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Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

raw materials? raw materials are very cheap compared to the end product. They can be imported at very cheap prices on international commodity markets. And we have a special relation with gulf countries due to the need for raw materials.

Can you explain why division never helps? In school i was great performer, i was much smarter than the kids. So I placed into a special stream so i can reach my full potential. I shouldn't be held back cos of someone is dumber than me. that not fair.

that's as stupid as of a concept as stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. Their poor cos they decided to be poor, not doing anything about it. Hows it my flout?

how are you held back?//
you yourself mentioned that you make handsome money in colombo so as a individual you are doing good and no one is holding you back.

and nation is not just yours it belongs to everyone dude so how can you demand it just for yourself?
and can you elaborate how is anybody stealing from you and giving to poor?????
thats a communism concept as far as i know and SL is not communist .
how are you held back?//
you yourself mentioned that you make handsome money in colombo so as a individual you are doing good and no one is holding you back.

Yes they are, where do think taxes go? where do think the money comes to subsidize their electricity, food, water, fuel???

You think the govt gets its money from a money tree? what about the deficits to fund their security? to fund the deployments??

The govt gets X amount of money from me and everyone else who pays taxes earning a honest living, not leeching off govt.

and the govt spends Y amount, when the Y amount is greater than the X amount. that means the govt is print more money that it takes out of circulation thru taxes! that means the value of the money in pocket decreases so far its at.
Inflation(CCPI) December 2010 (Y - Y ) : 6.9 %
Central Bank of Sri Lanka

Inflation is necessary for a healthy well stimulated economy, but why spend my money on things that are not relevant to me?

and nation is not just yours it belongs to everyone dude so how can you demand it just for yourself?

Exactly god dammit!! why take my money and spend on them?!!! like their the center of attention and more important than me!

Everyone should be treated as an individual, They should be allowed achieve their fullest potential, and earn as much money as they want! just to make sure no else is interfering with anyone else.

and can you elaborate how is anybody stealing from you and giving to poor?????
thats a communism concept as far as i know and SL is not communist .

I most certainly can! govt takes my tax, and funds programmes that subsidize housing and living, fuel, food, electricity. And I'm not entitled to those subsidized on the same % as the money i give the govt!!!

Sri lanka is capitalist, despite this crap hole evil communist govt. Cant wait for UNP to come back. :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Yes they are, where do think taxes go? where do think the money comes to subsidize their electricity, food, water, fuel???

You think the govt gets its money from a money tree? what about the deficits to fund their security? to fund the deployments??

The govt gets X amount of money from me and everyone else who pays taxes earning a honest living, not leeching off govt.

and the govt spends Y amount, when the Y amount is greater than the X amount. that means the govt is print more money that it takes out of circulation thru taxes! that means the value of the money in pocket decreases so far its at.
Inflation(CCPI) December 2010 (Y - Y ) : 6.9 %
Central Bank of Sri Lanka

Inflation is necessary for a healthy well stimulated economy, but why spend my money on things that are not relevant to me?

Exactly god dammit!! why take my money and spend on them?!!! like their the center of attention and more important than me!

Everyone should be treated as an individual, They should be allowed achieve their fullest potential, and earn as much money as they want! just to make sure no else is interfering with anyone else.

I most certainly can! govt takes my tax, and funds programmes that subsidize housing and living, fuel, food, electricity. And I'm not entitled to those subsidized on the same % as the money i give the govt!!!

Sri lanka is capitalist, despite this crap hole evil communist govt. Cant wait for UNP to come back. :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

you are surely a different case.lol

governments takes money from you for the things they provide to you. you dont pay taxes for nothing. in return government lets you live in country. provides safety to you, your business.
creats things like infrastructure which you use.
how will you yourself make money when there are no facilities provided by government?

so government takes TAX in return of all this. after they take tax fro myou its their money nomore yours so they can spend it anyway they want. and government is for all citizens of country so they spend it on all citizens.

and anyway if you dont want to pay taxes why live in country go to some isolated Island which belongs to no one and live there i m sure no one will take your money away there to give to poor.

first understand the concept of nation dude.


Who do think pays for these housing programs? If they decided to kill themselves for 30 years its not my problem, and why should i pay for this now?! What am I receiving in return?

And this not even economical! you know how much each these 'free' houses cost me and all the 'good' tax paying people? around 2 million Rs each! why not build an apartment and cram them in, oh yeah theirs too many 'elderly' which may complain of having to climb too many stairs!!!:hitwall: Thier building 10,000 of these every year.

So yeah, I have every god dam right to claim I'm being held back.
governments takes money from you for the things they provide to you. you dont pay taxes for nothing. in return government lets you live in country. provides safety to you, your business.
creats things like infrastructure which you use.
how will you yourself make money when there are no facilities provided by government?

