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Sikhs were massacred in 1984 even in Indian President Pratibha Patil’s cons

A hero of our Liberation War, Brig Sabegh Singh was killed in this Op. It is said an objective of this Op was to take out Sabegh Sigh who was able to apply his 1971 experience to organizing a Khalistan insurgency that Indian security forces were dreading. His professional expertise could be seen in the defenses he had laid out around the Golden Temple siting his weapons very carefully. The IA Div plus had to use artillery support in addition to its integral beside tanks. Elite 6 Gurads of IA had to take a large casualty in the Op.It is also said he was found in an underground cellar completely dazed by artillery bombardment and gas. Instead of capturing him and Bhindrenwalle IA troops just shot them dead on the spot.
bhindranwale was the sikh equivalent of Bin Laden(but uneducate and stupid), it would have been a headache to keep him alive. Also, I am certain he would have wanted to be martyr.
Dont know about other dude.
Armed insurgency and random acts of violence is not seen favourably by GoI. Whether it succeeds in ending it is a different matter.
A hero of our Liberation War, Brig Sabegh Singh was killed in this Op.

The real champion of your liberation was general Manekshaw who laid down the foundations of it leading to commanders being able to execute it including this guy. He was a respected soldier but he joined the very evil he had fought once. Very unfortunate that he chose the enemies of the nation rather than looking into the country itself for motivation.

Instead of capturing him and Bhindrenwalle IA troops just shot them dead on the spot.

If only today Maoists and LET terrorists were dealt with this way....

---------- Post added at 06:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:29 PM ----------

Sikhs will get justice with conviction of jagdish tytler and kamal nath and others.
I hope some udham singh comes and assasinates them.
And justice delivered

No.. it would only get the poor man killed and evil will continue. The Italian madam G and her 2 puppies is the source of all problems. If they can be arranged for, things will be much better.

---------- Post added at 06:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:30 PM ----------

This woman who is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, refused to even meet war veterans saying she didn't have the time! WTF? This sucks to hell and high heaven! This is the respect she has for the Armed Forces in spite of her being the Supreme Commander!

She was not even a politician if you remember. A domestic help in Indira's house, she became the president ONLY because Sonia Gandhi wanted a puppet. The same is applicable to all the top 5 main ministries that are installed with puppets.
bhindranwale was the sikh equivalent of Bin Laden(but uneducate and stupid), it would have been a headache to keep him alive. Also, I am certain he would have wanted to be martyr.
Dont know about other dude.
Armed insurgency and random acts of violence is not seen favourably by GoI. Whether it succeeds in ending it is a different matter.
Would you say that if you were "sikhguy"?
who so ever will try to disintegrate our India will have to face the ultimate consiquences....no matter from which religion he will be........
Would you say that if you were "sikhguy"?
Probably not. I am not sikh. But then many sikhs despise him too. In any case sikh militants were defeated by Punjab police not army.
I dont have any problem in my govt dealing with Mr Prabhakaran or Mr Paresh Barua,(or those insignificant hindu terrorists who paid muslims to put bombs in mosques). Anybody doing illegal act should be dealth equally by GoI. And if they threaten national security, govt may use excessive force as last resort.

BTW I cant completely support operation bluestar. Did they use too much force? Going by what else Ms Indira Gandhi did, I am inclined to think so.
But that does not change the fact that Bhindranwale was a village thug hailed as a hero by sikhs(especially in Canada and UK).
10,000 Sikhs living in Delhi were killed and some of the Indian members on here talk about justifying it by seeking separatists? wtf is wrong with you people? these Sikhs killed were innocents that lived in the nations capital they had families while trains coming and going to the Punjab were stopped just to single out Sikh men and brutally murder them you guys have the audacity to label them as separatists? smh...

btw there were good militants to the Punjab insurgency and bad ones the good ones were those who fought against the gov't and and their security forces committing atrocities on Sikhs the bad militants were those who killed and looted Sikhs and attacked Hindus and their businesses in Punjab.

as a Agnostic Jain i feel sad for the Sikhs and the Muslims 1984 and 2002 both incidents where the gov't helped planned out or did not do anything to stop the genocide or attacks on a people.
Another major problem for the Sikhs is they accuse the Federal Indian Government is exploiting their land resources especially wheat and water. Many Sikhs accuse the Federal Indian Government of taking their resources and using it to benefit predominantly Hindu provinces, this has been going on for decades.
i just got back from Punjab many of the people there are still furious over the 1984 riots however the support for Khalistan and along with its movement both political and militant are pretty much dead nonetheless thousands of people died mothers lost there husbands children lost their fathers are we really going to let the bastards go unpunished? also many in Punjab have lost faith in the central gov't dismissing them as useless which is true especially since we allow incidents like 1984 slide without any justice.

the Akali Dal when they are out of power scream for support of the Anandpur resolution which in its basic principles states the federal gov't should have control over 4 things Defense, Foreign affairs, Currency, and communication while the rest goes to the states. yet they bury it when they are in power.....

Pappa Singh and his gov't have they're days numbered a BJP victory should occur in 2014.
dont try to fight with sikhs other indians its because of us you are still what you are. i always think of myself as indian but dont make me support khalistan movement. and believe me if indian was majority sikh nation it would been a better nation.
Hindus have used and abused Sikhs i must say this because it is true we sacrifice ourselves for the nation and we are repaid with the barbaric attack on our holiest shrine and the genocide of our people in the nations capital.
I have said this a few times, the congress party needs to apologize to the Sikhs of India for the anti-Sikh riots, and put the culprits like Tytler, Sajaan Kumar and other congress party goons behind bar. This is the least that they can do to bring some sort of closure to that violent period. Otherwise we ll keep seeing our "neighbours" try to reignite the subdued violence. We can see some in this very thread pretending to care about the Sikhs, when we all know what the reality is. :rolleyes:

As for the operation in Golden Temple, its still as holy as it was before the 1984 operation. The sanctity of the holy place was breached by the armed seperatists first, who hid in the Golden Temple, that should have never happened.
Not just Sikhs have endured violence from Hindu extremists, but so have the Muslims.
^ and christians along with the Dalits violence based on religion or ethnicity is a problem in India and a bigger problem than that is getting justice and sending a message to future perpetrators
Well all I can say is I'm glad we have our Pakistan. I feel bad for the Sikhs though. They should make Punjab an autonomous region in India.
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