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Should Russia worry about Modi's U.S. visit?

So that decision was not a result of the visit, which is why it wasn't even mentioned in the joint statement. Will be interesting to see what it's about, but doesn't change the fact that nothing was achived by the PM wrt defence.

:lol: You really are clutching at straws, aren't you? Do you really want nothing to happen between India & the U.S. unless someone is visiting? The fact that these deals were agreed to (After Secretary Hagel's visit) before Mr. Modi went there & he didn't feel it necessary to show off his "accomplishment" indicates that both sides are keen on getting the relationship working (even if this is still only an early swallow) and not just indulge in PR. You were arguing earlier that signing deals during visits were important to show "the relationship", here is proof that the relationship seems fine even without that. Btw, what do you mean nothing was achieved wrt defence? What exactly do you think this is? Regardless of our differences on semantics, surely you agree that this is a good start for India.
Narendra Modi's US trip a successful visit: Shivshankar Menon
PTI Oct 8, 2014,

WASHINGTON: Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to the US and his meeting with President Barack Obama was successful, former National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon has said, insisting that the outcome shows the progress made in the bilateral ties during the last 10 years.

In his maiden interaction with an audience here after demitting office, Menon said the success of Modi's visit was reflected in the joint India-US statement issued after his meeting with Obama last week.


The statement, he noted, reflected the wide gamut of relationship that has evolved between the two countries over the past one decade.

"On the visit and India-US relations, it was clearly a good visit...for me the key is the joint statement...it really shows how far the relationship has come in the last 10 years or so and how far we progressed," Menon said while speaking at the Brookings Institute, a prestigious US-based think tank.

Observing that the new Indian government is attached to a very firm and strong relationship with the US, Menon said, Modi on his maiden USA visit as the Prime Minister was very active on public diplomacy, which was really quite impressive.

"I do not think, Prime Ministers visits actually produce nickel and dime outcome. I do not think that's the purpose. The purpose is to push relationship as a whole forward. And I think, that was achieved," Menon said when asked to comment on Prime Minister Modi's five-day visit to the US.
"For me it was a good visit," he said. Responding to questions, he refuted the notion that India US relationship was floundering before Modi's visit.

"If it was, you could not have produced a joint statement of depth and breadth that we saw last week. It was certainly a good visit in several senses," he said.

Narendra Modi's US trip a successful visit: Shivshankar Menon - Economic Times
Russians better be worried. The way you have been supporting China and keeping quiet as China bullied us, is well known to Indians who are aware. You turned a blind eye as China copied your tech and gave it Pakistan. Indian is with everybody and nobody. You nickled and dimed us for an Aircrat carrier your own navy wouldn't consider using. Thanks.

If RT and Russians want to blame anyone, then look in the mirror and blame yourself. India buys T90 tanks which lack considerable tech that your own military has. Mnay issues regarding spares, TOT, etc have been problematic. Look at the way Indian students were being treated in Russia?
how can we chinese bully you indian? doesn't make sense, English master gone, you should have a revision of your map indeed.
how can we chinese bully you indian? doesn't make sense, English master gone, you should have a revision of your map indeed.

Wtf you said to me? I can't understand your English? Did you graduate from school? You forget the English overran your country also. YOu can spin it anyway you wish, but that's the truth. Come and try remaking our map. You haven't done anything....the last time you tired you went back running.
Wtf you said to me? I can't understand your English? Did you graduate from school? You forget the English overran your country also. YOu can spin it anyway you wish, but that's the truth. Come and try remaking our map. You haven't done anything....the last time you tired you went back running.
the map you claimed now was belong to GB not India.
Why should they russians are a super power themselves too, US INDIAN relations might be a bit hard to gobble for the russians but i dont suppose they would worry.
:lol: You really are clutching at straws, aren't you?
Lol I am? You have posted the article, I only showed what it actually says. Which is neither about the PM, nor about anything that was achived during his visit in the US. So please don't blame me if it doesn't say what you hoped for.

