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Should Muslim nations arm the Palestinians if peace talks fail?

Should Muslim nations arm the Palestinians if peace talks fail?

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Shoud we?, Yes, but, will we?, No....

Should we ? No !

Will we ? Hell No !

Wrrora haven't we tasted the fruit of this 'Muslim Ummah' thing in the past ? Lets not go any further ahead than Afghanistan - They've dreamt of carving out their Loy Afghanistan out of nearly 2/3rd Pakistan since '48, they've hosted Baluch Insurgents on their soil during every Separatists Insurgency in Baluchistan & they even invaded our territory (Bajaur in the '60s) or aggressively postured on the Durand Line (during the Daud Khan & the Babrak regimes) & we've fed & clothed them for 30 years in addition to investing billions of dollars into Afghanistan for their betterment ( just check this out - http://pakistanembassykabul.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/journey-of-friendship-low-res1.pdf ) !

And what did we get in turn ?

Nothing except hate & proxy wars being raged on Afghan Soil against Pakistan throughout the '90s which prompted us to support the Taliban after trying for God knows how many times to get the Afghans to stop killing each other !

And now they're at it again - Baluch Separatists, TTP second-in-command etc. etc. etc.

So maybe we should just stick with helping Pakistan & Pakistanis instead !
I think more than that why not create a Palestinian support base? Give 5% quota to Palestinian students in Muslim collleges and Universities, create a special civil structure-unis, hospitals etc., manned by volunteers from Muslim countires. Modern conflicts cannot be won by guns but by civics.
I think more than that why not create a Palestinian support base? Give 5% quota to Palestinian students in Muslim collleges and Universities, create a special civil structure-unis, hospitals etc., manned by volunteers from Muslim countires. Modern conflicts cannot be won by guns but by civics.
That can only be implemented by the rich countries , poorer countries like Pakistan, Egypt etc lack educational facilities for their basic population.
I disagree, we can do this with more richer nations taking in more students. Even if one universtiy agrees to take in only 5 students then there are about 130 universities in Pakistan, that means annually, we'd be producing, 130 X 5 = 650 Palestinian professionals. That would make a difference.
That can only be implemented by the rich countries , poorer countries like Pakistan, Egypt etc lack educational facilities for their basic population.
I disagree, we can do this with more richer nations taking in more students. Even if one universtiy agrees to take in only 5 students then there are about 130 universities in Pakistan, that means annually, we'd be producing, 130 X 5 = 650 Palestinian professionals. That would make a difference.
Bro Alot of problems with this.
First what do we owe them and what do we get in return.We have helped them unconditionally so far but what about our problems especially Kashmir??
Second what about the other countries that are worse off for example Somalia shouldn't we help them as well , this becomes a never ending cycle? Quite simply we should utilize our resources on own people be it 1 or 1000 . Unless we can help ourselves we can forget about helping others :)
Who says we have to stop with them, mate? We can do this with other countries too, if only we've the will to do it. I would love to see Pakistanis go to Somalia, Palestine etc., and work there as professionals to help those nations. It's true that we need to re-prioritise in order to do this but it, nonetheless, can be done.
Bro Alot of problems with this.
First what do we owe them and what do we get in return.We have helped them unconditionally so far but what about our problems especially Kashmir??
Second what about the other countries that are worse off for example Somalia shouldn't we help them as well , this becomes a never ending cycle? Quite simply we should utilize our resources on own people be it 1 or 1000 . Unless we can help ourselves we can forget about helping others :)
I think more than that why not create a Palestinian support base? Give 5% quota to Palestinian students in Muslim collleges and Universities, create a special civil structure-unis, hospitals etc., manned by volunteers from Muslim countires. Modern conflicts cannot be won by guns but by civics.

Palestinians shouldn't emigrate, and education will not help us win a conflict as sorry as that sounds. Conflicts are decide by wars in this world and this has been the policy of the west and Israeli colonialists for a while now because they have an advantage with weapons and dictatorships that hold their citizens as slaves.
Should we ? No !

Will we ? Hell No !

Wrrora haven't we tasted the fruit of this 'Muslim Ummah' thing in the past ? Lets not go any further ahead than Afghanistan - They've dreamt of carving out their Loy Afghanistan out of nearly 2/3rd Pakistan since '48, they've hosted Baluch Insurgents on their soil during every Separatists Insurgency in Baluchistan & they even invaded our territory (Bajaur in the '60s) or aggressively postured on the Durand Line (during the Daud Khan & the Babrak regimes) & we've fed & clothed them for 30 years in addition to investing billions of dollars into Afghanistan for their betterment ( just check this out - http://pakistanembassykabul.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/journey-of-friendship-low-res1.pdf ) !

