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Sikh leader under threat in Pakistan

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Jan 22, 2011
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Sikh leader under threat in Pakistan

A prominent leader of Pakistani Sikhs is under threat from unidentified people who have been attacking his business in Lahore for almost six months now, The Express Tribune has learnt.
Sardar Bishon Singh, who has served as the president of Pakistan Sikh Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, has always been vocal against the government’s ‘injustices’ with his community. He has been selling imported cloth in shops across Punjab’s provincial capital since he moved from the tribal areas in 1993.
“I have been threatened with dire consequences if I do not stay silent over issues,” Singh said. “They have threatened me with death and financial loss.”
Other than the threats, he said, cloth worth Rs7 million was looted from his shop in Azam Cloth Market. Another one of his shops, located in Zeenat Tower on the Model Town Link Road, was shut down by the building’s owners.
On September 19, Singh went to his shop only to find that owners had cut power supply and constructed another shop, blocking the way to his shop. “According to the tower’s map, there is no space on which the new shop can be constructed, so I have approached the court where I obtained a stay order. But when I tried to stop the construction, owners threw me outside the tower and closed my shop.”
Police refused to cooperate with him in the case. “Instead of hearing my complaint, police began inquiring if I belonged to India or Pakistan,” Singh said. “I tried to approach Malik Owais, Superintendent Police (SP) Model Town, but he said he had no time to entertain Sikhs as he had to deal with more pressing issues.”
“I then approached Zahid Aslam Gondal, the deputy secretary for law and order at the [Punjab] Chief Minister Secretariat, but I was not treated well. [Punjab] Governor Latif Khosa has now asked me to come see him,” he said.
When approached, SP Owais admitted that he had ignored Singh’s complaint because he had other commitments but said he has referred the application to relevant officials.
Owner of the building, Rashid Ahmad, also seemed to feel no remorse over shutting down Singh’s shop and admitted that he had cut electricity supply but claimed that it was because Singh owed him Rs0.5 million on account of maintenance charges for five years.
But for Singh, this could just be the end of the rope for his patience. “If the government of Pakistan cannot protect my life and even my business in one of its safest cities, then I should be allowed to migrate from this country, which is [only] for Muslims,” Singh said.

Sikh leader under threat in Lahore – The Express Tribune
Sikh leader under threat in Pakistan

A prominent leader of Pakistani Sikhs is under threat from unidentified people who have been attacking his business in Lahore for almost six months now, The Express Tribune has learnt.
Sardar Bishon Singh, who has served as the president of Pakistan Sikh Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, has always been vocal against the government’s ‘injustices’ with his community. He has been selling imported cloth in shops across Punjab’s provincial capital since he moved from the tribal areas in 1993.
“I have been threatened with dire consequences if I do not stay silent over issues,” Singh said. “They have threatened me with death and financial loss.”
Other than the threats, he said, cloth worth Rs7 million was looted from his shop in Azam Cloth Market. Another one of his shops, located in Zeenat Tower on the Model Town Link Road, was shut down by the building’s owners.
On September 19, Singh went to his shop only to find that owners had cut power supply and constructed another shop, blocking the way to his shop. “According to the tower’s map, there is no space on which the new shop can be constructed, so I have approached the court where I obtained a stay order. But when I tried to stop the construction, owners threw me outside the tower and closed my shop.”
Police refused to cooperate with him in the case. “Instead of hearing my complaint, police began inquiring if I belonged to India or Pakistan,” Singh said. “I tried to approach Malik Owais, Superintendent Police (SP) Model Town, but he said he had no time to entertain Sikhs as he had to deal with more pressing issues.”
“I then approached Zahid Aslam Gondal, the deputy secretary for law and order at the [Punjab] Chief Minister Secretariat, but I was not treated well. [Punjab] Governor Latif Khosa has now asked me to come see him,” he said.
When approached, SP Owais admitted that he had ignored Singh’s complaint because he had other commitments but said he has referred the application to relevant officials.
Owner of the building, Rashid Ahmad, also seemed to feel no remorse over shutting down Singh’s shop and admitted that he had cut electricity supply but claimed that it was because Singh owed him Rs0.5 million on account of maintenance charges for five years.
But for Singh, this could just be the end of the rope for his patience. “If the government of Pakistan cannot protect my life and even my business in one of its safest cities, then I should be allowed to migrate from this country, which is [only] for Muslims,” Singh said.

