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Should we opt for the ICBM?

India need AGNI 6 because India has a no first use policy....apart from that india will never use its nuclear warheads to non nuclear country.....thats why india will not make enemies...apart from that india is now a member of NSG(nuclear suppliers group)
I don't think India has become an NSG member yet.
Pakistan, being the principle supporter of the Taliban which was sheltering bin Laden, was always at the epicenter of the War on Terror. This fact was borne out in Abbotabad. It also happened to be the principle training ground for terrorists before and immediately post 9/11, another reason placing it at the center of the War. You can revise history all you want, no one will believe you. Keep fooling yourself.

The only people who are to blame as much for the spread of terrorism as much as Pakistan are the Saudis and the Americans. So "fighting" the monster you yourself unleashed upon the world is no favour to anyone. At best you can call out the hypocrisy and double-dealing of the Saudis and Americans of having abandoned Pakistan after using it as a pawn.

So bin Laden was a hoax? And you expect to be taken seriously? What proof would be enough for you, considering the whole world accepted that the operation did occur? All you can come up with are conspiracy theories, and you think that will exculpate the fact that he was found under Pakistani shelter? Did anyone claim that Dawood is dead? Why are you trying to distract attention?

So, in other words, you want ICBMs to defend against American threats to deal with militants trained in Pakistan and using it as a base.

Please stop deluding yourself. If and when you do get a nuclear submarine, it will be Chinese. Don't worry, China will let you claim that it is "indigenous", just as it did with the missiles, because it doesn't want pressure for violating non-proliferation regimes.
Your posts were so so indian :lol:
In simple words no fruitful outcome will come if i start arguing with someone who came in this thread for showing his hate pakistan obsession.
Your posts were so so indian :lol:
In simple words no fruitful outcome will come if i start arguing with someone who came in this thread for showing his hate pakistan obsession.

I will tell you what will bear no fruitful outcome. Not realizing that you have already overplayed your hand, and have been lucky not to face consequences. You have gotten away with your nuclear blackmail so far, in the sense that it has forced the US and multilateral agencies like IMF to keep bailing out your bankrupt government because they don't want a failed nuclear state. The nuclear blackmail has also ensured that India does not launch the precision strikes it is well entitled to in order to deal with Pak-sponsored terrorists (LeT etc.). So, emboldened, now you think that it is time to push the envelope a bit and try and include a physical threat to the US mainland as part of the grand blackmail strategy.

Let us indulge your infantile fantasy for a second and assume that Pakistan manages to get hold of ICBMs and a submersible launch platform. The first occasion after that when you repeat the "we are etami kuwwat" nonsense to an American diplomat will bring crushing sanctions. They will make the sanctions on Iran and North Korea look like gentle a rap on the knuckle. If you repeat the threat a second time, a carrier fleet will be packed off to the Arabian Sea and Tomahawks will rain upon GHQ in Rawalpindi. Do you know what a US strike fleet looks like? Read up, you will be impressed.

Your country is no Iran. It is not even North Korea. It is a basket case which survives on crumbs thrown at it by the Americans, the Saudis, the Chinese and the IMF. It will most likely not survive even the first round of sanctions, forget the need for military response. Even when Pakistani leaders were crying about US sanctions in the wake of nuclear tests, they forgot to mention that foreign aid was keeping the country afloat. You have gotten a free pass for so long as you have convinced the world that your nuclear program is solely aimed at India.

Before starting such nonsensical threads, do some basic research into how the US deals with any tangible threat to the mainland. If they can go chasing after two nonsensical wars and spend $10 trillion on imaginary terrorist threats, think of what they would do to your country if they even get a whiff of nuclear blackmail. You have gotten confused between blackmailing the world with a gun to your own head and a gun to theirs. The former will bring forth aid and attention, the latter will result in economic sanctions and eventual military response on a scale that you never knew existed.
Pakistan doesn't even need the ICBM to aim at India, and why the Indian members are so insecure here?

China in fact is willing to help Pakistan to build its nuclear triad, but the economy is the first issue for Pakistan.

The maintenance fee for the nuclear triad is enormous, so it is better to say financially strong.
Pakistan doesn't even need the ICBM to aim at India, and why the Indian members are so insecure here?

China in fact is willing to help Pakistan to build its nuclear triad, but the economy is the first issue for Pakistan.

