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Shouldn’t Tamil Eelam be in Tamil Nadu?

Shouldn’t Tamil Eelam be in Tamil Nadu?

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I repeat - IF Tamil was not made one of the official languages of Singapore, I bet you a bitter resentment by Tamils in Singapore would have sparked a hoarser voice.

On a small scale, Tamils living in an area called Matunga in Mumbai, where they were (and still are) in a majority, wanted the area to be renamed as MATUNGAM (back in the late 60s) . A severe anti Tamil movement began due to this over-chauvinistic approach taken by the Mantunga Tamils and riots ensued. The name MATUNGA remained till today but the fact remains, wherever Tamils go, they are overly proud of their culture and language (and rightly so , no problems with that). What the problem is, is that you guys cry a bit too loud when your culture / people / language is even assumed to be under threat by an ant !

The very word Eelam means the norther and eastern regions of sri lanka.

We have a separate name for our region that is Tamil Nadu and our country name is India.

I don't understand what else pooram you are speaking about from your imagination.
^^ mate if people belong to a culture/language that rivals that of sanskrit in antiquity and richness and unlike sanskrit is still thriving, then that pride would automatically come........
I repeat - IF Tamil was not made one of the official languages of Singapore, I bet you a bitter resentment by Tamils in Singapore would have sparked a hoarser voice.

On a small scale, Tamils living in an area called Matunga in Mumbai, where they were (and still are) in a majority, wanted the area to be renamed as MATUNGAM (back in the late 60s) . A severe anti Tamil movement began due to this over-chauvinistic approach taken by the Mantunga Tamils and riots ensued. The name MATUNGA remained till today but the fact remains, wherever Tamils go, they are overly proud of their culture and language (and rightly so , no problems with that). What the problem is, is that you guys cry a bit too loud when your culture / people / language is even assumed to be under threat by an ant !

So the riots against Tamils started because they wanted a name change? Did the Biharis do something similar?

Stop justifying such riots by blaming the victims.

I repeat - IF Tamil was not made one of the official languages of Singapore, I bet you a bitter resentment by Tamils in Singapore would have sparked a hoarser voice.

On a small scale, Tamils living in an area called Matunga in Mumbai, where they were (and still are) in a majority, wanted the area to be renamed as MATUNGAM (back in the late 60s) . A severe anti Tamil movement began due to this over-chauvinistic approach taken by the Mantunga Tamils and riots ensued. The name MATUNGA remained till today but the fact remains, wherever Tamils go, they are overly proud of their culture and language (and rightly so , no problems with that). What the problem is, is that you guys cry a bit too loud when your culture / people / language is even assumed to be under threat by an ant !

So the riots against Tamils started because they wanted a name change? Did the Biharis do something similar?

Stop justifying such riots by blaming the victims.
Which literally translates to, we will support any one who kills Tamils. At least from your confession INDIANs should realize one thing. For shingalese "A good Tamilan is a dead Tamilan" and that is what they are right now doing in SL, killing and raping Tamils. and INDIANS think SL is our friend and Tamils in TN who are crying for INDIA to take action are hostile to INDIAN forign policy.
INDIANS who think SL is a country which is going to implement the LLRC and 13 amendment that it promised to us, think again

haha don't misunderstand that, we support any country who needs our help to wipe out terrorists groups.

for you last sentence, who are the Indians or India to tell what to do? We Sri Lankans are the people who decide what we do.
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Which literally translates to, we will support any one who kills Tamils. At least from your confession INDIANs should realize one thing. For shingalese "A good Tamilan is a dead Tamilan" and that is what they are right now doing in SL, killing and raping Tamils. and INDIANS think SL is our friend and Tamils in TN who are crying for INDIA to take action are hostile to INDIAN forign policy.
INDIANS who think SL is a country which is going to implement the LLRC and 13 amendment that it promised to us, think again

what do you meant by that!!!?
we only want let the people of different country with that country. dont poke nose in their internal matter. and create problem for all of us

Which literally translates to, we will support any one who kills Tamils. At least from your confession INDIANs should realize one thing. For shingalese "A good Tamilan is a dead Tamilan" and that is what they are right now doing in SL, killing and raping Tamils. and INDIANS think SL is our friend and Tamils in TN who are crying for INDIA to take action are hostile to INDIAN forign policy.
INDIANS who think SL is a country which is going to implement the LLRC and 13 amendment that it promised to us, think again

what do you meant by that!!!?
we only want let the people of different country with that country. dont poke nose in their internal matter. and create problem for all of us
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what do you meant by that!!!?
we only want let the people of different country with that country. dont poke nose in their internal matter. and create problem for all of us

