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Sikh Nation’s Appeal to Pakistani People, Govt. & Media - Dr.Amarit Singh

Only if you know who these middle men were, they us to take away major chunk of the profit rightly belonging to the farmers. About there families?? Most of them are well settled either in India or abroad. Earlier for a crop farmer use to get 10 and the end consumer use to pay 50, now the farmer will get 20 and end consumer will get it for 40.
We don't like middlemen just like you don't. Every nation wants rid of them. However, it isn't that simple as simply deleting them from the economic chain. Modi's shortcuts are creating havoc for Hindustan. We hope he stays for a few decades.
May Allah help sikhs even though sikhism is based upon the hatred of Islam and Muslims........... :disagree:............May Allah help sikhs even though sikhs are responsible for the largest EVER genocide committed against Pakistani people.........1 million innocent Pakistanis massacred by the sikhs in 1947......... .:disagree:
Your enemys enemy is your friend
Your enemys enemy is your friend

Not if they have committed a genocide against your people, massacring 1 million innocent Pakistani men, women and children in 1947.

The FACT remains that it is in Pakistan's BEST interest that hindu sanghism becomes so powerful and pervasive in india that they start to mass kill indian so called "Muslims", and other indian minorities,leading to a civil war which seriously destabilizes india.
Not if they have committed a genocide against your people, massacring 1 million innocent Pakistani men, women and children in 1947.

The FACT remains that it is in Pakistan's BEST interest that hindu sanghism becomes so powerful and pervasive in india that they start to mass kill indian so called "Muslims", and other indian minorities,leading to a civil war which seriously destabilizes india.

We killed a lot of them as well.. it’s the dawn of a new era new alliances
Pakistan should at least take these genuine concerns of Indian Sikhs forward to the UN.

When Khan speaks, one of the schoolboy errors he makes is that he presents the issue of Hindu fascism exclusively through his own lens. If he explains to the target western audiences that actually the Sikhs are constantly approaching and pleading with us directly to advocate for them, and shows these videos and messages and acts as a simple interlocutor, then the message will carry greater credibility. The white person listening will suddenly think - hang on, this isn't just hot air and propaganda, Khan is speaking the truth about hindustan.

And we all know what Hindus fear more than all of Shiva's avatars combined - the white man tutting with disapproval. The rate of submissive head bobbling is directly proportional to the duration of white man tutting.

The RSS also expresses strong anti-abrahamic religious attitudes. That too must be emphasized when presenting the case against the Hindutuva fascism, so that Christians around the world know the true face of what is happening in India.
Our media is prostitute, it will not do anything that can benefit national interest. And unlike Hindustan, Anti-Hindustan mumbo-jumbo doesn't bring TRP, so Pakistani media is not interested in it from business point of view as well. Protest is against laws which are internal matter of Hindustan, so Pakistan asking Hindustani government to accept demand isn't justified (subtle burning is already illegal in Pakistan since years, and Hindustani burning subtle is causing serious health hazardous for Pakistan - so this ban is actually beneficial for Pakistan - in fact Pakistan have criticized Hindustan numerous times on subtle burning). So, at this stage GoP issuing any statement will give Modi sarkar required excuse to term it as "Pakistani Sajish" and divert attention.

PS: But to lit fire in Saffron lungi, GoP should issue some statement, grab pop corns and enjoy Modi Sarkar and media going crazy.
most of the sikhs here in canada are anti-modi (even before the farming saga)..i dont even initiate conversation but they start bad mouthing modi

Generally speaking most Indian diasporpa in the West (except of Gujaratis) are anti modi, while those in the Gulf countries are generally very pro modi.
Get sikhs on our side. Their diaspora is very strong all over. This will help Pakistan to propagate its national interests in forigen countries where they are influential. Pakistan dont have to "buy" lobbyists, just good will and gestures go a long way.
Pakistan was a dream and thanks Allah we have it.. dream come true ....

your dream of sikhs helping muslims will never come true . sikhism was born as reaction against muslims atrocities on hindus .
Pakistan should at least take these genuine concerns of Indian Sikhs forward to the UN.

When Khan speaks, one of the schoolboy errors he makes is that he presents the issue of Hindu fascism exclusively through his own lens. If he explains to the target western audiences that actually the Sikhs are constantly approaching and pleading with us directly to advocate for them, and shows these videos and messages and acts as a simple interlocutor, then the message will carry greater credibility. The white person listening will suddenly think - hang on, this isn't just hot air and propaganda, Khan is speaking the truth about hindustan.

And we all know what Hindus fear more than all of Shiva's avatars combined - the white man tutting with disapproval. The rate of submissive head bobbling is directly proportional to the duration of white man tutting.
That will mean that Pakistan is trying to interfere in an internal matter of India.

Sikhs need to start a struggle, specially an armed one just like Kashmiris, to get relevant. They can't get the rights without sacrifice. There are no free lunches sorry.

Imagine IK raising voice about Sikhs and then the leadership of Indian Punjab issues an statement against him.. how would it feel?

There's a difference between Sikhs living in Canada/ UK and Sikhs living in India.. Sikhs in India are even more extremists than Hindus in my opinion, which will only change once I start seeing a major armed struggle in Indian Punjab.
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