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Shouldn’t Tamil Eelam be in Tamil Nadu?

Shouldn’t Tamil Eelam be in Tamil Nadu?

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This is all happening because of the dik head called Karunanhdhi

Dear, Karunanidhi is accused by Tamil nationalist as collaborator of Congress against Srilankan Tamils. No one buys his TESO drama. It is Vaiko (MDMK leader), Thiruma (Dalit leader) and Seemaan (An aspiring young politician who has nothing other than Ealam card to play - leader of Naam Tamizhar Katchi , the more vehement organisation which is responsible for infamous attacks on SL Visitors) who are responsible for this chaos. Karuna and Jaya are nothing infront of them.

Be civilised and informed when you post something
If Pakistan (or any country) was evil enough and resourceful enough and patient enough, this can be achieved.

- find a separatist kernel and nurture it; there is one in every community.
- unleash media campaign to highlight cultural and historical differences between Tamils and other Indian groups.
- unleash media campaign to highlight injustices against Tamils (real or imagined).
- unleash media campaign to highlight injustices by Tamils (real or imagined).
- a few false flag operations never hurt to inflame sentiments on both sides.
- label anyone who catches on as a conspiracy nut.
- provide sanctuary to separatist groups where they can raise money and plan mischief.

Keep the above recipe cooking for a couple of decades and voila!
However evil Pakistan is, it cannot achieve this with Tamilnadu. I can assure you Pakistan did try this formula with almost all opportunities that arose in India. Pakistan tried it in Punjab, J&K, Northeast; Pakistan even tried to nurture Islamist elements in Hyderabad where Muslims form 50% of the population.

The reasons are multi-fold and in a single line Tamils are too deeply integrated into India. If they are little xenophobic and are overly(who's to decide what overly means here?) proud of their culture, that does not mean they want to separate. May be you are confusing us with Pakistan where any attempt to retain identity, language and culture is viewed with suspicion.

You might not know this, but even the so called Dravida parties had to scale back from their racist Dravidanadu demand. Their basis for separatism was race. And they did not give up their demand because the great Jinnah did not support it. They gave up the demand because their imagined Dravidian resurgence never had the support of the non-Tamil parts of the then Madras state. Besides, whatever grass-root support these elements got was just manifestation of the lower caste anger against the Brahmin dominated Congress state party which always kept the power in Madras. Once the Dravida parties themselves got power, they had no reason to complain about the Brahmins. And the language movement was not specific to Tamilnadu, it swept all over non-Hindi speaking India and the success of the then compromise still stands today in the form of English as our official language.

So what separatist powers in Tamilnadu are you talking about? Any Tamil nationalist, even the rabid ones like Vaiko know that they will be chased away by their own people if they raise the separatist call.

@Red-Bullet :

You are right when you say that Srilankans will consider India as their enemy for generations to come. But the question before all of us now is not regarding Eelam. Eelam was dead long ago, not because of Srilankan army but because of Eelam's supporters themselves. They have demonstrated that even after getting control of the territory where they wanted Eelam, they cannot live along with the Sinhalese. Srilankan government should not do the same mistake. They should give the Tamils a reasonable representation in the government and hopefully autonomy. Otherwise Srilankan government cannot claim to represent all Srilankans.

India has been advocating Sri Lanka's territorial integrity for decades now. Even the mainstream Tamil politicians support India's stand here.
But it is simply wrong to support the human rights violations in the country and the 'who cares' attitude of the Sri Lankan government. Not only that, there are no visible signs of reconciliation.

Look at the criticism itself and not from where it is coming.
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However evil Pakistan is, it cannot achieve this with Tamilnadu.

Pakistan is hardly the symbol of diplomatic wizardry, but there are countries -- like the US -- who can pull it off. Like I wrote, this has nothing to do with Tamils or India; the technique can work on any group in any country. Manipulating mass opinion, and instigating revolts, is a very well understood science.
Then why question Sri Lanka's integrity?

I didn't.But you did created a situation where you allowed others to question your integrity.If You accepted your multi ethnic demography and allow Tamils to integrate in to your society none of this would have happened.
i am tamil, i can tell you for a fact that these sentiments are not shared by most in Tamil Nadu. Quite the contrary in fact most tamils are very proud of being Indian. We take pride in our unique language and culture, but we are not oppressed, in fact most ppl in India (i know cause i lived in the north for 12 years) are fascinated and admire our culture. Unless we are openly suppressed we are more than happy with the present setup and see no need to secede.

as far as Tamils in northern Sri Lanka are concerned they rebelled because they felt under threat from the Sinhalas so they rebelled.
Pakistan is hardly the symbol of diplomatic wizardry, but there are countries -- like the US -- who can pull it off. Like I wrote, this has nothing to do with Tamils or India; the technique can work on any group in any country. Manipulating mass opinion, and instigating revolts, is a very well understood science.

I predict Tamilnadu will be the first state to break away from Indian union. historically, Tamils were the first to fight for secession from India. But the timing of the Chinese intrusion in 1960s didnt make it happen as the Tamils feared China will take over Tamilnadu. So the than CM withdrew his demand for secession.

The other reason is Tamils (and some NE states) have nothing in common with Indians esp language, Tamil is the most purest of the Dravidian language In 1965 there was this anti Hindi agitation in Tamilnadu and the Indian army killed about 500 Tamil agitating students.(google for more info).

The Hinduism of the Tamils is different to the rest of the Indians one e.g Tamils have their own Tamil god called Murugan (google for more info) .

Pakistan is the enemy of the Indians not Tamils, Tamils traditional / historical enemy is/was Sri Lanka. Pakistan need to know this and work with Tamils in Tamilnadu.

