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Shouting Across the Chasm: Chinese and American Netizens Clash in Cyberspace

Basically when you argue with one of those close-minded people about China on the Internet, it'll all come down to the fact that he firmly believes he knows China better than you, although he may never set foot in China and you may live all of your life there. The dose of China news he gets from his free media once every three days make him a bigger authority on China than any Chinese. Because of course media in China is not free and only way someone can know about a far off land such as China is to read stories about it on the newspaper!

Ignorance is a bliss.

I think the key here is just a sense of superiority that most Westerners feel over the Easteners. The attitude of Whiteman's burden is very much alive to this day but is cleverly disguised by democracy and human rights.

Here are two examples that I believe describe the situation best.

The first is an anectode from Ancient China (Jin Dynasty, to be precise). The second emperor of the Jin Dynasty was considered an "idiotic emperor". When the mandarins informed him that people were suffering from massive famines and starving to death he was very confused. "Why are they starving to death?" He asked the official. "Can't they just eat meat porridge?"

The second anectode is far more recent. A governor of an U.S. state (I believe it is Illinois), angry at child-labor in Bangledesh, urged a massive boycott of Bangledesh made goods. The sad part is that many of the child workers, now out of a job, were sold into prostitution instead.

I think the key problem here, with most Westerners, is that having enjoyed high standards of living for so long they are completely foreign to situations in developing countries. Sure, you can read about poverty and starvation in Africa and Asia in the news. Yet instead of helping those countries getting on their own feet by supporting them via investment most rich men give generous donations. Not everyone could eat meat porridge before they are rich enough to afford rice and many here in the U.S. don't understand that.
I am unable to watch the video,the link is not properly working,can anybody summarize what the fuss is all about,thanks in advance
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