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Siachen: 30 years of Indian Occupation

It's injustice to the people of Kashmir who are suffering under the boot of Indian Occupation.
What makes it Indian territory? the Indian soldiers who are occupying it.

Document of accession signed by last King of Kashmir,signing over all territories of janmu and Kashmir over to Indian union..makes it ours.

What is your legality that you claim j&k as yours.
It's injustice to the people of Kashmir who are suffering under the boot of Indian Occupation.
What makes it Indian territory? the Indian soldiers who are occupying it.

why do you worry about it, isn't that non of your business !!
what makes it indian territory ??? well Kashmir was officially given to us by the King of Kashmir.. Enough for you??11
Siachen along with the rest of Kashmir is logicaly Pakistani territory. India attacked and occupied Kashmir in 1948 and Siachen in 1984.

yes logically :lol:

Here lemme give you the meaning of logic( which you seem to lack btw)

  1. 1.
    reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity
so the title you gave is wrong .... by the way you didn't answer my question ... why kashmir is yours???
Kashmir belongs to the Kashmiris not to me or you. and they want to be part of Pakistan.
why do you worry about it, isn't that non of your business !!
what makes it indian territory ??? well Kashmir was officially given to us by the King of Kashmir.. Enough for you??11

No its not. Kashmir is not an animal that can be given by some king to this or that person.
Like I said before Kashmir belongs to the Kashmiris who want to be part of Pakistan. Why is it so difficult for you to comprehend?
if kashmir belong to kashmiri then what is bothering u....
just keep calm and save ur nation.....rather than crying for kashmir......
Any human with a heart when see injustice will raise a voice against it.
We are not robots we are humans and when we see the cruelty that the Kashmires endure under Indian Occupation, we are compelled to raise a voice.
It's injustice to the people of Kashmir who are suffering under the boot of Indian Occupation.
What makes it Indian territory? the Indian soldiers who are occupying it.

Treaty of accession, Assembly resolutions of J&K's elected majority (led by Sheikh Abdullah) accepting autonomy within Union of India, facts on the ground (ownership/possession is 95% of the law), large segments of the population- not just Pandits- being pro Indian.

Now, we accept political grievances and injustice given to them, by other Kashmiris nonetheless (Indira Gandhi put emergency in entire India and murdered thousands of Sikhs in a short span of time as well), but the solution will be from India, by India, and for Indians (which Kashmiris are).

However, what about Pakistani occupation of Gilgit-baltistan & Pakistan occupied Kashmir? Do you have any legal basis for sending foreign tribal pathan invaders to loot and slaughter first Gilgitis and then Kashmiri women and children in Baramulla? Did the occupying Pakistani state heed to UN's demands, in a resolution tabled after efforts by Kashmiri Nehru, to withdraw all Pakistani troops and civilians from Azad Kashmir/GB so that a plebscite deciding the Princely State's collective future can take place?

You have not done so, and will unlikely ever do so, because generations of foreign pathans and punjabis have settled in land occupied by your army, hence the deadlock of Kashmir.

Siachen was an uninhabited, undemarcated part of Ladakh/ occupied Baltistan, which our intelligence was good enough to take action on before your conspicuously wintergear-shopping army occupied the glacier itself.
Kashmir belongs to the Kashmiris not to me or you. and they want to be part of Pakistan.

Guess what now Kashmir belongs to India not Pakistanis or Kashmiris... And Kashmiris elect their own leaders... They even put themselves to be part of Government of India by joining politics, Police, Military etc.... Now the Forces in Kashmir who are hunting down the Pakistani Terrorists are mostly from Kashmir.... And the terrorists who attack both Indian Army and Kashmiri people are 90% from Pakistan and 10% are from Kashmir....
this is something they don't teach you in Pakistan schools are in your maddarassas

No its not. Kashmir is not an animal that can be given by some king to this or that person.
Like I said before Kashmir belongs to the Kashmiris who want to be part of Pakistan. Why is it so difficult for you to comprehend?

Is it can be... and is done throughout the History....
Its the King of Kashmir's will to hand over his property to anyone he wishes....
It was a foolish mistake from Pakistan to attack Kashmir in the first place

Any human with a heart when see injustice will raise a voice against it.
We are not robots we are humans and when we see the cruelty that the Kashmires endure under Indian Occupation, we are compelled to raise a voice.

Then why don't you raise your voice against the occupation of Baluchistan..??? why don't you raise your voice against your government for not doing anything about the ongoing massacre of innocent Shia Muslims in Pakistan??
you change the title of the thread to offend Indians and you want to talk about Justice??????!!!!!!!
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Treaty of accession, Assembly resolutions of J&K's elected majority (led by Sheikh Abdullah) accepting autonomy within Union of India, facts on the ground (ownership/possession is 95% of the law), large segments of the population- not just Pandits- being pro Indian.

Treaty of accession signed by Hindu King under pressure from Indian government. The Kashmiri people were never consulted. @Armstrong can give you more details.
Now, we accept political grievances and injustice given to them, by other Kashmiris nonetheless (Indira Gandhi put emergency in entire India and murdered thousands of Sikhs in a short span of time as well), but the solution will be from India, by India, and for Indians (which Kashmiris are).