The maintenance fee for the nuclear triad is enormous, so it is better to say financially strong.

We are not insecure; we are just concerned. Just as with North Korea, China is not informing Pakistan about the true cost of developing a WMD program - international isolation and vilification. The Pakistanis in the presence of WMDs act like a child in a candy store - they want it all, regardless of feasibility and desirability. Since the Chinese claim that they are a responsible state, they should explain to the Pakistanis that an unstable state is not the best recipient of WMDs which may anytime fall into the wrong hands. Instead, the Chinese have been repeatedly indulging the Pakistanis in their obvious gambit of containing India.

This gambit will one day backfire spectacularly. It seems you are neither aware nor concerned about the premise of this thread. The person who has started this thread claims that Pakistan needs ICBMs as blackmail/leverage against the US in case it makes further demands about combating terror. What do you think is going to happen if this situation does come to pass? You think that the US will take kindly to China arming Pakistan resulting in an imminent threat to their mainland? Has China informed Pakistan the costs of such adventurism, and that it is likely to be abandoned when it starts behaving in a rabid and self-destructive manner?

For a moment think in a non-partisan way and decide. Does Pakistan possessing WMDs help in the security environment in South Asia? You are slated to make a huge investment in CPEC over the next few years. Security issues are the only major deal-breaker that may well run the project to the ground. Do you think the best way to protect your investment is to arm Pakistan with WMDs so as that it is deluded into assuming that it can act with impunity on its time-tested agenda of using proxies to engage India? Will that improve the security situation in the corridor, where most of the training camps for these proxies are located?
I will tell you what will bear no fruitful outcome. Not realizing that you have already overplayed your hand, and have been lucky not to face consequences. You have gotten away with your nuclear blackmail so far, in the sense that it has forced the US and multilateral agencies like IMF to keep bailing out your bankrupt government because they don't want a failed nuclear state. The nuclear blackmail has also ensured that India does not launch the precision strikes it is well entitled to in order to deal with Pak-sponsored terrorists (LeT etc.). So, emboldened, now you think that it is time to push the envelope a bit and try and include a physical threat to the US mainland as part of the grand blackmail strategy.

Let us indulge your infantile fantasy for a second and assume that Pakistan manages to get hold of ICBMs and a submersible launch platform. The first occasion after that when you repeat the "we are etami kuwwat" nonsense to an American diplomat will bring crushing sanctions. They will make the sanctions on Iran and North Korea look like gentle a rap on the knuckle. If you repeat the threat a second time, a carrier fleet will be packed off to the Arabian Sea and Tomahawks will rain upon GHQ in Rawalpindi. Do you know what a US strike fleet looks like? Read up, you will be impressed.

Your country is no Iran. It is not even North Korea. It is a basket case which survives on crumbs thrown at it by the Americans, the Saudis, the Chinese and the IMF. It will most likely not survive even the first round of sanctions, forget the need for military response. Even when Pakistani leaders were crying about US sanctions in the wake of nuclear tests, they forgot to mention that foreign aid was keeping the country afloat. You have gotten a free pass for so long as you have convinced the world that your nuclear program is solely aimed at India.

Before starting such nonsensical threads, do some basic research into how the US deals with any tangible threat to the mainland. If they can go chasing after two nonsensical wars and spend $10 trillion on imaginary terrorist threats, think of what they would do to your country if they even get a whiff of nuclear blackmail. You have gotten confused between blackmailing the world with a gun to your own head and a gun to theirs. The former will bring forth aid and attention, the latter will result in economic sanctions and eventual military response on a scale that you never knew existed.
what a lowlife bharti SOB you are and your post and signature just proved that fact.
frustation at it,s highest when you can,t do a jackshit against pakistan because it,s a nuclear power.And you should not brag about america when you are capable of getting wiped out by our single nuclear strike.Don,t know about america but for your toilet less poor country we are enough.Keep crying you durga worshiping faggot
what a lowlife bharti SOB you are and your post and signature just proved that fact.
frustation at it,s highest when you can,t do a jackshit against pakistan because it,s a nuclear power.And you should not brag about america when you are capable of getting wiped out by our single nuclear strike.Don,t know about america but for your toilet less poor country we are enough.Keep crying you durga worshiping faggot

Let me outline the main points once again:

1. Pakistan is a net exporter of terrorism around the world, and especially in South Asia. it's unwilling role in the "war on terror" was secured through an American ultimatum given with full knowledge of Pakistan's role in incubating terror.