ohhh how cute....lets not interfere in their internal matter....so why was india supplying weapons, radars, helis etc to sinhala army during the war....plus our navy would not have been running around bay of bengal stopping tiger arms supply routes....please if you dont know facts dont reply....but dont come with these stock, cliched replies of "lets not interfere in internal affairs", "national interest", "strategic compulsions" etc.....no **** sherlock.....
ohhh how cute....lets not interfere in their internal matter....so why was india supplying weapons, radars, helis etc to sinhala army during the war....plus our navy would not have been running around bay of bengal stopping tiger arms supply routes....please if you dont know facts dont reply....but dont come with these stock, cliched replies of "lets not interfere in internal affairs", "national interest", "strategic compulsions" etc.....no **** sherlock.....

Indian navy didn't involve any incident destroying Tamil tigers terrorist ships. "Sinhala" navy did that.
You seem to miss or underestimate the Indian Govt's response here.

Tamil Nadu and other Southern states are of economic and strategic importance to Indian Govt as they provide:

- strategic depth,

- economic value due to proximity to Indian Ocean and

- also significant sources of fresh water from river which have source within India.

Indian Govt will launch hell on the foreign entity which wishes to cause destabilization in South India.

I have never denied that Tamil Nadu is important to India. I was pointing out that, with sufficient capability and persistence, any group of people can be induced to wage a separatist struggle. That applies to anywhere in the world, including Western countries.

I was making a point about manipulating mass opinion.
Indian navy didn't involve any incident destroying Tamil tigers terrorist ships. "Sinhala" navy did that.

first of all Sinhala navy does not even the capacity for deep ocean interdiction far from shore....thats where the indian navy came in......the tigers got most of their arms from thailand/SE asia route and most of these routes were destroyed by IN....

bet we should have left it for the sake of non-interference in "internal" affairs.....

I have never denied that Tamil Nadu is important to India. I was pointing out that, with sufficient capability and persistence, any group of people can be induced to wage a separatist struggle. That applies to anywhere in the world, including Western countries.

I was making a point about manipulating mass opinion.

well even in any case ur point about giving santuary to rebels does not/ cannot work out.......
Tell me any country manupulating citizenship of people living in their land for generations for demographic gain in the elections.

what about Malaysia, South Africa?

It was the Tamils that want this manipulation of citizenship. The Vellals of SL do not see this Indian Tamils as their equals. So stop blaming Sinhalese.
It was the Tamils that want this manipulation of citizenship. The Vellals of SL do not see this Indian Tamils as their equals. So stop blaming Sinhalese.

oh please....one of the first cause of resentment was the official language act.....which did not make a distinction between indian tamil or lankan tamil....it just recognized sinhala.....and actually indian tamils were too less anyway to influence anything....it was not as if the lankan tamils were all lovey-dovey with you and it was the indian tamils who maipulated that.......
first of all Sinhala navy does not even the capacity for deep ocean interdiction far from shore....thats where the indian navy came in......the tigers got most of their arms from thailand/SE asia route and most of these routes were destroyed by IN....

bet we should have left it for the sake of non-interference in "internal" affairs.....

lolololol. You guys are always in dream worlds. Can you give some details of destroyed Tamil Tiger terrorist ships by India? haha
well even in any case ur point about giving santuary to rebels does not/ cannot work out.......

If the West declares Tamil Nadu separatists as freedom fighters -- not rebels or terrorists -- and gives them sanctuary, media air time, and legitimacy in Congressional hearings, what can India do?

If the dominant Western media showcases Indian atrocities (real or false flag) against Tamils, does India have the media muscle to counter it?

The fact is that the West remains dominant and, if the US decided to support separatist movements within India, it could do so without breaking a sweat. Any Indian response would be dismissed as Indian government propaganda.

P.S. The same thing can be done in Australia. I am sure, if you look hard enough, you can find some Aborigines somewhere who would want to be "liberated" from European rule and declare an independent country. With external help, such a kernel of dissent can be nurtured and launched into a full fledged separatist movement.
oh please....one of the first cause of resentment was the official language act.....which did not make a distinction between indian tamil or lankan tamil....it just recognized sinhala.....and actually indian tamils were too less anyway to influence anything....it was not as if the lankan tamils were all lovey-dovey with you and it was the indian tamils who maipulated that.......

no dude, There are some differences between Indian Tamils and SL Tamils. :D I don't wanna describe it coz of some ban words. Why SL Tamils don't marrying Indian Tamils ? :D why they are telling Indian Tamils are .................:D
oh please....one of the first cause of resentment was the official language act.....

Oh yeah.. before Sinhala being the only official language it was only English. I wonder how Tamils did there work before then. :P
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