Sikh leader under threat in Lahore – The Express Tribune

Wow wat a minority loving country..Now dont complain if muslims are treated the same way in Punjab even action has a reaction..
Very said to hear this about our Sikh brothers and sisters i remember 2 yrs ago they even beheaded 2 sikhs and sent their heads to the temple :angry:
Wow wat a minority loving country..Now dont complain if muslims are treated the same way in Punjab even action has a reaction..

Well, Muslims are treated in the same way in Punjab, but I am not talking about indian punjab. Muslims in Pakistani punjab are treated in the same way. .

As the article mentions that he was talking against the government; so the government is obviously doing this to him not because he is a SIKH but because he is talking against the government, which is obviously not good. .
Wow wat a minority loving country..Now dont complain if muslims are treated the same way in Punjab even action has a reaction..

Why should Indian Muslims pay for the misdeeds of Pakistani govt..

ISI does this to everyone who expresses an anti govt view.. Sikh or Muslim, doesnt matter.. Wasnt that journalist recently murdered by ISI a muslim??
Very said to hear this about our Sikh brothers and sisters i remember 2 yrs ago they even beheaded 2 sikhs and sent their heads to the temple :angry:

You people are always worried about sikh brothers and hindu brothers living across the border but not about muslin brothers this simply shows what kind of thinking you have about muslims..... and then you say what is a hindu mentality which pakistani always talk about... If you say yourself a secular country then mind it that there isn't any of your brother living in pakistan... If pakistan is a terrorist state then these sikhs are also included in it....
Relegion shud not be a matter of concern for a person living in a secular country and praising secularism...

We can say our muslim brothers 'cause we consider muslims as a spearate natin :)

---------- Post added at 05:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:38 PM ----------

Why should Indian Muslims pay for the misdeeds of Pakistani govt..

ISI does this to everyone who expresses an anti govt view.. Sikh or Muslim, doesnt matter.. Wasnt that journalist recently murdered by ISI a muslim??

ISI wasn't involved in that... You people have some personal issues with ISI otherwise ISI is not that wailee k har banda jo marta hai wohi maartey hain...

What America is saying about ISI just please us more... ISI is giving hard time to Uncle sam as well :)
even pakistanis are not secure and any bomb doesnt see the religion before blast.
anyway,they are pakistani first.:tup:
You people are always worried about sikh brothers and hindu brothers living across the border but not about muslin brothers this simply shows what kind of thinking you have about muslims..... and then you say what is a hindu mentality which pakistani always talk about... If you say yourself a secular country then mind it that there isn't any of your brother living in pakistan... If pakistan is a terrorist state then these sikhs are also included in it....
Relegion shud not be a matter of concern for a person living in a secular country and praising secularism...

We can say our muslim brothers 'cause we consider muslims as a spearate natin

Sikhs are a minority in Pakistan whereas India has over 180 million muslims who can look after their rights as they even have muslim political parties and vote bank

Sikhs are brothers to Hindus we believe in karma and reincarnation so we will support them no matter what country they live in i know you don't care for anyone but muslims but dont paint me with the same brush as you.
Why should Indian Muslims pay for the misdeeds of Pakistani govt..

ISI does this to everyone who expresses an anti govt view.. Sikh or Muslim, doesnt matter.. Wasnt that journalist recently murdered by ISI a muslim??

Now where did ISI come in this scene?? :what:
For your info there are even Sikhs in PA. But you people are just. . :hitwall:
ISI wasn't involved in that... You people have some personal issues with ISI otherwise ISI is not that wailee k har banda jo marta hai wohi maartey hain...

And you know this how?
I hope n pray for the well being of Sikh and other minorities.
Sikhs are a minority in Pakistan whereas India has over 180 million muslims who can look after their rights as they even have muslim political parties and vote bank

Sikhs are brothers to Hindus we believe in karma and reincarnation so we will support them no matter what country they live in i know you don't care for anyone but muslims but dont paint me with the same brush as you.

Oh yeah! I know how much you care for them; when I go through the history and try to find out the reason to why Indira Gandhi was assassinated by Satwant Singh and Beant Singh??? :close_tema:
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