2. Pakistani efforts in the "War on terror" are inherently double-dealing in nature, all it has to offer by way of evidence that it is fully cooperating in the extermination of the jihadist menage spawned by itself is the murder of its own citizens in Waziristan. This fools no one as the continued ISI/Pak Army support to various terror networks such as LeT is well documented.

3. Some Pakistanis like yourself are tired of this charade whereby Pakistani civilians are being killed in a show of cooperation which is tearing apart Pakistani society at its seams. Most Pakistanis offer limited support and sympathy to terrorists, as long as they are seen targeting India. The foolhardiness of this suicidal approach escapes you.

4. In furtherance of your foolhardy agenda, ignorant and delusional freaks like you propose that Pakistan extend its nuclear blackmail policy that has insulated it from repercussions for its terror policy towards India to the US. Without studying the history of American response to such threats, especially coming from failed and dispensable states such as Pakistan, you propose that America be blackmailed into agreeing with your policies of funding and training terrorists as proxies.

5. You are either unaware or ignorant of the fact that any such action will bring forth an immediate isolation of your country. Is always tottering economy, which is habitually dependent on foreign handouts for survival, will collapse. The last remaining vestiges of state, which are providing you the security needed to spin such ignorant and delusional yarns in peace, will collapse with it.

6. Pakistan is a third rate military entity which has always had grandiose assumptions about its reach. It has confused the ability to somehow totter along as a failed/failing state as some sort of indication of its resilience. Its perpetually failing/failed status is a testimony to its failed policies and the moral and intellectual bankruptcy that has plagued Pakistan since inception.

7. Your ignorant thread is a prime example of how Pakistanis, instead of focusing on internal issues about the economy, stable polity, rule of law, education and healthcare, are obsessed with a geo-strategic environment where they do not fit in at all except as undesirable interlopers.
That so called war on terror was not ours in the first place.We have been dragged in that mess.
War on Terror is as much in our interests as it is for USA or any other nation. We could not ignore the Frankenstein monster of extremism and militancy in our backyard for long; 9/11 was a reminder of the ugliness of this monster.

War on Terror have opened the eyes of Pakistan as well, not just the rest of the world.

And the whole world knows we have have fought against terrorism better than everyone else in this pak afghan region.
These are political assumptions. US assisted Pakistan in the matters of eliminating large number of terrorists, dismantling of terrorist networks in Pakistan and improving Pakistani counter-terrorism capabilities since 9/11. Yes, Pakistani military forces have gained much experience during the course of this war and is now capable of conducting most counter-terrorism operations unilaterally but credit where due.

As far as that bin laden hoax is concerned that,s just a drama to get a ticket out of Afghanistan as in that grave yard of empires they were fighting against the rocks.Nothing happens without a solid proof.If today you claim you have killed dawood ibrahim inside pakistan without showing any proof no one will believe you.
Operation Neptune Spear wasn't a hoax and neither was death of Osama Bin Laden during this covert CIA-led military operation inside Pakistani territory. As much as we would like to wrap-up this event under the carpet due to embarrassment factor, facts cannot be suppressed through conspiracies for long. Al-Qaeda sources ascertained and acknowledged death of Osama Bin Laden in this military operation, Bin Laden's identity was verified through DNA testing and Bin Laden's family members were found in the target location; these are sufficient indicators.

We should be asking who was helping Osama Bin Laden within Pakistan.
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Let me outline the main points once again:
bla bla bla bla bla I think i'm so clever by posting this bla bla bla bla.

Are you done stroking your ego? Your drivel is a simple regurgitation of what the people on this board have witnessed time and time again by the so called "anal-ists" that have preceded you. You must be deluded to think that a proper reply is worth the verbal diarrhea you've posted. You've not come here to discuss but to troll.

To sum up: F*ck off. No one gives a f*ck about your "main points."
To sum up: F*ck off. No one gives a f*ck about your "main points."

If you don't give a f**k then why bother replying? Because the truth hurts. A third-rate bankrupt country that cannot sustain a counter-insurgency operation against rag-tag TTP without the help of Uncle Sam wants to nuclear blackmail! What a joke!!!

