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Shukrayaan-1: India's proposed Venus mission attracts international payload proposals.

Oct 6, 2020
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Bengaluru: The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has short-listed 20 space-based experiment proposals, including from France, for its proposed Venus orbiter mission 'Shukrayaan' to study the planet for more than four years.

These include "collaborative contributions" from Russia, France, Sweden and Germany, sources in the Bengaluru- headquartered space agency said.

ISRO was earlier eyeing June, 2023 for the country's first mission to Venus.

“But we are currently reviewing this mission timeline due to delays arising from the pandemic situation”, an ISRO official said.

“Future launch opportunity is either in 2024 or 2026”. It was noted that the optimal launch window (when Venus is closest to the Earth) comes about every 19 months.

Of the Indian and international payload proposals it received in response to an announcement of opportunity for novel space-based experiments to study Venus, ISRO has short-listed 20.

“These 20 payload (scientific instruments) proposals, including collaborative contributions from Russia, France, Sweden and Germany, are currently under review”, the ISRO official said.

The one already selected, according to French space agency CNES, is France’s VIRAL instrument (Venus Infrared Atmospheric Gas Linker) co-developed with the Russian space agency Roscosmos, and the LATMOS atmospheres, environments and space observations laboratory attached to the French national scientific research centre CNRS.

“Swedish Institute of Space Physics is engaged with India’s mission to Venus”, sources said.

According to ISRO, scientific objectives of ISRO’s Venus mission are investigation of the surface processes and shallow subsurface stratigraphy; and solar wind interaction with Venusian Ionosphere, and studying the structure, composition and dynamics of the atmosphere.

Venus is often described as the “twin sister” of the Earth because of the similarities in size, mass, density, bulk composition and gravity.

It is believed that both planets share a common origin, forming at the same time out of a condensing nebulosity around 4.5 billion years ago, ISRO had noted in its announcement of opportunity.

Venus is around 30 per cent closer to the Sun as compared to Earth resulting in much higher solar flux.

Exploration of Venus began in the early 1960s. Venus has been explored by flyby, orbiter, a few lander missions and atmospheric probes.

“In spite of great progress made in exploring Venus, there still exist gaps in our basic understanding about surface/sub-surface features and processes, super rotation of Venusian atmosphere and its evolution and interaction with solar radiation/solar wind”, ISRO had said.

The payload capability of the proposed 2500-kg satellite, planned to be launched onboard GSLV Mk II rocket, is likely to be 175 kg with 500W of power.

The proposed orbit is expected to be around 500 x 60,000 km around Venus. This orbit is likely to be reduced gradually, over several months to a lower apoapsis (farthest point).


Shukrayaan-1 is a proposed orbiter to Venus by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to study the surface and atmosphere of Venus.

Funds were released in 2017 to complete preliminary studies, and solicitations for instruments have been announced. If fully funded, it would be launched some time after the Mars Orbiter Mission 2 in the early 2020s. The orbiter, depending on its final configuration, would have a science payload capability of approximately 100 kilograms (220 lb) with 500 W available power. The initial elliptical orbit around Venus is expected to have 500 km (310 mi) at periapsis and 60,000 km (37,000 mi) at apoapsis.
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Using foreign aid money to launch low quality space missions when the money could be spent on helping 53% of Indians who still $hit in the open. Truly pathetic.
It is not foreign aid. Plus India is already open defecation free. Yes it was and is a problem in the subcontinent but we worked on it and now everyone has basic sanitation.
It is not foreign funded, the French have shown interest only recently.
They are paying for the payloads not offering aid. :rolleyes1:
Yes, they (ISRO) are going to send a French (maybe other countries payloads too in future).
It was initially planned to be a solo mission with Indian payload but now it will be carrying a French payload as well for the same purpose, Studying Venus’s atmosphere.
Put this money to better use, like building toilets.

That has nothing to do with the topic. Why are you so triggered over their space program?
I figured you may get it if I went GOOGLE TRANSLATE and said it in Bangla-desh language. আপনার ট্যাক্সি বোকা ফিরে যান :yes4:
Shukrayaan-1’s science payload would have a mass of 100 kg (220 lb) and would consist of instruments from India and other countries. As of December 2019, 16 Indian and 7 international payloads have been shortlisted. Some of them will be selected.

Indian instruments
  • Venus L&S-Band SAR
  • VARTISS (HF radar)
  • VSEAM (Surface Emissivity)
  • VTC (Thermal Camera)
  • VCMC (Cloud Monitoring)
  • LIVE (Lightning Sensor)
  • VASP (Spectro Polarimeter)
  • SPAV (Solar occultation photometry)
  • NAVA (Airglow imager)
  • RAVI (RO Experiment)*
  • ETA (Electron Temperature Analyser)
  • RPA (Retarding Potential Analyser)
  • Mass Spectrometer
  • VISWAS (Plasma Analyser)*
  • VREM (Radiation Environment)
  • SSXS (Solar Soft X-ray Spectrometer )
  • VIPER (Plasma Wave Detector)
  • VODEX (Dust experiment)
* RAVI and VISWAS are being proposed as collaboration with Germany and Sweden.

International instruments
  • Terahertz devices to generate powerful radar pulses. Proposed by NASA.
Two Russian payloads by the Russian Space Research Institute and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology have been shortlisted, both would study the atmosphere of Venus.

