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Should Russia worry about Modi's U.S. visit?

russian media is the most unbiased media in the world

Russia trusted India with Nuclear air craft carrier and what did India Do ?

Yes lick boots of Russia's enemies very sad

If Russia had given us a Aircraft carrier we would always support Russian stance
India has some troubles with oligarchs and made lot of retarded decisions like MRCA tender initially for Rafael which is french and France has proven to be absolutley unreliable and blackmailed by US, now they go for Eurofighter instead which is even dumber move to go for a fighter that is hold by many companies spared through different countries which are all whores of USA and getting blackmailed all the time to cancel deals. Now India gone for Apaches,Chinooks and maybe go for other american stuff which will end up in corner getting pressured to abondon BRICS and the plan for ban of petro/fiatdollar just so they going to keep some helicopters. India needs to sort the shit out or getting blackmailed like a whore.
All RT does is sneak diss the US. Even on things that's even initially about America.
When you are an evil empire that only loots,burns and genocides other countries then you shouldn't wonder when people start to hate you. That is not coincidence that lot of people today connect and associoate the words Democracy and Freedom with Imperialism and War with the USA flag as the background.
When you are an evil empire that only loots,burns and genocides other countries then you shouldn't wonder when people start to hate you. That is not coincidence that lot of people today connect and associoate the words Democracy and Freedom with Imperialism and War with the USA flag as the background.

Yeah, tell Ukraine that.
Listen. Thanks for the concern for India but keep it to yourself. India and the US will have a strategic partnership for the next 50 yrs minimum. As India buys American tech, it will help its own domestic industry.....the exposue to cuting edge tech, exchange of ppl and culture, etc.....will only help.

When you are an evil empire that only loots,burns and genocides other countries then you shouldn't wonder when people start to hate you. That is not coincidence that lot of people today connect and associoate the words Democracy and Freedom with Imperialism and War with the USA flag as the background.

Muslims from the Middle East hate India when we have not done any harm. The fact, its convenient.
Yeah, tell Ukraine that.
Yes, Ukraine was invaded with blackops by US and Israhell. Its americunts who are in Ukraine taking positions of ukrainian oil companies like joe biden's son, it was CIA that instructed terrorist acts against own country, it was US who organized terroristic nazis and trained them in poland and estonia, it was US who shot with snipers on both demonstrants and police forces, it were Jews that were fighting on maidan against police which is confirmed by Hareetz.

Yes you are imperialistic scum that will be wiped out soon, the shit US regime is falling and there is no way back, the dollar hegemony is already put to end.

238 years of existence and 238 years of constant war against other countries, not a single time you defended your country.
Yes, Ukraine was invaded with blackops by US and Israhell. Its americunts who are in Ukraine taking positions of ukrainian oil companies like joe biden's son, it was CIA that instructed terrorist acts against own country, it was US who organized terroristic nazis and trained them in poland and estonia, it was US who shot with snipers on both demonstrants and police forces, it were Jews that were fighting on maidan against police which is confirmed by Hareetz.

Cool story bro.
India will support the American Dollar. Its in our best interest to support the Dollar. What are other options...depending on China, the Middle East, etc? At least Americans can and used to be impartial
India will support the American Dollar. Its in our best interest to support the Dollar. What are other options...depending on China, the Middle East, etc? At least Americans can and used to be impartial
Yes play the whore of anglo suckson, that is what india can do best.
That is called stockholm syndrome.
The US has nothing to offer, that is why the loot always other countries, because they have nothing of value, dollar has no value printed out of thin air, no counter value.
Fall with USA together if you can't decide between two chairs and in the end you will end up without chair.

Cool story bro.

The US is an evil empire and the history proofs itself.

BTW, US owns patent for Ebola.
Biogenocide like the jew scum Kissinger said, you anglo suckson scum will soon be over.
its just business kid:D if russians dont cater to our demand someone else will. russians and americans tried being oversmart by not offering us TOT and lost $20 billion MMRCA deal. frenchies bagged it. now that i would call business minded people, isnt $20 billion something:D

another thing, has always sold arms to china which you people copied and gave name like jian, ping pong etc:D

Has India sign the MMRCA deal yet? Why is India taking so long to even sign a plane deal? No wonder HAL is taking forever to build its plane as it know that India take forever to even buy a plane.
The US is an evil empire and the history proofs itself.

The evil empire and the juice will destroy mother bear. The juice are already inserted all over by the evil empire to take all the ICBMs and SSBNs from mother bear. Leaving mother bear to be destroyed, conventionally. The juice will form a new land over the once proud bear land.

Bear pelt coat will be given to the righteous in honor of bears destruction by evil empire and juice every year.
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