And what did we get in turn ?

Nothing except hate & proxy wars being raged on Afghan Soil against Pakistan throughout the '90s which prompted us to support the Taliban after trying for God knows how many times to get the Afghans to stop killing each other !

And now they're at it again - Baluch Separatists, TTP second-in-command etc. etc. etc.

So maybe we should just stick with helping Pakistan & Pakistanis instead !

I believe that practically we should be more isolationist with respect to helping other nation militarily but then again a part of me still clings to the romantic ideal of the Muslim Umaah and the feats of greatness the Ummah achieved when we were once united.....:(
I believe that practically we should be more isolationist with respect to helping other nation militarily but then again a part of me still clings to the romantic ideal of the Muslim Umaah and the feats of greatness the Ummah achieved when we were once united.....:(

I feel more or less the same ! :(

Hence my anger & hurt when the actions of our Muslim Brethren suggest that they don't give a foOk about us !
Yes or No and please give a reasonable, detailed and well thought out answer. No pre mature or immature answers. If you have little knowledge and the conflict and current peace talks and their conditions think twice before answering since this is a sensitive issue. We're nearing the end of peace talks as it is 2014 and the Middle East is in somewhat chaos all around but things can change if attention is directed back at I/P conflict.

Id like to hear your answers....
Congrats for phrasing your question in a neutral fashion.

That said, I don't think Pakistanis should under-rate the importance of what Hazzy is asking here. In the past few weeks, I've posted stuff showing that the Jews re-settlement of Mandate Palestine including the West Bank is legal, that Israel holds the moral high ground, that the Arabs owe Israel for the misery they've caused, that the "Palestinian" Arab leaders seek genocide, and so on. Before that I've argued that Hazzy's grandparents, having sided with Israel's enemies with their feet or through hostile action, surrendered their civil and property rights under Mandate Law, so they have no claim to any property in Israel itself.

In the "real world" the Americans and Israelis cooperate to stop shipments of arms to Palestinian Arabs' genocidal terror leadership, which makes oppression of Hazzy and his family their first order of business, self-enriching corruption their second, and killing Israelis third. The Syrians are engaged in civil war, the Egyptians switched sides back in 2011, and while Lebanon's Hezbollah is active, its priorities are domestic repression in Lebanon and the enforcement and expansion of the Iranian mullahs hegemonic ambitions.

So Hazzy throws his useless arguments aside and makes a straightforward appeal on the basis of religious bigotry: will Pakistanis support Muslims against Jews or not?

A "yes" means an endorsement of genocide and will encourage terrorists to oppress and kill people even more; the Palestinians leaders will have less excuse to negotiate peace. (Of course, the same terror-empowering mind-set will be further empowered and encouraged in Pakistan itself. )

A "no" will weaken terror forces and allow Arab political leaders - and guys like Hazzy, for that matter - room to seek peace with Israelis instead of continually being pushed into killing and confronting them. And back in Pakistan the attitude that killing infidels isn't the highest form of worship for a "Muslim" state can grow and develop, pulling the rug out from under the Pakistani terrorists who without much discrimination kill both soldiers and civilians for being insufficiently Muslim by refusing to submit to their leadership.
I don't need a Zionist's opinion here. The Zionist stance is very clear, death to Palestinians and a greater Israel.
Iran must supply Palestinians with Qaher-313 jets!

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I don't need a Zionist's opinion here. The Zionist stance is very clear, death to Palestinians and a greater Israel.
Well, I think the Pakistanis deserve a Zionist's opinion here. For what you say highlights the difference between what things ARE and what they are CALLED. The reality is that Israel pulled back from Sinai twice, ethnically cleansed Jews from Gaza in 2005, yielded Areas A and B to P.A. control, and allows its own sizable minority populations to grow, prosper, and buy and sell property (Indeed, much of the Galilee is now again majority Arab), and despite hostility allows supplies other than war materials into Gaza and permits as much freedom of movement as security permits. Had Israel really sought the goals you claim it would have acted very differently - more along the lines of the Arabs who kicked Jews out of "Arab" lands in the nine decades since the end of Ottoman rule.

So my question is, do Pakistanis give Hazzy and his "leaders" the opportunity to embrace reality and seek peace by withholding weaponry, or should Pakistanis support giving Hamas the means to continue to compel Hazzy to act as if he believes this junk via military supplies and a blank moral cheque to kill Israelis?
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