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Simultaneous Attacks in Sinai: Tens of Egyptian Soldiers Killed

Unfortunately it looks that way. I don't know how Egyptian president will manage this. He should release Morsi, end political arrests and make inclusive government. If he persists with iron approach, honestly it might get worse. And everyone knows destabilized Egypt would lead to destabilized Jordan/Saudi Arabia. Which would cause economic depression, but also possible Western invasion of ME.

What will this mean for people of Gaza?
Egyptian Army has killed thousands during protest,this process of genocide was able to stop protest I bet if today if even Israel attacks 60% of Egyptians will not stand behind EA..because if you kill your own peoples you are complete alien to them..

Well said. This is the core problem, yet many of the cyber 'intellectuals' conveniently avoid or ignore this simple fact.
Egyptian Army has killed thousands during protest,this process of genocide was able to stop protest I bet if today if even Israel attacks 60% of Egyptians will not stand behind EA..because if you kill your own peoples you are complete alien to them..

the Army is actually very popular in Egypt, hence why there's no major opposition against Sisi (former Army Chief)
the Army is actually very popular in Egypt, hence why there's no major opposition against Sisi (former Army Chief)

The army was very popular, this is simply not the case anymore!
The way armed rebellion has started it indicates that people are behind that kind of armed resistance against the sisi regime.
The army was very popular, this is simply not the case anymore! The way armed rebellion has started it indicates that people are behind that kind of armed resistance against the sisi regime.

the Egyptian economy is somewhat stabilizing now and the security environment in Cairo and main cities is coming back to normal for the most part. At this point all Egyptians care about is the economy and jobs and cost of living.

There is no popular rebellion against the Army in Egypt at this time and I hope it stays that way. They have a lot of work cut out for them to weed out the scumbags who kill their soldiers and want Egypt to become like Syria
the Egyptian economy is somewhat stabilizing now and the security environment in Cairo and main cities is coming back to normal for the most part. At this point all Egyptians care about is the economy and jobs and cost of living.

There is no popular rebellion against the Army in Egypt at this time and I hope it stays that way. They have a lot of work cut out for them to weed out the scumbags who kill their soldiers and want Egypt to become like Syria

As we speak the so-called Egyptian 'scumbags' are attacking military targets. The Egyptian army no-longer represents the aspiration of the Egyptian people, it represents the aspiration of sisi the thug and his henchmen.
As we speak the so-called Egyptian 'scumbags' are attacking military targets. The Egyptian army no-longer represents the aspiration of the Egyptian people, it represents the aspiration of sisi the thug and his henchmen.

have you been to Egypt before? Especially post revolution? I've been there thrice (once post revolution). Your comments dont reflect the mood of the people I spoke to and interacted with. I even met religious figures who hated the previous govt. Not because of what it stood for but because it was INCOMPETENT. No economic reforms, no security reforms, places of worship were getting bombed, some relics from museums were being looted. Tourism industry was getting raped, and in a country like Egypt - no tourism means the economy takes a significant thrashing.

I'd say the Army has done a good job there. It's fairly stable now and hardly makes the news. They should just be careful not to repeat the old mistakes made. Morsi should also be released for the sake of reconciliation.
well, they bomb the houses to the ground n humiliate the people of Sinai, what do u expect !!


U should update the title
Every single time something happens the same old lice come out of the woodwork come out and blame the terrorism on the actions of Elsisi on the 30th of June onwards when in reality the terrorists started their operations in 2011.

The near collapse of the Police and Central Security Forces along with National Security resulted in the Sinai being a lawless area in which terrorists who escaped Egyptian prisons setting up and exploiting the influx of weapons from Libya heading to Gaza via the tunnels and exploiting the links they had within Gaza.

This terrorism is not a local revolt against the state, it simply isn't. Local frustrations were usually vented by surrounding the MFO or similar actions, not in adopting extremist Salafi Jihadi thought allying themselves with ISIS and calling for the extension of the Islamic State in 'Ard Alkinana'. Plus, the Bediouns don't behead people it's not their style.

2011 southern Israel cross-border attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
August 2012 Sinai attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
well, they bomb the houses to the ground n humiliate the people of Sinai, what do u expect !!

U should update the title

You should get your neural separation looked at.

The video features footage from 'A Message From Sinai' in which forces are raiding abandoned and isolated buildings and '3ishash' used by terrorists to conduct operations, store arms, or use as field hospitals.

The footage of people displaced or killed is of course unfortunate, but that is the nature of war.
Collateral damage does happen as a result of armed conflict in urban areas, and to date there hasn't been any evidence of Egyptian Forces deliberately targeting civilians as in Syria. However, there is plenty of evidence that ABM beheads

and assassinates those it deems to be working alongside the Army or against them, or 'Israeli spies', yet I will hear zero condemnation from your types for that.