  • VIRAL (Venus InfraRed Atmospheric gases Linker) by Space research Institute, Moscow & LATMOS, France
  • IVOLGA: A laser heterodyne NIR spectrometer for studying of structure and dynamics of the Venusian mesosphere.
Lmao since when? Modi says so?
Check UNICEF’s website.
View attachment 690592Bengaluru: The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has short-listed 20 space-based experiment proposals, including from France, for its proposed Venus orbiter mission 'Shukrayaan' to study the planet for more than four years.

These include "collaborative contributions" from Russia, France, Sweden and Germany, sources in the Bengaluru- headquartered space agency said.

ISRO was earlier eyeing June, 2023 for the country's first mission to Venus.

“But we are currently reviewing this mission timeline due to delays arising from the pandemic situation”, an ISRO official said.

“Future launch opportunity is either in 2024 or 2026”. It was noted that the optimal launch window (when Venus is closest to the Earth) comes about every 19 months.

Of the Indian and international payload proposals it received in response to an announcement of opportunity for novel space-based experiments to study Venus, ISRO has short-listed 20.

“These 20 payload (scientific instruments) proposals, including collaborative contributions from Russia, France, Sweden and Germany, are currently under review”, the ISRO official said.

The one already selected, according to French space agency CNES, is France’s VIRAL instrument (Venus Infrared Atmospheric Gas Linker) co-developed with the Russian space agency Roscosmos, and the LATMOS atmospheres, environments and space observations laboratory attached to the French national scientific research centre CNRS.

“Swedish Institute of Space Physics is engaged with India’s mission to Venus”, sources said.

According to ISRO, scientific objectives of ISRO’s Venus mission are investigation of the surface processes and shallow subsurface stratigraphy; and solar wind interaction with Venusian Ionosphere, and studying the structure, composition and dynamics of the atmosphere.

Venus is often described as the “twin sister” of the Earth because of the similarities in size, mass, density, bulk composition and gravity.

It is believed that both planets share a common origin, forming at the same time out of a condensing nebulosity around 4.5 billion years ago, ISRO had noted in its announcement of opportunity.

Venus is around 30 per cent closer to the Sun as compared to Earth resulting in much higher solar flux.

Exploration of Venus began in the early 1960s. Venus has been explored by flyby, orbiter, a few lander missions and atmospheric probes.

“In spite of great progress made in exploring Venus, there still exist gaps in our basic understanding about surface/sub-surface features and processes, super rotation of Venusian atmosphere and its evolution and interaction with solar radiation/solar wind”, ISRO had said.

The payload capability of the proposed 2500-kg satellite, planned to be launched onboard GSLV Mk II rocket, is likely to be 175 kg with 500W of power.

The proposed orbit is expected to be around 500 x 60,000 km around Venus. This orbit is likely to be reduced gradually, over several months to a lower apoapsis (farthest point).


Shukrayaan-1 is a proposed orbiter to Venus by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to study the surface and atmosphere of Venus.

Funds were released in 2017 to complete preliminary studies, and solicitations for instruments have been announced. If fully funded, it would be launched some time after the Mars Orbiter Mission 2 in the early 2020s. The orbiter, depending on its final configuration, would have a science payload capability of approximately 100 kilograms (220 lb) with 500 W available power. The initial elliptical orbit around Venus is expected to have 500 km (310 mi) at periapsis and 60,000 km (37,000 mi) at apoapsis.
View attachment 690593

pathetic, like ur 17 kg a tiny potato payload to Mars no-scientific-value mission?

our Mars rover alone is 15 times this weight

Very funny, like a beggar gives out money for showing off by soliciting payloads.

what payload can u carry with ur pathetic rockets?

u pay Frenches to send ur communication satellites, isn’t that a fact?
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pathetic, like ur 17 kg a tiny potato payload to Mars no-scientific-value mission?

our Mars rover alone is 15 times this weight
Strange making fun of other's space programs. Did you guys not fail at reaching mars?
What's pathetic is you are going to the moon after we were there 60 years ago.
Strange making fun of other's space programs. Did you guys not fail at reaching mars?
What's pathetic is you are going to the moon after we were there 60 years ago.

very funny, indians too shame to show their flags :rofl::rofl:

why you keep changing avatars?:rofl::rofl::rofl: Want a perm ban?

Russian rockets we hitchhiked failed, not we failed. Do u see our long March 5 Mars mission fail? In ur dream?

Plus do u see we brag?
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very funny, indians too shame to show their flags :rofl::rofl:

why you keep changing avatars?:rofl::rofl::rofl: Want a perm ban?

Russian rockets we hitchhiked failed, not we failed. Do u see our long March 5 Mars mission fail? In ur dream?

Plus do u see we brag?
Our PSLV and GSLV are matured tech and constantly used. Instead of making fun and trolling here go somewhere else, this thread is for discussions and updates not for topic diversion and trolling.
Our PSLV and GSLV are matured tech and constantly used. Instead of making fun and trolling here go somewhere else, this thread is for discussions and updates not for topic diversion and trolling.

Why calling out this shame trolling? U can not handle the truth? :rofl::rofl:

constantly used? How many launches do you do a year? 3?

Oops I forgot only 1 this year.:rofl::rofl:

go Wikipedia how many launches China do per year
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