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Should Pakistan recognize Israel?

Should Pakistan recognize and establish better ties with Israel?

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For PAKISTAN we need both.

You need both but what you carry first determines how succesful your nation will become. Also Blind Patratiotism and Blind Fanatascim is far more Harmful than any foriegn invador.

Would you put religion first or country first?

I put Country first and foremost..... as supporting your country first is a far more broader approach to peace and stability than supporting religion first. Supporting your country first means you automatically respect all those who are Pakistani be it of any creed, color or religion.
You need both but what you carry first determines how succesful your nation will become. Also Blind Patratiotism and Blind Fanatascim is far more Harmful than any foriegn invador.

Would you put religion first or country first?

I put Country first and foremost..... as supporting your country first is a far more broader approach to peace and stability than supporting religion first. Supporting your country first means you automatically respect all those who are Pakistani be it of any creed, color or religion.

PAKISTAN was created for MUSLIMS of sub-continent. PAKISTAN is a very diversified land with all types of geographical regions & climates & a huge variation in ethnicities.ISLAM is the only 'bond' which insures the integrety & federation of PAKISTAN. As our politicians have always chosed the regional & ethnic approach we are ourselves seeing the consequences. Even in PUNJAB, it melts down to being RAJPUT, JATT, ARAIN ,KASHMIRI etc.
Surprisingly I think only the ARMY as a national instituion has held everything together. If PAKISTAN has to come first then we have to acknowledge & propagate the factor which can supercede all regional differences.
if India is best friend friend of Palestine we have best friend Israel what you think ? Kuwait Egypt Jordon Morocco Tunis Algeria already recognize Israel .why we waste energy on that daed isue.
navré de vous contredire mais l'Algerie n'a jamais reconnu l'entité sioniste...
veuillez cher ami vous renseigner avant "d'insulter" toute une nation..
merci pour votre compréhension..
ps: si vous voulez avoir des relations diplomatique avec l'entité sioniste c'est votre choix pas la peine de chercher le dindon de la farce..
Yes, we should recognize Israel.What's the point of living in ignorance?Israel will continue to exist.

What ignorance can you explain ?

Dont you know Mosque Aksa is kibla Awal?
Dont you know how they capture Palestine?
Dont you know they will never give equal rights to palestine?
Dont you know they are not ready to accept 15 million IDP Palestinians?

Still you are advocating Israeli state? :devil:
navré de vous contredire mais l'Algerie n'a jamais reconnu l'entité sioniste...
veuillez cher ami vous renseigner avant "d'insulter" toute une nation..
merci pour votre compréhension..
ps: si vous voulez avoir des relations diplomatique avec l'entité sioniste c'est votre choix pas la peine de chercher le dindon de la farce..

French translation into English.

sorry to contradict you but Algeria has never recognized the Zionist entity ...
dear friend please inquire before "insulting" an entire nation ..
thank you for your understanding ..
ps: if you want to have diplomatic relations with the Zionist entity it's your choice not bother searching the mugs .."-mohhaider
Many arab countries recognise Isreal but we should only recognise it with in the pre 1967 borders. This could be a condition of recognition and I think isreal would accept it. Then if Isreal mistreats the palestinains we could use our embassy to some what influence Isreals Government to behave in a more humanitarian way. We could also then work from the 'inside' to help the Palestinains to obtain their homeland and independant state out side the pre 1967 borders. We should only take this step if it is in the interest of Pakistan and I feel it is more in our interest than not. For Eg the Isrealis do not sell India weapons because it is in their interest after all we are a USA partner in war on terror. They only sell for the money (Eg to China against USA interests) and they will sell to us if we recognise them but with conditions only.
Pakistan Should Recognize Israel as soon as possible. Let the Arabs deal with their own problems. Maybe when the Arabs start to give a **** about Kashmir, I might think about supporting their cause.
Non sense

liberation of Palestine is muslim cause ?

Stop your hatred and racism or quit:angry:

How the Hell is Palestine a muslim cause? It is an Arab cause, there are christians amongst the palestinians as well. And What's these double standards? Palestine is a muslim cause? What about Kashmir? Oh yeah, since your best friends( the arabs) don't believe in Kashmir, its automatically unimportant :disagree:
Israel is dying for recognition. because it can then build its embassy and start its work of spying very easily. It is desperate to find a room in Pakistan.
Answer to this question is not Pakistan recognize Israel. It is weather Israel recognizes the rights of Palestine, gives them back their occupied land back and stop killing innocent Palestine.
NO Sir.
Dear Moderator, Please delete this thread. This is not even a question if we should Identify Israel.
Answer to this question is not Pakistan recognize Israel. It is weather Israel recognizes the rights of Palestine, gives them back their occupied land back and stop killing innocent Palestine.

And why should Pakistan care about Palestine when majority of Arabs support India?
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