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Should Pakistan cancel march 23 parade?

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Naheed Janjua

Jan 19, 2017
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Should March 23 Parade be happening this year amidst coronavirus scare?

Seldom has a sophisticated plane like F-16 crashed in rehearsal exercises for Pakistan Day Parade killing a senior PAF pilot. In most crashes pilots get an opportunity to exit but in this incidence pilot, Wing Commander, Nouman Akram, did not get this opportunity either. But this tragedy has also raised another troubling question.

So far hundreds of people (more than 3,700 so far) have died all over the world due to the Coronavirus and so far 7 deaths have been confirmed in Pakistan. Many analysts believe these numbers to be understated and doctors in Karachi hospitals have claimed they are being told to stay quiet on the issue.

This week, Qatar Airways, clearly under instructions from Doha government, has closed entry of passengers from Pakistan into Qatar. This looks strange given the fact that diagnosed, detected and admitted cases of coronavirus in Pakistan are very small. However it appears that international institutions, like Qatar Airways, are not convinced that coronavirus cases in Pakistan are as far and few as being claimed by the Pakistani government authorities.

Globally, governments are discouraging crowd gatherings, Ireland has cancelled in St Patrick street celebrations as have many USA cities, Madonna cancelled her shows in Paris, and the Pope has stopped his open mass in Italy. There is even discussions that Japan may also delay the Olympics in the summer. UAE has closed schools for 1 month and Italy has closed them for 2 weeks. Hotels and airports across GCC countries are lying deserted. In Dubai many international organisations have asked people to work from home or go on voluntary paid leave. In Pakistan, government is somehow paying lip service to the threat of coronavirus – while ignoring the essentials of risk management and mitigation.

Pakistan has so far decided to go ahead both with the PSL and the March 23 parade without regard to the potential consequences of spreading the Coronavirus. Imran Ismail, Governor Sindh, while briefing media, on Tuesday, made that strange claim that government is trying to make the stadium sterile and safe from coronavirus. No where else in the world a senior government functionary has made such a claim. Even schools in Islamabad have cancelled school sports events and other events.

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