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Should Sri lanka withdraw from SAARC?

Sri lanka isn't that poor, Its middle income. Thats only cos of the northern and eastern parts.

If you check a new IMF report, Its not allowing me post links here, donno why. It says more than 50% of Sri lanka's economy comes from Colombo. If you work out Colombo Income levels works out to be $48,000 USD, which is rich.

We should just build a fence around the other parts of the country, until they catch up. We shouldn't be held back cos they decided to kill themselves.


$ 2000 per capita is by no way a middle income country.

Even ur economy is hardly $100 billion.

About Colombo u just compared that city with Scandinavia,as even Hong kong only have a per capita of $ 31000,research little more before bringing such facts.

$ 2000 per capita is by no way a middle income country.

View topic - Lanka not an developing country anymore: WB - Stockinfo.lk - Free Sri Lankan Investment Forum

Even ur economy is hardly $100 billion.

Dont use PPP, only fools use that. use currency exchange.

About Colombo u just compared that city with Scandinavia,as even Hong kong only have a per capita of $ 31000,research little more before bringing such facts.

Whats your point? divide Colombo GDP by its population you get $48,000. You know how much I make?
Quitting SAARC and joining the first world countries might be a good option for SL. But have you pondered why hasn't SL done that already or whats stopping it from associating with the G-5 or the G-8? Any association or grouping is based on a give and take basis. People like to associate with people from whom they think they will gain value. What value would a US/UK or any other G5 nation would have by forming a group with SL? Are there any major economic incentives? What would they gain from SL?

I am not trying to belittle SL's economic or political stature. Surely SL is on the rise and is rich in natural as well as human resources. But the fact is that the first world would have more to give than to take from SL. Hence it will be an unequal association. To ensure effective cooperation and mutual benefit, its best to stick with your own kind.
@Mahinda.. If you really think Srilanka is now in developed nation status. you will have to opt for G-8 or maybe G-20

I didn't say sri lanka, I was talking about Colombo.

G8 is about how large it is, it means nothing. Thats why Australia not in G8, but its the number 1 country.

What does the G8 even do? is just some economic corporation?
This threads not about what sri lanka should join, we'll decide that later. First we gotta quit SAARC, thats the most important thing right now. Its waste of money, and waste of time.
Also I think our army is too large with lack of funding makes its ineffiecnt, and not practical.

We should scale down the army from 250,000 active, to around 10,000. and maintain current levels of defence expenditure. This should give a per troop spending of that any modern army of around $600,000 USD per solider per year. and just use this to protect Colombo, If the other parts of the country want protections let them pay for it themselves.

just think again what you are talking. you are asking for seperation of colombo from sri lanka. you are talking abuot division of your country.
and surely the income of colombo must be high than other parts of country but that doesnt mean you dont need other parts. colombo is main city hence fetches more money. all the industrialisation in colombo must be getting its raw materials from other parts of country.
anyway its your country do whatever you like but divison never helps.:coffee:
just think again what you are talking. you are asking for seperation of colombo from sri lanka. you are talking abuot division of your country.
and surely the income of colombo must be high than other parts of country but that doesnt mean you dont need other parts. colombo is main city hence fetches more money. all the industrialisation in colombo must be getting its raw materials from other parts of country.
anyway its your country do whatever you like but divison never helps.:coffee:

raw materials? raw materials are very cheap compared to the end product. They can be imported at very cheap prices on international commodity markets. And we have a special relation with gulf countries due to the need for raw materials.

Can you explain why division never helps? In school i was great performer, i was much smarter than the kids. So I placed into a special stream so i can reach my full potential. I shouldn't be held back cos of someone is dumber than me. that not fair.

that's as stupid as of a concept as stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. Their poor cos they decided to be poor, not doing anything about it. Hows it my flout?

oh god u r making me crazy,u claim SL is no more a developing nation

Did u read the article,WB never made such statements,IDA only stated that SL is not applicable for loans because it crossed the $2000 mark

Even with a $ 6000 per capita China is even not considered developed.

Dont use PPP, only fools use that. use currency exchange.

I thought u will become happy if i show u some exaggerated figures:lol:

If u need actual figures,then look at it,it is $ 48 billion9nominal)

Whats your point? divide Colombo GDP by its population you get $48,000. You know how much I make?


