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Showdown in August in Pacific

naaaah your China do that to our waters, we sink 'em. how's it goin in the West bank nowadays? Did the IDF checked you out yet? Bwahahahahahaha!!!
China wants Taiwan not America, the msm koolaid is really dumbing you down. You’re just diverting topics to save yourself from embarrassment. The West Bank is going as well as Taiwan is going to be.
So someone does a live fire drill inside your interior waters and blockades your ports and you pretend nothing happens? That’s a pu ssy if I’ve ever seen one.

And logically thinking, if they did that once and all you did was pretend it didn’t happen that means they can do more of those drills and blockade your ports anytime they want with no repercussions. Where is the American resolve in defending Taiwan if they just keep letting China blockade Taiwan anytime they want?

China didn't do that yet. Actually China did nothing of note towards Taiwan so far, this is the reason the US is so emboldened. Even the Iranians showed more balls than the Chinese.
We have militarily blockaded Taiwan, your ally who you vowed to protect. And you’ve done sh!t.
Naaaaaah military blockade my ***. You cant even get Taiwan a small country smaller than my backyard. We blockade your oil supply you go back living in the stone age. Bwhahahahahahaha!
China didn't do that yet. Actually China did nothing of note towards Taiwan so far, this is the reason the US is so emboldened. Even the Iranians showed more balls than the Chinese.

So doing military exercises inside your country territory & sovereignty’s is NOTHING? What a pussy country do you lived on @Bengal71 :lol:
Then why not destroying Chinese Naval Fleet that blockaded your ally :lol:
Fleet? you mean that copy cat made in China floating gray thingies? no need for us to fire a shot. They will sink on their own. Its made in China.
I'll give you that. Iran has balls, small brain though. China? Smallest balls according to Russel Peters who is an Indian descent Canadian. hahaha!

if you have ball, why not destroying Chinese Naval Fleet inside your ally sovereignty’ s :lol:

That’s a blatant violation they did to your ally. Why not protect them? Instead lip service-ing

Fleet? you mean that copy cat made in China floating gray thingies? no need for us to fire a shot. They will sink on their own. Its made in China.

Why you afraid then? 😉 Just shoot them, pussy
So doing military exercises inside your country territory & sovereignty’s is NOTHING? What a pussy country do you lived on @Bengal71 :lol:
But... but... I thought the government of China is the ROC? bwahahahahaha! so technically those are their ships! so they blockaded themselves. Shit what a crazy time we live in.
China didn't do that yet. Actually China did nothing of note towards Taiwan so far, this is the reason the US is so emboldened. Even the Iranians showed more balls than the Chinese.
So China mobilizing all their troops to their coast and bringing their naval assets in just 2 days is just for show? If they could teleport maybe they’ll be over there right now but unfortunately they can’t. China has already outline the plans for their blockades, if Americans want to protect Taiwan, here’s their chance, stop the Chinese from coming over. Not sure you’re a wishful thinker or just dumb.
Gonna a lot of fun over the next few days...
it has been more that half a century now that Republic of China exists. What's a few more days right? hahahahahahaha!!! your China wont do shit.
it has been more that half a century now that Republic of China exists. What's a few more days right? hahahahahahaha!!! your China wont do shit.

It shows US is declining.

Fleet? you mean that copy cat made in China floating gray thingies? no need for us to fire a shot. They will sink on their own. Its made in China.

US ships sink more, and many more US fighter crash. Made in USA .. LOL
So China mobilizing all their troops to their coast and bringing their naval assets in just 2 days is just for show? If they could teleport maybe they’ll be over there right now but unfortunately they can’t. China has already outline the plans for their blockades, if Americans want to protect Taiwan, here’s their chance, stop the Chinese from coming over. Not sure you’re a wishful thinker or just dumb.

It's not a naval blockade yet. It's just military exercise so far, yet to see what they do.
It's not a naval blockade yet. It's just military exercise so far, yet to see what they do.

That area all closed for entry. That’s called naval blockade, mister 72

But... but... I thought the government of China is the ROC? bwahahahahaha! so technically those are their ships! so they blockaded themselves. Shit what a crazy time we live in.

but but but.. your country said the government of China is the PRC :enjoy:

Didn’t have the ball to admit ROC as legitimate government of China LOL
But... but... I thought the government of China is the ROC? bwahahahahaha! so technically those are their ships! so they blockaded themselves. Shit what a crazy time we live in.

you're just the cheap troll in here,there's no need to have a conversation with trolls.
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