Exactly!, this all they should be doing nothing more, if they have left over money, that means taxes are too high. and they should reduce taxes!

so government takes TAX in return of all this. after they take tax fro myou its their money nomore yours so they can spend it anyway they want. and government is for all citizens of country so they spend it on all citizens.

This is ridiculous, I live int his country, I own the dam govt. its there cos of me! cos of the people! the government is the servant of the people not the other way round.

your concept of a tax system is not tax. its EXTORTION !!!
Exactly!, this all they should be doing nothing more, if they have left over money, that means taxes are too high. and they should reduce taxes!

This is ridiculous, I live int his country, I own the dam govt. its there cos of me! cos of the people! the government is the servant of the people not the other way round.

your concept of a tax system is not tax. its EXTORTION !!!

exactly, they are servants of people. and people mean every citizen of country not just you. so they have to work for everyone and thats what they are doing.

btw for any nation to rise development in all parts in necessary.

i m sure you will come up with something funny on this too but i m least interested in answering you coz as you mentioned you were one of the distinguished students in class so you should be smart enough to understand things without my help.:coffee:
exactly, they are servants of people. and people mean every citizen of country not just you. so they have to work for everyone and thats what they are doing.

btw for any nation to rise development in all parts in necessary.

Its about the individual, not creating some delusion of 'unity'. The unity is in the fact, that everyone can reach whatever achieve they feel is best fit for them, without any hindrances. The unity is in believing in the same set of common core ideas, its what nits societies together.

I don't believe people should 'pushed' forward, they should move forward based on their own determination and will. not dependent on govt suberszied pulling back other people who have greater determination and will. <--that's my view like it or not!

I'm not here to start a religious debate with you. what i mean by 'religious' debate is see here View topic - * Community Rules * - Stockinfo.lk - Free Sri Lankan Investment Forum

""Religious" debates

Note: this section DOES NOT exclusively refer to debates about religion.

"Religious" debates are so called because they have a lot in common with (but are not necessarily) discussions of religion and politics.

They consist largely of people expressing strongly held personal beliefs about things that can't be proven — supposedly in the interest of agreeing on the best way to do something important (whether it's attaining eternal peace, governing effectively, choosing a Stock, or deciding which company is superior). And, like most such debates, they rarely result in anyone involved changing his or her point of view. Besides wasting time, these arguments create tension and erode the value of this open discussion environment."
Something interesting I found,
here is the minster for the eastern province


northern province


now compare their caliber to the minster for the western province (Colombo)




I don't think you need me to explain the difference in determination of northern and eastern province minsters compared to the western province. You can see the determination of this guy to achieve his goal in his body image, why should he take a salary cut, cos of someone else lack of energy and will to get somewhere?


Who do think pays for these housing programs? If they decided to kill themselves for 30 years its not my problem, and why should i pay for this now?! What am I receiving in return?

And this not even economical! you know how much each these 'free' houses cost me and all the 'good' tax paying people? around 2 million Rs each! why not build an apartment and cram them in, oh yeah theirs too many 'elderly' which may complain of having to climb too many stairs!!!:hitwall: Thier building 10,000 of these every year.

So yeah, I have every god dam right to claim I'm being held back.

Man u r govt is helping the poor and is trying to reduce the poverty..
U should also be the part of it,as u r also Sri Lankan..
If u don't want to pay tax,they fly to other countries,and live there,But u should also pay tax there,But that tax money is spent on their citizens..
So think..
Ur country is best for u r other country???
Something interesting I found,
here is the minster for the eastern province


northern province


now compare their caliber to the minster for the western province (Colombo)




I don't think you need me to explain the difference in determination of northern and eastern province minsters compared to the western province. You can see the determination of this guy to achieve his goal in his body image, why should he take a salary cut, cos of someone else lack of energy and will to get somewhere?

This guy was the Governor of California, didn't help California much !!

Sri Lankans are weird. :s

No offence intended.
Sri Lankans are weird. :s

No offence intended.

I doubt that, The sinhalese sri lankans are the most friendly people i have seen, They know so much about pakistan and i think they admire pakistanis I had a Sri Lankan friend in uni, he is the only person in the world so far who has guessed my nationality correctly without calling me an arab or european
I doubt that, The sinhalese sri lankans are the most friendly people i have seen, They know so much about pakistan and i think they admire pakistanis I had a Sri Lankan friend in uni, he is the only person in the world so far who has guessed my nationality correctly without calling me an arab or european

I meant Sri Lankans in this forum.

Do arab people look like european?
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