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Signs of Resistance to China’s Latest Ideological Crackdown

In china,CCP is a very complex party cause it concludes different class of society.It is no long a party defined by communistic idealogy but as social manage organisition.The standard of joining the party is not by your classification in society.but absorbing the most excellent people in different fields so that the deciesion will be made by elite in the society.
I think the most different in CCP between western political system is avoiding the capital interference for the public policy.
In china,the state-owned enterprise are good tool to accomplish state policy instead of changing the nation policy.So china can quickly finish the infrastructure without much disturb.
I heard the speech of TED,called the china created a new development which threated the dominated western politic system,the national capitalism.However, i have noticed the subtle difference in china as the huge capital power is under control by CCP.The profitable ambition is opression which mislead many country into the wrong way.
But for China ,how manage the goverment power and let the market has its own self-power is core problem in the next several decade.IMO its significant may diectly determinate the furture of china.
As I said, she is politically insensitive, and she even made the selfie with an iPhone, which is politically incorrect for being the first lady of China. BTW, nobody is perfect, and we don't blame her for that since she is still a good wife and a good mother.

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She sent her daughter to Harvard which is none of Xi Jinping's business.

As long as Xi Jinping himself is still a hardcore conservative, that only matters to us.

BTW, did we say that we are going to reject the western ideology? Isn't communism a western ideology?

And we aren't going to take the western liberalism which is unsuitable for our society, period.

Good reply. Well you are right, i guess its her husbands ideology/stand that matters to China. Also we both agree China isnt going to 'reject western ideology' like some CCP officials tried to insinuate, Since if that was the case, then the CCP itself should be disbanded and replaced by a truly Chinese ideology like Taoism,confucianism etc :) lol So as i said, its just propaganda talk from these officials(hypocrites by the way), just trying to score political points and secure their own power even more.

Anyway, must say your first lady using an iphone isnt very flattering, guess all her details is in the Pentagon office by now. :buba_phone: Big brother is always watching.:big_boss::usflag: ahahahahahhaahah:lol:
Good reply. Well you are right, i guess its her husbands ideology/stand that matters to China. Also we both agree China isnt going to 'reject western ideology' like some CCP officials tried to insinuate, Since if that was the case, then the CCP itself should be disbanded and replaced by a truly Chinese ideology like Taoism,confucianism etc :) lol So as i said, its just propaganda talk from these officials(hypocrites by the way), just trying to score political points and secure their own power even more.

Anyway, must say your first lady using an iphone isnt very flattering, guess all her details is in the Pentagon office by now. :buba_phone: Big brother is always watching.:big_boss::usflag: ahahahahahhaahah:lol:

Yeah, the US keeps saying that they are only going to topple the 'dictator', not the country itself, but look what happened to those countries at the end when those 'dictators' were removed?

Please, don't treat us as a bunch of gullible children, we are a 5000 years civilization, and we are not here for nothing.
Good reply. Well you are right, i guess its her husbands ideology/stand that matters to China. Also we both agree China isnt going to 'reject western ideology' like some CCP officials tried to insinuate, Since if that was the case, then the CCP itself should be disbanded and replaced by a truly Chinese ideology like Taoism,confucianism etc :) lol So as i said, its just propaganda talk from these officials(hypocrites by the way), just trying to score political points and secure their own power even more.

Anyway, must say your first lady using an iphone isnt very flattering, guess all her details is in the Pentagon office by now. :buba_phone: Big brother is always watching.:big_boss::usflag: ahahahahahhaahah:lol:
all politicians' smartphones are watched by your big brother, isn't it?:usflag:
all politicians' smartphones are watched by your big brother, isn't it?:usflag:

Yes to some extent. After all, our GCHQ and U.S NSA always work together and share infos/intelligence to be honest. We are quite close in this respect.:D
Signs of Resistance to China’s Latest Ideological Crackdown
Forcing students to reject ideas from the West may just encourage them to live there instead.

The Chinese government is telling its educators and pupils to forswear Western ideas. But teachers and students aren’t sure they agree with the new, stringent policies designed to enforce the ideological shift, and they are voting with their feet.

