would admit the gaps in defence capabilities that existed just like they do now, such as a widespread weakness in NV and FLIR among the infantry. Should of called in super duper Hamas to deal with out problems.
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Stop repeating things for no reason.

I said army stated Morsi orchestrated recent attack.

I have no clue what you're talking regarding 2012 attack. You make false allegations though which are not true.

Egyptian army runs majority of black market in Egypt. This is common known thing. My cab driver was anti-MB and was telling me how they will overthrow Morsi. It has nothing to do with MB(the black market). There are factories all over place where they have such products.

Difference between me and you is I don't lie. You are lying about your allegations against Gaza. I am not lying about black market in Egypt as I've been there more than you and experienced it numerous times.

Stop repeating things for no reason.

I said army stated Morsi orchestrated recent attack.

I have no clue what you're talking regarding 2012 attack. You make false allegations though which are not true.

Egyptian army runs majority of black market in Egypt. This is common known thing. My cab driver was anti-MB and was telling me how they will overthrow Morsi. It has nothing to do with MB(the black market). There are factories all over place where they have such products.

Difference between me and you is I don't lie. You are lying about your allegations against Gaza. I am not lying about black market in Egypt as I've been there more than you and experienced it numerous times.

OK, I'm lying you're telling the truth. You've been there more, I haven't, you know everything I'm ignorant. Care to provide anything of note to back your claims up?

Recently you said the Egyptian military controls 40% of the Egyptian economy then even more recently you said Copts control 3/4 of it, so which is it? I'm guessing this whole Egyptian Military controls the Black Market is a similar thing, ie a lie of convenience or something you read and decided was true and thus keep on pushing it without any actual data.
OK, I'm lying you're telling the truth. You've been there more, I haven't, you know everything I'm ignorant. Care to provide anything of note to back your claims up?

Recently you said the Egyptian military controls 40% of the Egyptian economy then even more recently you said Copts control 3/4 of it, so which is it? I'm guessing this whole Egyptian Military controls the Black Market is a similar thing, ie a lie of convenience or something you read and decided was true and thus keep on pushing it without any actual data.

I said Copts own most of corporations/businesses in Egypt. There is nothing wrong with that. Just countering someone who stated they were persecuted in Egypt. No it isn't lie, if you want to meet me in Egypt this summer I will show you.
I said Copts own most of corporations/businesses in Egypt. There is nothing wrong with that. Just countering someone who stated they were persecuted in Egypt. No it isn't lie, if you want to meet me in Egypt this summer I will show you.

There's a lot wrong with that, it's true the Sawiras' (as a collective family) are the richest people in Egypt but the Egyptian millionaires or richest list is dominated by Muslims as are Egyptian corps and businesses, and copts have been marginalised in Egypt for decades.

The Egyptian black market is dominated by currency exchangers, governmental officials siphoning off subsidised gas, fuel and wheat, as well as 'entrepreneurs' who got shut down selling stuff like the Toc Toc. The Armed Forces has its own corporate empire, no need for black market stuff. You need not show me anything.
There's a lot wrong with that, it's true the Sawiras' (as a collective family) are the richest people in Egypt but the Egyptian millionaires or richest list is dominated by Muslims as are Egyptian corps and businesses, and copts have been marginalised in Egypt for decades.

The Egyptian black market is dominated by currency exchangers, governmental officials siphoning off subsidised gas, fuel and wheat, as well as 'entrepreneurs' who got shut down selling stuff like the Toc Toc. The Armed Forces has its own corporate empire, no need for black market stuff. You need not show me anything.

So what are you arguing with me for...yes they do have black market, come to Cairo Airport this summer and I'll show you from there....

And now we agree Gaza has no relation to this...good....
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