If America sees strategic advantage in Tamilandu than expect a Tamil spring through 'American diplomatic wizandry' .
I predict Tamilnadu will be the first state to break away from Indian union. historically, Tamils were the first to fight for secession from India. But the timing of the Chinese intrusion in 1960s didnt make it happen as the Tamils feared China will take over Tamilnadu. So the than CM withdrew his demand for secession.

The other reason is Tamils (and some NE states) have nothing in common with Indians esp language, Tamil is the most purest of the Dravidian language In 1965 there was this anti Hindi agitation in Tamilnadu and the Indian army killed about 500 Tamil agitating students.(google for more info).

The Hinduism of the Tamils is different to the rest of the Indians one e.g Tamils have their own Tamil god called Murugan (google for more info) .

Pakistan is the enemy of the Indians not Tamils, Tamils traditional / historical enemy is/was Sri Lanka. Pakistan need to know this and work with Tamils in Tamilnadu.

If America sees strategic advantage in Tamilandu than expect a Tamil spring through 'American diplomatic wizandry' .

Another false flagger propagandist.
i am tamil, i can tell you for a fact that these sentiments are not shared by most in Tamil Nadu.

as far as Tamils in northern Sri Lanka are concerned they rebelled because they felt under threat from the Sinhalas so they rebelled.

Indian hogwash, if you dont know the reason why the Tamil took up arms than better you do some research , like how I did mine.

Do you know what is Black July ? And there was no LTTE or any militant group in Sri Lanka then (google Black July)

Regarding your high claim Tamils are proud to be Indians , all I say is a wishful thinking, and putting up a false front to Pakistan - all is well with Tamils :pakistan:
If the West declares Tamil Nadu separatists as freedom fighters -- not rebels or terrorists -- and gives them sanctuary, media air time, and legitimacy in Congressional hearings, what can India do?

no....i mean look at the map of india.....tamil nadu is at coast with no international border....the only border we have is with the lankans whom we despise most......so again who will give sanctuary where ?

this is all assuming that there are such sentiments in my place....but lets assume it for the time being.......
i am not debating why Tamils took up arms in srilanka (that is up to srilankan Tamils to decide) but i am conveying the sentiment felt by most Tamils in India, since i have lived in Tamil Nadu for years i know what the general feeling is.
I predict Tamilnadu will be the first state to break away from Indian union. historically, Tamils were the first to fight for secession from India. But the timing of the Chinese intrusion in 1960s didnt make it happen as the Tamils feared China will take over Tamilnadu. So the than CM withdrew his demand for secession.

The other reason is Tamils (and some NE states) have nothing in common with Indians esp language, Tamil is the most purest of the Dravidian language In 1965 there was this anti Hindi agitation in Tamilnadu and the Indian army killed about 500 Tamil agitating students.(google for more info).

The Hinduism of the Tamils is different to the rest of the Indians one e.g Tamils have their own Tamil god called Murugan (google for more info) .

Pakistan is the enemy of the Indians not Tamils, Tamils traditional / historical enemy is/was Sri Lanka. Pakistan need to know this and work with Tamils in Tamilnadu.

If America sees strategic advantage in Tamilandu than expect a Tamil spring through 'American diplomatic wizandry' .

An another Idiot :omghaha::omghaha:

Thread is becoming funnier day by day :D :lol:
lolololol. You guys are always in dream worlds. Can you give some details of destroyed Tamil Tiger terrorist ships by India? haha

dude....details are not available because of the sensitivity of the matter......but yes, Indian navy was one prime reason why the tigers were starved of weapons in the final phase of war.......

just look at the lankan navy for god sakes....the largest was a sukanya class OPV transferred from india.......with one bofors gun ....there is no harm or damage in pride to accept the obvious......lanka won the war because of a combined and sustained help from india (material+operational), china, pakistan,israel (all three material)...not alone....
Hahahaha looks like the TN jokers here have all gone fully defensive mode.. Suddenly sounding super patriotic.. Few days ago I remember the same people questioning India's integrity.. :lol:.. Whats up did they get all nervous after the real truth/real story/real goal behind Eelam project got exposed??

Lol there isnt a single day passes by, where a single pakistani questions their own country integrity and their govt.. DOes it mean they hate their nation?
A another clown statement Gibbs. It would be good, if u talk within the realms of topic. The matter is there is no org in TN demanding independence. Can u say a group(even terror) demanding independence? No u cannot find. India have given us space to develop and now we are one of the most industrialised state in India.

However that doesnt mean GoI have satisfied our every demand. We are Indians, and we shall question our Govt. If u dont have the balls to question ur own govt, then whats the point of u being Sri Lankan?
Have never seen anyone really ask ur own govt to probe the killings in final stages of war, atleast in PDF.
no dude, There are some differences between Indian Tamils and SL Tamils. :D I don't wanna describe it coz of some ban words. Why SL Tamils don't marrying Indian Tamils ? :D why they are telling Indian Tamils are .................:D

actually its not indian tamils as all of them are from mainland...

better word would be tamils who came during colonial times and tamils who during times of cholas ......yes im aware of the differences....you dont need to explain that.....point is even the tamils who have been there since medieval ages did not like the sinhala chauvinism and attempt at discriminating the tamil language....so it was the cause of all tamils....not just one group....

that is the root cause of this war.....

Oh yeah.. before Sinhala being the only official language it was only English. I wonder how Tamils did there work before then.

it was not as if the tamils chose that.....a colonial power chose that....hw can you fault tamils for that?.....why r you blaming the victim for a fault of yours?.....yeah anyway lanat on the british.....it was they who anyway combined the culturally distinct sinhala and tamil nations into one ceylon anyway......
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