EL-ARISH, Egypt — Militants struck more than a dozen army and police targets in the restive Sinai Peninsula with simultaneous attacks involving a car bomb and mortar rounds on Thursday, killing at least 26 security officers.

An Army spokesman immediately blamed former Islamist President Mohammed Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood of orchestrating the attack, which killed 25 Army soldiers and one policeman.

The wide-ranging attacks late Thursday required a previously unseen level of coordination. At least one car bomb was set off outside a military base, while mortars were simultaneously fired at the base, toppling some buildings and leaving soldiers buried under the debris, official said.

Other attacks included mortar rounds fired at a hotel, a police club and more than a dozen checkpoints, officials said.

The militants struck the Northern Sinai provincial capital el-Arish, the nearby town of Sheik Zuwayid and the town of Rafah bordering Gaza.

Hours before the attack, the Islamic State affiliate in Egypt posted on its official Twitter account pictures of masked militants dressed in black. They were carrying rocket-propelled grenades in a show of force, while flying the Islamic State black flag.

The Islamic State affiliate later took credit for Thursday's attacks on Twitter, according to the SITE Intelligence Group.

The group previously known as Ansar Beit al-Maqdis has launched several attacks against police and the army in Sinai in recent years. Ansar Beit al-Maqdis was initially inspired by al-Qaida, but last year it pledged allegiance to the Islamic State, which controls large parts of Syria and Iraq.

At least 60 people were wounded in the attack, according to medical officials, who also confirmed the death toll. Officials said the death toll was expected to rise. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the press.

In a statement posted on his official Facebook page, Army Spokesman Ahmed Samir blamed the Muslim Brotherhood group for orchestrating the attacks.

In a brief statement, he said that because of the "successful strikes" by army and police against terrorist elements in Sinai, militants attacked a number of army and police headquarters using car bombs and mortars. He said that security forces are exchanging gunfire with the militants.

The explosions smashed windows and shook residential areas in el-Arish. Electricity went off across el-Arish.

The army chief-turned-President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, who led the ouster of Morsi, has been depicted as by nationalist media as the rescuer of Egypt from Islamic militancy.

El-Sissi led a wide crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood, who staged near daily demonstrations demanding Morsi's reinstatement, imprisoning thousands and killing hundreds in street protests.

In apparent retaliation, militants launched a spate of attacks that ranged from homemade explosive devices to suicide attacks.

The areas where the attacks took place have been under a state of emergency and a curfew since October, when militants killed 31 soldiers in an attack on a checkpoint in Sinai, the deadliest for the military in recent history

The Islamic State claimed responsibility for that attack in a video posting that showed militants spraying soldiers with bullets and vowing more attacks.

In an attempt to stop weapons smuggling to and from the Gaza Strip, authorities demolished houses and residential buildings located within 500 meters of the border, where a complex network of tunnels had long been used to bring consumer goods, as well as weapons and fighters, to and from the Palestinian territory.

Sinai-based militants have exploited long-held grievances in the impoverished north of the peninsula, where the mainly Bedouin population has complained of neglect by Cairo authorities and where few have benefited from the famed tourist resorts in the more peaceful southern part of Sinai. The police in northern Sinai largely fled during the 2011 uprising that toppled longtime autocrat Hosni Mubarak, as militants attacked their stations and killed scores of security forces.

The Thursday attacks are expected to cause a great deal of embarrassment to the Egyptian government and military after nearly a yearlong offensive in Sinai aimed at uprooting Islamic militants under the banner of fighting terrorism, is largely failing.
It's a tough fight, but not as tough as the insurgency along Afghan-Pak boder. Sinai region is not mountainous, it's fairly barren. I'd be surprised if the Egyptians are not using unmanned aerial systems to monitor areas but they cant be everywhere at one single time

It's a tougher fight than many people realise. Most people I have debated with believe ABM are a rag tag group of Bedouins bumbling about when in reality a large corps of ABM are battle hardened Jihadists who have seen action in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria (many of whom languished in Egyptian jails when they were caught on their return before 2011). A lot of the attacks that happen in the Sinai use the exact same tactics as those used by AQ and the Taliban against ISAF.

It may not be as mountainous but the terrorists do have some form of strategic depth that's out of Egyptian jurisdiction, Gaza. Although Hazzy will rabidly deny it, fighter use/d tunnels to go back and forth after and before operations. Mountainous areas do exist though and you can if you want to hide out for a long time if you're familiar with the terrain.
I think i can manage to read resonably but if you think my comprehension is the problem perhaps continuing en Francais or pa Ruski would help?

