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Simorgh class drones > ashes of the beast


Dec 9, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
As hajizadeh said >>>

We are going to have 1:1 version:

View attachment 343161

Smaller versions with jet or piston (or wankel) engines:


& bigger versions:


& probably we won't have any problem for a manned tactical bomber !
We need a strategic bomber not tactical bomber!
We need bomber that can cover all of Europe!
We need a strategic bomber not tactical bomber!
We need bomber that can cover all of Europe!
No, we don't.

Iran needs a bomber that can cover the entire middle east. Something like a 3000 km combat radius would ensure safety of operation wherever in the middle east the target is.
Ok ... Take a look :



Landing gears are visible !

& no internal weapon bay !!!


People going to say:

No landing gear doors ... No internal weapon bay ... No stealthy !!!

But take a look at it from another angle !!!

MQ-1C is an UCAV with a low RCS :


It's also able to carry 4 Hellfires...

But no Landing gear doors !


Like saeghe !

Both can blow up 4 targets...

So ...

Saeghe has lower RCS at the end & enough in most of areas :)

Cheap & easy to mass production !

It's still under development & we have to wait for the final product...
When Janes stops laughing and becomes serious:

Iranian 'stealth' UAV test site identified
Jeremy Binnie, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
07 October 2016


A still from Iranian television footage shows a Simorgh taking off from an airstrip that IHS Jane's had identified as the one outside Kashan. Source: Simanews.ir
Video footage of Iran's Simorgh unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) taking off and landing was filmed at Kashan International Airport, according to IHS Jane's geolocation analysis.

Shown by various Iranian TV channels on 1 October, the footage of the aircraft flying at Kashan was the most credible evidence to date to support Iran's claim that it has successfully reverse engineered the US RQ-170 Sentinel reconnaissance UAV that crashed in the east of the country in December 2011.

Iran first displayed the Simorgh copy of the RQ-170 in May 2015, but this was the first time one has been seen flying.

The footage was released by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) when it announced that it has developed a new armed version of the Simorgh called the Saegheh.

This appears to be a reference to a UAV that retains the RQ-170's 'flying wing' shape, but has a far smaller air intake, suggesting it does not use a turbofan engine.

While the Saegheh was not seen flying, the footage shown on Iranian television implied it has entered series production. One shot showed at least 10 of the small-intake aircraft lined up with two large-intake versions. All were on stands rather than their own landing gear.

One of the small-intake aircraft was displayed with four missiles attached to its underside and did not have any landing gear.

@SOHEIL Maybe you should send some of your HQ pics to them.
Why did they ad missiles when your uav have not targeting system:-)? Hellfire missile weights almost 50kg, and i qeus that missiles are same as hellfire. So 200kg on missiles and no targeting system. No flir like orginal rq170 sentinel, how do you want to observe?
Why did they ad missiles when your uav have not targeting system:-)? Hellfire missile weights almost 50kg, and i qeus that missiles are same as hellfire. So 200kg on missiles and no targeting system. No flir like orginal rq170 sentinel, how do you want to observe?

The Drone you're talking about is "Saegheh" which is a cheap and tactical bomber unlike "Simorgh", the actual Iranian made RQ-170 which is meant for surveillance and is equipped with optical and other advanced sensors. You can clearly see it in the pics posted above.


And those are no missiles. they're smart bombs. The optical seekers of the bombs are enough to do the targeting job. No need for extra expensive Flir like systems.
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