On January 29, Chinese Education Minister Yuan Guiren summoned administrators from China’s top universities, including Beijing-based flagships Tsinghua University and Peking University, to lay down a new government mandate. Colleges must not allow classrooms to be “infiltrated by textbooks that spread Western values,” Yuan informed university officials, and ideas that “smear” socialism or the Chinese Communist Party leaders must be banned. The minister also indicated that Western textbooks used in Chinese classrooms should receive greater scrutiny.

University officials soon called for political conferences to inculcate the new guidelines, and delivered verbal and written pledges of loyalty to the party. Zhu Jidong, a top-ranking propaganda official at the government-affiliated Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, even suggested in a Feb. 2 essay that professors who criticize socialism or the party be singled out as one might when “plucking nails.”

This new round of ideological tightening has generated a chilling effect. Professors, especially those in the fields of humanities and the social sciences, feel the ice under their feet becoming dangerously thin — maybe impossibly so. “Every aspect of (China’s) laws, be it the concept or the institution, are converging with the West,” said He Weifang, a law professor at Peking University, in an Jan. 30 interview with German outlet Deutsche Welle. “If Western values are banned from China’s legal education, we’ll have no idea how to teach our classes.” On Weibo, China’s huge Twitter-like microblogging platform, Professor He further pointed out the hypocrisy of the new mandate. “Top [Western] universities are crowded with high-ranking party leaders’ children. To protect the leaders’ children from Western values,” He wrote, “shouldn’t the Ministry of Education require them to only go to socialist countries, such as North Korea, for study abroad?”

Many educators and intellectuals in China have expressed concern over the ideological mandate’s impact on the vitality of Chinese intelligentsia and the quality of the country’s higher education. He Sanwei, a columnist at privately-run Southern People Weekly, argued in a Feb. 7 Weibo post that “imported books and original texts are very important to academia. If the government prescreens these research materials,” He Sanwei asked, “how can there be scholarship?” He wrote that parents, not the government, should decide how their children are educated. And in a Feb. 9 interviewwith party mouthpiece People’s Daily, Gong Ke, the president of the prestigious Nankai University in the northeastern city of Tianjin, warned of ideological extremism. Gong said, “I object to the online chanting demanding to cleanse, purify, and rectify faculties. It belongs to a 1957 or 1966 state of mind.” Gong was referring to the government-led Rectification Campaigns and the Cultural Revolution, two ideological cleansing and suppression movements against Chinese intellectuals that had disastrous results.

Outflow of talent is a problem for China — and the party knows it. A June 2013 article in party mouthpiece People’s Daily concluded that China had the “world’s worst brain drain.”

But subjecting Chinese education to further political and ideological interference may hurt China’s long-term strategy to stop its losses.But subjecting Chinese education to further political and ideological interference may hurt China’s long-term strategy to stop its losses. Wang Dongcheng, a professor at the China Youth University of Political Studies, a training ground for future political leaders, wrote in an article published on Social Sciences Forum in July 2013, “The problem with education is, above all, the epitome of the problem with the state system, social culture, and political institutions. The party government politicalizes education to strengthen its authority.” Chinese education experts have long blamed a lack of academic freedom at Chinese universities, among other factors, for driving Chinese students and their parents to look overseas for higher education alternatives. Zhan Jie, a graduate student at New York University, is one of them. She says she has been passionate about human rights advocacy for years, but she told Foreign Policy that she understands this research field is “inconveniently sensitive” back in China, which stunts its development as a discipline there. “I chose to come to the United States to pursue my Master’s degree in political science, because I felt it would be less constricted here, and that I would receive a better education,” she said.

Statistics suggest the brain drain is real. Each year, more Chinese students have been opting out of the Chinese higher education system and heading Stateside. According to the Institute of International Education, 274,439 Chinese students studied in the United States in the 2013-2014 academic year, a 16.5 percent increase from the previous year. According to that data, since 2007, the number of Chinese students on U.S. campuses has grown by ten percent or more each year; there are now five times more Chinese students in U.S. universities than there were in 2000. A more thorny problem for China is that the majority of the students who go abroad chose to stay. According to the statistics aggregated by China’s Ministry of Education, from the start of Chinese economic reform in the late 1970’s to the end of 2013, the aggregate number of the students who went abroad for education was 3.05 million; only 1.44 million of them returned.