It is not a lack of understanding i simply belive you assumptions are wrong. The military lost control in Egypt, they are not going to loose that control again and will probaly be very brutal in response to any group they percieve to be a threat.

ISIS has enough problems at the moment holding on to what they have without trying to take over Jordan.

Saudia Arabia for all its problems has it good people arent going to get off the gravy train to over throw the goverment.

If and a big IF all the Arab goverments fall and the middle east is in chaos people are going to be too woried about surviving to march on mass towards Israel. In both Iraq and Lybia freedom didnt result in a spotaneous movement to free Palestine it resulted in people fighting over the scraps of the old regiem and more cases of Muslims killing Muslims.

Buddy I wasn't making assumptions. I was just stating worst case scenario. I don't actually believe it will get that bad.

It's a tougher fight than many people realise. Most people I have debated with believe ABM are a rag tag group of Bedouins bumbling about when in reality a large corps of ABM are battle hardened Jihadists who have seen action in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria (many of whom languished in Egyptian jails when they were caught on their return before 2011). A lot of the attacks that happen in the Sinai use the exact same tactics as those used by AQ and the Taliban against ISAF.

It may not be as mountainous but the terrorists do have some form of strategic depth that's out of Egyptian jurisdiction, Gaza. Although Hazzy will rabidly deny it, fighter use/d tunnels to go back and forth after and before operations. Mountainous areas do exist though and you can if you want to hide out for a long time if you're familiar with the terrain.

Absolutely we can't make that excuse. Egypt built buffer zone and destroyed every tunnel. So even if you took your conspiracy theories seriously, we no longer can apply them.

Nobody can get into Rafah as easy as you believe. Especially armed men. In the past when tunnels were actually open. Your government and media try blaming Gaza for their problems when it's an Egyptian issue that Egyptians will resolve. Gaza is severely short of arms and can't arm anyone. You remind me of some who claimed Gaza armed Syrian rebels. Which is nonsense, we are in desperate need for any arms and last thing we do is smuggle any out. We smuggle in.

I suggest we stop pitching blame on Gaza because Sisi doesn't like MB.

What will this mean for people of Gaza?

Well when you Egyptians in denial of their situation. They would rather scapagoat Palestinians. The border is already closed for the most part and nothing can get worse than it is now. They no longer can make excuses though after they created massive buffer zone.
Absolutely we can't make that excuse. Egypt built buffer zone and destroyed every tunnel. So even if you took your conspiracy theories seriously, we no longer can apply them.

Nobody can get into Rafah as easy as you believe. Especially armed men. In the past when tunnels were actually open. Your government and media try blaming Gaza for their problems when it's an Egyptian issue that Egyptians will resolve. Gaza is severely short of arms and can't arm anyone. You remind me of some who claimed Gaza armed Syrian rebels. Which is nonsense, we are in desperate need for any arms and last thing we do is smuggle any out. We smuggle in.

I suggest we stop pitching blame on Gaza because Sisi doesn't like MB.

Gaza at the start was a part of the problem, without its tunnel network and the lucrative black market surrounding it terrorist organisations could not arm or fund themselves as they did in 2011.

I'm not one who believes that ABM or any other group in Egypt or the Sinai is a foreign construct, although they may be funded and recieve aid from beyond Egyptian borders, they are an Egyptian construct and it is the state's responsibility, no one else.
Gaza at the start was a part of the problem, without its tunnel network and the lucrative black market surrounding it terrorist organisations could not arm or fund themselves as they did in 2011.

I'm not one who believes that ABM or any other group in Egypt or the Sinai is a foreign construct, although they may be funded and recieve aid from beyond Egyptian borders, they are an Egyptian construct and it is the state's responsibility, no one else.

Gaza had nothing to do with your problems. Black market was always existing in Sinai and other places in Egypt for stuff like Diesel gas, goods, etc...

Arms market in Egypt was never that big of deal until Libya destabilized. Egyptian bediouns took advantage of it to make income. Then from there weapons spread around in Sinai and Al-Arish.

Any nonsense that men travel from Gaza into Egypt is propaganda from your childish government. Your childish military blamed someone who is in military confinement for orchestrating attacks. Someone who has no communication to outside world and has been imprisoned for 2 years now. How do you expect people to take such a childish government seriously?

Stop living in denial. If they are funded by anybody then it certainly isn't coming from us. We are broke as hell. And have over 50% unemployment. Civil employee wages haven't been paid for 8 months. The problem is in your country. Leave us the **** out of it.
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