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Showdown in August in Pacific

My GOD I'm reading a lot of comments on SDF with users claiming AR is bad idea, could harm China fate or have unintended consequences... Blah blah blah.


You basically give the civilians 3 days to flee the island. Designate an area on the island for any military personel wanting to surrender. After them 3 days warning, anyone that resists AR deserves to die!
They are overcompensating for the "little things"
Well, by now we all know China, as usual, did nothing.

There aren't even serious or major economic sanction package for both US and Taiwan......

Man, maybe these people should all be writing military friction, the imagination of these people are enormous......
As I speculated yesterday our Chinese friends attempt to save face by sailing few ships past Taiwan.

Where is the strong reponse promised if Pelosi lands Taiwan? lol
it's been more than a month.. nothing from your China!
Well, by now we all know China, as usual, did nothing.

There aren't even serious or major economic sanction package for both US and Taiwan......

Man, maybe these people should all be writing military friction, the imagination of these people are enormous......
Uhhmn beats me maybe they're still thinkin about the response thing.
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