Kashmir is not Indian territory, the people of Kahmir don't accept that. So no matter how much you push down their throats they don't want to be Indian.
The future of Kashmir should be decided in an internationally organised referendum which Indian agreed to at the UN but never carried out.
However, what about Pakistani occupation of Gilgit-baltistan & Pakistan occupied Kashmir? Do you have any legal basis for sending foreign tribal pathan invaders to loot and slaughter first Gilgitis and then Kashmiri women and children in Baramulla? Did the occupying Pakistani state heed to UN's demands, in a resolution tabled after efforts by Kashmiri Nehru, to withdraw all Pakistani troops and civilians from Azad Kashmir/GB so that a plebscite deciding the Princely State's collective future can take place?

Ooh right the Kahmiri Pandet Nehru and their love of the majority's rights. Right?
You have not done so, and will unlikely ever do so, because generations of foreign pathans and punjabis have settled in land occupied by your army, hence the deadlock of Kashmir.

Pakhtons have been part of Kashmir for centuries, it's nothing new.
Gilgit-Baltistan is a separate province. I thought we were discussing Kashmir here
Siachen was an uninhabited, undemarcated part of Ladakh/ occupied Baltistan, which our intelligence was good enough to take action on before your conspicuously wintergear-shopping army occupied the glacier itself.

Siachen was and is uninhabited which belonged to Pakistan. And it never belonged to India. That is till 1984 when India sent it's troops and occupied this territory and Pakistan replied by stationing its own soldiers and stopping the Indian advance.
@nangyale - Leave it wrrora; they & us we rarely agree on anything & we're not about to start today ! :)

Khair if you want to know more about the Kashmir Conflict...give the book The Untold Story of the People of Azad Kashmir by Christopher Snedden, a read - it busts almost every Indian narrative about Kashmir that there is & also takes Pakistan to task - which makes it pretty objective....plus its fairly well referenced !
@nangyale - Leave it wrrora; they & us we rarely agree on anything & we're not about to start today ! :)

Khair if you want to know more about the Kashmir Conflict...give the book The Untold Story of the People of Azad Kashmir by Christopher Snedden, a read - it busts almost every Indian narrative about Kashmir that there is & also takes Pakistan to task - which makes it pretty objective....plus its fairly well referenced !

The reason for opening this thread wasn't to attract all the trolls.
But was rather to look back at a time when Pakistan lost a huge swath of it's territory. This was the reason I posted it in the Pakistan Army section.
It's the 30th anniversary of the tragedy of Siachen and I was astonished not to see any thread on this topic. As a country to progress we should look both at our successes and failures. In order to learn and succeed in the future.
Treaty of accession signed by Hindu King under pressure from Indian government. The Kashmiri people were never consulted. @Armstrong can give you more details.

Kashmir is not Indian territory, the people of Kahmir don't accept that. So no matter how much you push down their throats they don't want to be Indian.
The future of Kashmir should be decided in an internationally organised referendum which Indian agreed to at the UN but never carried out.

Ooh right the Kahmiri Pandet Nehru and their love of the majority's rights. Right?

Pakhtons have been part of Kashmir for centuries, it's nothing new.
Gilgit-Baltistan is a separate province. I thought we were discussing Kashmir here

Siachen was and is uninhabited which belonged to Pakistan. And it never belonged to India. That is till 1984 when India sent it's troops and occupied this territory and Pakistan replied by stationing its own soldiers and stopping the Indian advance.

You've answered my points with rhetoric and quips. No way to reply to facts.

How do we know what they want until a referendum is held in the entire Princely State, as per UN resolutions? Have you read the UN resolution and what is requires of Pakistan before the plebiscite takes place? Go and do so, then discuss.

Nehru himself took the issue to the UN and promised in Lal Chowk that Kashmiris will have their choice. Because Sheikh Abdullah was the most legitimate leader of Kashmiris at the time, Jinnah and gang decided not to follow UN resolutions for fear of losing referendum. Now that you've sent Punjabi and pathan terrorists since 1989, and caused havoc, you all of the sudden want a referendum (that too only in the part held by India), without meeting prerequisites of resolution on your side. It's laughably hypocritical.

Pathans and Kashmir, lets not get into it. I'm not going into history during Islamic invasions on this thread. But you can always read Cambridge, Oxford or any other neutral history books to understand what happened to Kashmir and its people's rich Shaivite culture.

Gilgit Baltistan is part of undivided J&K as per UN resolution. Again shows you have not read it, yet keep harping on about it like most pakistanis do. Kashmiri Pandit Nehru had more respect in 1948 amongst Kashmiri people in the valley, than the Gujarati second generation convert from Hinduism Jinnah did. Who did Sheikh Abdullah support before and after independence again? Mister Pathan, I don't expect you to know the history of a foreign land, but atleast read up on it if you want to debate.

Any neutral source that says Siachen belonged to Pakistan? It was undemarcated - by definition belonging to neither. Your troops were about to occupy it until IA got wind of it. Hence, another example of PA's incompetence being blamed on 'conniving' India - when you were about to do the exact same thing.
In future this 1 million will become a fractional peanut to our economy.It is already like that.No matter whatever is the cost ,we must protect our territory.
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