This is the way u calculate GDP

Note down the formula of GDP

GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government spending + (exports − imports), or


Colombo is even not considered as a Global Alpha city,even not it is present in beta list

I think Sri lanka is wasting its time and money by being a member SAARC.

If you look at it, all the SAARC countries are 3rd world and most of them are low income countries. How are you suppose to become 'good' when you hang around the 'bad'? we are wasting Billions of Rs to be part of this lethargic Association that is destined to fail. "dont they tell you not hang around the 'bad' kids when your little? as they will be bad influence on you"
True.Srilanka is more advised to join G-8,G-20,ASEAN.

I don't see the point in enhancing relations with neighbors, we're living in the 21st century. Distance is not a problem, any place around world is only few hours away. Why not enhance ties with 1st world countries.
true.srilanka can ve better relations with norway,sweden.UK,Greenland.

Their been making this colossal wastes of money by arranging a summit every 2 years, now their' apparently doing it every year. what the hell?

Why not go with Colombo plan? work on better ties there? thier are great countries in that group that we can learn alot from.

And i don't see why, northern and eastern parts of sri lanka have leech from lines of credit from Colombo for apparently 'development' If they made a war for 30 years, not not my god dam problem for their so called lack of 'development'. Why is Colombo throwing 215 Billion Rs every year into the security of that no future crap hole? that's over $100 million USD a week to apparently provide security so they don't kill themselves! Why does my tax have to foot the bill for that? Why not just build a fence like they did in Israel? I'm sure you can build a fence for a one off payment of 215 Billion Rs, not throwing my hard earned money to stop them killing themselves. If i was president i would do things a lot different, but likely i have some contacts which gives me some good influence with the president :P Hopefully I will be able to change all this, and turn this country back into business.

Looking forward to hearing your opinions.

Just allow india to take jafana and other nothern parts of srilanka.That will be india's problem then.And why should srilanka waste its taxpayers money in building fence.india will itself build the fence once it takes over northern part .like india has built fence all along pakistan and bangladesh border.

:welcome: to :pdf:

I think Sri lanka is wasting its time and money by being a member SAARC.

True.Srilanka is more advised to join G-8,G-20,ASEAN.

true.srilanka can ve better relations with norway,sweden.UK,Greenland.

Just allow india to take jafana and other nothern parts of srilanka.That will be india's problem then.And why should srilanka waste its taxpayers money in building fence.india will itself build the fence once it takes over northern part .like india has built fence all along pakistan and bangladesh border.

:welcome: to :pdf:

No, cos then we have a security problem with india. Maybe we could do it onto a Leese agreement or something, so we can get it back after say 50 years. In per captia terms it should integrate nicely with India, the GDP out of that area is on par with India. So there would be no outflow of money from india to northern and eastern parts.
I thought u will become happy if i show u some exaggerated figures:lol:

If u need actual figures,then look at it,it is $ 48 billion9nominal)

I never like to exaggerate, its not a Colombo thing. We always underestimate and over do.

I'll give you an example, when i bought air conditioner for my house, I always underestimated its capacity, and over done the air conditioner. ended up buying a system with 51KW cooling capacity.
Oh sorry,I made a mistake,i had shown the formula of GDP instead of per caita

So according to Mahinda the per capita of Colombo is $48,000

Now per Capita=total personal income /total population

Total population of Colombo is 5.6 million.

so therefore its total income or its GDP in Mahinda's language is $ 268 billion.

awwwww,thats more than 5 times the GDP of SL
No, cos then we have a security problem with india. Maybe we could do it onto a Leese agreement or something, so we can get it back after say 50 years. In per captia terms it should integrate nicely with India, the GDP out of that area is on par with India. So there would be no outflow of money from india to northern and eastern parts.
make sure u dont end lease/losing whole of srilanka itself to india.
Oh sorry,I made a mistake,i had shown the formula of GDP instead of per caita

So according to Mahinda the per capita of Colombo is $48,000

Now per Capita=total personal income /total population

Total population of Colombo is 5.6 million.

so therefore its total income or its GDP in Mahinda's language is $ 268 billion.

awwwww,thats more than 5 times the GDP of SL

5.6 Million :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: are you insane? its 647,100.

647,100 share over $25 Billion USD
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