You are trying hard to deny things, but the fact that from the defence point of view the visit was disappointing will still remain the same. Give credit when it's due, but also criticize if necessary!
Lol I am? You have posted the article, I only showed what it actually says. Which is neither about the PM, nor about anything that was achived during his visit in the US. So please don't blame me if it doesn't say what you hoped for.

You are trying hard to deny things, but the fact that from the defence point of view the visit was disappointing will still remain the same. Give credit when it's due, but also criticize if necessary!

You are the one who was arguing that if India bought stuff & the PMsigned the agreement, that would constitute good relationship on defence. That's a laugh, excuse me for believing you really are clutching at straws,

Btw, I have no problem criticising when I think they need criticism, Can't help if you & I don't agree on when that point is reached.
You are the one who was arguing that if India bought stuff & the PMsigned the agreement, that would constitute good relationship on defence.

Not really, I said that nothing was achieved with the visit wrt defence, neither any improvement in the fields the PM wanted to raise, nor even any of the expected deals were signed. You simply are in denial of both, that's why you posted reports that has nothing to do with the expectations of the visit and now that has nothing to do with the visit or the PM. But if you can't prove that anything was achived, you have to post something right? As you said in the other thread, "better than nothing!" :rolleyes:
But if you can't prove that anything was achived, you have to post something right?As you said in the other thread, "better than nothing!" :rolleyes:

Don't confuse me for your way of thinking. I said that not signing is not proof of anything (I specifically said, give it some time & then make the case) not that something was achieved. Feel free to refresh your memory by reading my posts.

If over the next few months, there is no major progress, I would then agree that India-US defence relations are not living up to their potential. Not otherwise
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Don't confuse me for your way of thinking. I said that not signing is not proof of anything (I specifically said, give it some time & then make the case) not that something was achieved. Feel free to refresh your memory by reading my posts.

It's not the way of your thinking, it's your denial that is the problem. If you would just say, I disagree that's one thing, but you are in denial that there were defence related expectations on the visit (not on seperated negotiations before or after the visit) and the PM, just as you denied that it's common for such high level meetings to include defence deals. These denials and desperate search of excuses to show that it wasn't that bad that nothing has come out of the vist is where we differ and not on personal opinions.
It's not the way of your thinking, it's your denial that is the problem. If you would just say, I disagree that's one thing, but you are in denial that there were defence related expectations on the visit (not on seperated negotiations before or after the visit) and the PM, just as you denied that it's common for such high level meetings to include defence deals. These denials and desperate search of excuses to show that it wasn't that bad that nothing has come out of the vist is where we differ and not on personal opinions.

You obviously have very selective memory. The point being made by me throughout was that we can only be clear about the relationship after a few months have passed & not merely by the absence of signed deals which in my view wouldn't have signified anything by themselves if the only things being signed were purchases that would happen indue course anyways. There is no denial, it lies in your inability to accept that your opinion is not the only one that can be held. Your posts are now tending towards more personal recriminations than merely a discussion on the subject & I prefer not to go down that road. Feel free not to bother with my posts if you wish to go down that path, there are plenty of others who will humour you.
The point being made by me throughout was that we can only be clear about the relationship after a few months

Which doesn't make sense, because the whole discussion was about the US visit itself and the outcome from a defence related point of view. It's exactly these kind of excuses I mea, since they only show the denial to accept the underperformance by distracting to a possible future result.

have passed & not merely by the absence of signed deals which in my view wouldn't have signified anything by themselves if the only things being signed were purchases that would happen indue course anyways.

And here again, you can have the opinion that the helicopter deals wouldn't had significance, but denying that the lack of even these simple deals, are disappointing is just another excuse for underperformance at the visit. So your opinion is one thing, but your excuses are the other! I have no problem with the earlier, but one with the latter, that's why I said earlier:

Give credit when it's due, but also criticize if necessary!
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