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Sikh Nation’s Appeal to Pakistani People, Govt. & Media - Dr.Amarit Singh

Wishful thinking of some Pakistanis in the thread is adorable and inspirational at best.

As long as India employs a friendly Pakistani government, no secession movement in India is gaining political, material or moral support from Pakistan.

All Pakistan can do is offer smart lockdown tactics and give statements like "The Indian actions will have unprecedented consequences attached in the long run".
Get sikhs on our side. Their diaspora is very strong all over. This will help Pakistan to propagate its national interests in forigen countries where they are influential. Pakistan dont have to "buy" lobbyists, just good will and gestures go a long way.

lol sikhs will never forget atrocities done by muslims on gurus .

The RSS also expresses strong anti-abrahamic religious attitudes. That too must be emphasized when presenting the case against the Hindutuva fascism, so that Christians around the world know the true face of what is happening in India.
hindus are not against Christians , hindus are against only enemies of india who support pakistan .
most of the sikhs here in canada are anti-modi (even before the farming saga)..i dont even initiate conversation but they start bad mouthing modi
who cares for few retards in canada who are not indian citizen?
Our Beghairat media and leaders need to help this Khalistani cause.
your dream of sikhs helping muslims will never come true . sikhism was born as reaction against muslims atrocities on hindus .

Yaar they are not your guard dogs

Hindutva extremism is the biggest poison in India currently and all Indian minorities need to unite against it
Yaar they are not your guard dogs

Hindutva extremism is the biggest poison in India currently and all Indian minorities need to unite against it

sikhs are guard of hindu dharam and Hindustan . they are proud of it .
your army knows it .
Wishful thinking of some Pakistanis in the thread is adorable and inspirational at best.

As long as India employs a friendly Pakistani government, no secession movement in India is gaining political, material or moral support from Pakistan.

All Pakistan can do is offer smart lockdown tactics and give statements like "The Indian actions will have unprecedented consequences attached in the long run".

smart guy , pakistan needs such people .
lol sikhs will never forget atrocities done by muslims on gurus .

Clear present danger of the hydra of hindu terrorism and hindutva terrorist ideology will not be confronted if people still living in past, from all sides. Pakistan is and will remain the Mecca and Madina of sikhism. This a leverage which Pakistan must exploit.
sikhs are guard of hindu dharam and Hindustan . they are proud of it .
your army knows it

It's just that you made them into bodyguards

You keep repeating they are Hindus, they are Hindus when they really want their own distinct identity away from you

All this farmer stuff is a scratch beneath the surface of India and look how much hatred, emotion has been uncovered

India is a poisonous communal state and now others apart from Indian Muslims are waking up
Hindutva extremism is a threat to all and Indian minorities are no longer willing to ignore it
@colonel rajesh @gulli

Priceless isn't it? This is why Pakistanis are giggling at your mess of a country.

Is Vijender Singh another "sellout"?

How many "Chinese and Pakistani agents" will you diagnose before you realise all Indian Sikhs have become "Chinese and Pakistani agents"?

ISI is on holiday while Hindustan screws itself.

rest assured these are minor things of indian democracy , thousands of such protests take place daily in india , this is beauty of indian democracy .
rest assured these are minor things of indian democracy , thousands of such protests take place daily in india , this is beauty of indian democracy .

Jinnahs prediction of India has come true

Indians hate each other more than we hate Hindus

The rise of hindutva extremism is something a diverse India cannot bare and the cracks are widening

When the target was Indian Muslims it was bad enough but now other groups are speaking up
sikhs will never forget atrocities done by muslims on gurus .
What's that got to do with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan? Did Sikhs regard the Kartarpur project as tainted because of Pakistan?

Not sure what planet you're on but if Pakistan gave Sikhs a khalistan carved out of Indian territory tomorrow, they'd gladly bite off the hands of their "dharmic patrons" and take the khalistan.

Meanwhile, the Secular Republic of India did exist in 1984. Sikhs probably remember this. But hey, thanks for speaking on their behalf, as you have been doing throughout your stay on this thread.
rest assured these are minor things of indian democracy , thousands of such protests take place daily in india , this is beauty of indian democracy .
But it's not. You Hindustanis still wish your state was unified and no Pakistan movement ever existed.

You don't see beauty through diversity, only problems.

And we love that you burn because the country you had wet dharmic dreams over never came into existence.

Now since you love democracy, enjoy my freedom to say that and more.
@colonel rajesh @achhu

Hi democracy lovers. Here's beautiful democracy for you...


Ab ye koi bakwass nahin karna...ke ye beychairey koi "Pakistani and Chinese agenda" fulfil karrehey.

Every time you link these protests with "Pakistan" "China" "khalistan", you're belittling and dismissing their concerns in your supposed "democracy". Now go! Listen to them and give them what they demand without once criticising them for "Pakistani Chinese khalistani agenda". See if you can do that. Until that day comes, I will piss myself laughing every time you quack about democracy. You don't understand the meaning. To your filthy little inferior uneducated insignificant minds, you think telling people what to do and dismissing as "antinational" any dissent is some kind of democracy?? Go back to whatsapp university.

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