Beg with one hand and stab with the other!!!:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
I cannot prove it, nor do I wish to. Have a chuckle and shout that I am wrong and use conjecture.

"nor do i wish to"- well that is inherently a WRONG proposition coming from someone who knows absolutely nothing about aerospace sector!IN reality it ought to be - "I CAN NOT PROVE IT" because there "exists" no such proof!
Expecting a technical discussion at PDF with pakistani members is like banging your head against the wall! pretty much sums up the level of technical education in that country!
If you don't give a f**k then why bother replying?

Just to remind you what a blithering cunt you are!

Indians like you come here parroting the same rehashed statements on Pakistan that you're fed daily, thinking that what you've posted is very, very important, despite it being the contrary.
I will tell you what will bear no fruitful outcome. Not realizing that you have already overplayed your hand, and have been lucky not to face consequences. You have gotten away with your nuclear blackmail so far, in the sense that it has forced the US and multilateral agencies like IMF to keep bailing out your bankrupt government because they don't want a failed nuclear state. The nuclear blackmail has also ensured that India does not launch the precision strikes it is well entitled to in order to deal with Pak-sponsored terrorists (LeT etc.). So, emboldened, now you think that it is time to push the envelope a bit and try and include a physical threat to the US mainland as part of the grand blackmail strategy.

Let us indulge your infantile fantasy for a second and assume that Pakistan manages to get hold of ICBMs and a submersible launch platform. The first occasion after that when you repeat the "we are etami kuwwat" nonsense to an American diplomat will bring crushing sanctions. They will make the sanctions on Iran and North Korea look like gentle a rap on the knuckle. If you repeat the threat a second time, a carrier fleet will be packed off to the Arabian Sea and Tomahawks will rain upon GHQ in Rawalpindi. Do you know what a US strike fleet looks like? Read up, you will be impressed.

Your country is no Iran. It is not even North Korea. It is a basket case which survives on crumbs thrown at it by the Americans, the Saudis, the Chinese and the IMF. It will most likely not survive even the first round of sanctions, forget the need for military response. Even when Pakistani leaders were crying about US sanctions in the wake of nuclear tests, they forgot to mention that foreign aid was keeping the country afloat. You have gotten a free pass for so long as you have convinced the world that your nuclear program is solely aimed at India.

Before starting such nonsensical threads, do some basic research into how the US deals with any tangible threat to the mainland. If they can go chasing after two nonsensical wars and spend $10 trillion on imaginary terrorist threats, think of what they would do to your country if they even get a whiff of nuclear blackmail. You have gotten confused between blackmailing the world with a gun to your own head and a gun to theirs. The former will bring forth aid and attention, the latter will result in economic sanctions and eventual military response on a scale that you never knew existed.

Brave effort, applause. We will do exactly that, get ICBMs and deploy them at sea. Watch out, maybe India also starts giving us aid for the bankrupt second cousin. Dhannywaad.

Pakistan, being the principle supporter of the Taliban which was sheltering bin Laden, was always at the epicenter of the War on Terror. This fact was borne out in Abbotabad. It also happened to be the principle training ground for terrorists before and immediately post 9/11, another reason placing it at the center of the War. You can revise history all you want, no one will believe you. Keep fooling yourself.

The only people who are to blame as much for the spread of terrorism as much as Pakistan are the Saudis and the Americans. So "fighting" the monster you yourself unleashed upon the world is no favour to anyone. At best you can call out the hypocrisy and double-dealing of the Saudis and Americans of having abandoned Pakistan after using it as a pawn.

So bin Laden was a hoax? And you expect to be taken seriously? What proof would be enough for you, considering the whole world accepted that the operation did occur? All you can come up with are conspiracy theories, and you think that will exculpate the fact that he was found under Pakistani shelter? Did anyone claim that Dawood is dead? Why are you trying to distract attention?

So, in other words, you want ICBMs to defend against American threats to deal with militants trained in Pakistan and using it as a base.

Please stop deluding yourself. If and when you do get a nuclear submarine, it will be Chinese. Don't worry, China will let you claim that it is "indigenous", just as it did with the missiles, because it doesn't want pressure for violating non-proliferation regimes.

Lets even the scale. What about all the terrorism India is supporting in Pakistan? That is all acceptable?

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