An even higher percentage of Chinese with advanced degrees have chosen to stay abroad. A January 2014 study published by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, which is affiliated with the U.S. Department of Energy, tracked the 4,121 Chinese students who received science and engineering doctorates in the United States in 2006. In 2011, five years after their graduation, 85 percent of those students remained in the United States, far higher than the 66 percent average stay rate for all foreign science and engineering doctorate graduates. The only country with a greater percentage of engineering doctoral graduates staying in the United States was Iran, at 92 percent.

To reverse the outflow of talent, in 2008 the Chinese government launched a new initiative, the High-Level Overseas Talents Recruitment Program, to attract foreign and overseas Chinese experts to the country’s leading research labs and universities. In addition to salary and benefits, financial support for recruited experts includes lump-sum grants of $160,000 from the central government as well as research subsidies in some cases. As of 2014, this program has successfully attracted more than 4,100 top minds in various fields of science and technology from around the world, including over 1,400 renowned professors, 46 foreign science and engineering academicians, and three Nobel Prize laureates.

To be sure, more students have returned of late. An official 2013 surveyshowed that 72.3 percent of overseas Chinese students expressed strong interest in landing jobs back home. To some extent, this is the lingering effect of the 2008 financial crisis, which devastated job markets in many Western countries. The steady growth of China’s economy against the dire backdrop of global economic downturn has offered overseas Chinese student a convenient plan B. But it remains to be seen whether these numbers will persist as Western economies recover.

It’s impossible to predict or gauge exactly how China’s latest crackdown will affect its effort to retain talent. But it’s clear that in order to nurture and retain world-class academics and researchers, China needs creative intellectual communities and robust higher education institutions. Forcing Chinese academia into an ideological straitjacket is unlikely to help. After all, “you can ban textbooks, but you can’t prevent people from pursuing their dreams,” wrote Yu Shenghai, a financial and economic writer, on Weibo. “You can blindfold others, but it doesn’t mean that enlightenment belongs to you.”

Signs of Resistance to China’s Latest Ideological Crackdown | Foreign Policy

Now please for an issue as important as this, don't come to CCP defense mode. CCP has done a lot good, I accept it, but it is blatantly false. Totally absolutely.

Now let me explain myself.

Do I recommend blindly following western principles or systems?

Hell! NO

But this assertion that western ideas should be banned, is simply wrong on many fronts.

1. How do you define a western idea? There is no definition. Least to say, that there is no definition of west itself.
2. China is hell filled with western ideas. The whole financial system, many parts of it. The whole banking system, technology etc etc.
3. There is no western idea per se. There is only an idea or ideology. You should decide for yourself independent of its origins the usefulness of this thing.
4. Banning ANYTHING only reinforces it. When will CCP understand this one simple thing?
5. The BIGGEST hypocrisy is when the CCP literally came via a totally western ideology of Marxism, kept quoting and swearing Marx. Tried to destroy all original Chinese culture in Cultural Revolution.

I think "banning western ideology" is a rather ridicules description of what China is trying to do. The more accurate description is "rejecting ideologies that are not suited of Chinese needs". Modern day China rejects a lot of its old traditions as well, but it mostly because these traditions are simply not beneficial.

I have always maintained that mindlessly copying another countries' ideology and social system is a disaster waiting to happen. China does recognize and the officials have repeatedly stated that there are many good points from other country that we should learn from, but that by no means we are not rejecting the bad ones.
That's why some people in the west think China mysterious since China's behavior is different from its claimed ideology


It isn't that China is mysterious nor is it that our behavior is different from what we say.

It is that we do exactly what we say, but others aren't listening. But that's OK, because if they don't listen, that's their problem, and they will have to live with the consequences of ignoring us.
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