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Should Late Night Call Packages be banned?

Shows the sorry state of Pakistan.A country that is suffering from terrorism, corruption and poverty but no the Pakistanis are trying to become more holy instead of solving the core issues.Just goes to show how corrupted Pakistani people are.Seeing these kind of things make me embarrassed to be a Pakistani.I'd say apart from the foreign policy India is thousand times better as far as individual freedom is concerned.
This is impossible .. everything that you stated is not the responsibilty of the government,, but that of the parents and upbringing. The government should promote such competitions among phone providers or we will be left with PTV and NTM and PTCL landlines. Simpler times thats true, but because of all those restrictions we have been left 20 years behind the rest of the world.

Personally, I think PTV and NTM (Rest Politics) were far entertaining than these BSs we have now-a-days. Everything must have limits, Lets take an Example...

Geo Group a.k.a. Jang Group, a media group, an independent one, of Pakistan, has taken an initiative, Aman Ki Asha. Now is this the discreation of a Media group to directly or indirectly affect the Foreign Policy of a country? Does CNN or BBC or elsewhere such things happen?

In addition to above, two days back I was reading an article by the Editor of "The News" in Lahore who openly said that we can't have peace with India as long as we are "Hero-Worshipers." To be more exact she said that the War-Heroes of '65, which are tributed in her son's textbook, are the reasons for what we don't want to have peace with India because of their Honour, Glory and Status in people. Whats this??? You judge.

Getting back to the point, my problem is that you may ban this package but it won't solve the problem, the need is that to reduce the misuse of Mobile Phones in Pakistan we must have a policy. Its not just an issue of an individual child, collectively, it is the problem of our society and Govt. being the savior of Socail affiars has to interfare in it. I think this interference is Justified and is imperative in such circumstances.

My suggestion would be to unauthorize the usage of Mobile Phones by teenagers under 18. And F.G.S. don't say Mobile phone is a necessity for the people and Teenagers of under18, I think a "GUN" is more important than a cell phone now a days, because of the law and order situation, you most likely need a GUN than a M.P. so what do you say should we allow them too?

Why so late? why companies are not giving the same packages at day time? If someone want to talk he/she can talk at day time. Aisi kaya baat ha jo raat ko hi honi hay. Its just spoiling the next generation.

I agree, this a reasonable point one must ponder to. Are the cellular companies not ruining the nights of the students? What affects this untimely "entertainment" can be seen on Young Generation (Students in Particular)?

KIT Over
Banning? Hell no. There are disadvantages to everything in the world. It is our responsibility to use things wisely.
There are people who cannot afford to make long calls in day. Some may not get time in day. Some may be in a long distance relationships. Banning is not the solution. It is the responsibility of the youth and their parents to make sure they use the facility wisely and appropriately.
Even iodex can be consumed to get you high, but sensible people don't do it na?
Parents need to play the important role here. If they observe that their children are over using this facility, they can disable it. As easy as that. Companies aren't forcing them onto the customers. You want it you take it, you don't just leave it.

Anyways, the people who are over using it to an extent that they bunk colleges next day, won't change even after the ban. They'll switch to skype or some other p2p or even chatting. These people are called addicts. These people need a doctor, and not a ban.
Let the parents do their jobs and limit the "youths" cellphone usage at night.
Not even the Late Night Packages but usage of Cellular Phones by people under 18 should also be banned.

I agree with banning cell phones for teenagers, but banning one package clearly shows from where they are coming from.
I agree with banning cell phones for teenagers, but banning one package clearly shows from where they are coming from.

Thanks for the agreement.

But, is it not to be considered as well that why only all the cellular companies offer such long packages in night? Certainly, a buisnessman or a working person or even a house wife, tired of being doing work all day long won't avail such an "opportunity" than who will? Certainly the youth.

KIT Over
These people need a doctor, and not a ban.

I feel Government is playing a role of Doctor here.

There are disadvantages to everything in the world. It is our responsibility to use things wisely.

These people are called addicts.

My dear friend, let me give you an example.

It is my descretion to use Heroin or cocane or drugs, I use them, I ruin myself, my life, my career. What is the problem with Government or other people to stop me? I am not hurting other, I am doing it to myself...:what:

Now, I am an addict of drugs and according to your theory I should not be questioned, punished or even condemned by the Government coz its my life, I am doing it to myself and not to others. :hang2:

Same is the case with cellular addicts.

Anyways, the people who are over using it to an extent that they bunk colleges next day, won't change even after the ban. They'll switch to skype or some other p2p or even chatting. These people are called addicts. These people need a doctor, and not a ban.

To tell you the truth, and I am sure you'll be aware of it, that most of the young people who avail this package have "secret connections". In Pakistan, parents do not allow boys or girls to talk, as friends even, and those who want to, do so during nights when Parents are sleeping. Most of the "LOVE AFFAIRS ON CELL PHONES" are unknown by the parents and the children are saints to them coz they are unaware what's going on:angel:. They use phones "UNDER THE BLANKET" (Literally).

Now Parents can't control the children, coz they are old enough and tired enough to wake all night just to keep their children away from the phones:coffee:, neither they can just lock the phones of their children up. The hot-blooded youth don't sleep much when they feel the heat of affection for opposite gender.

I bet that less than 5% of total such calls are made from a relative to other relative, or by a brother to a sister, and even by similar genders. Mostly the calls are to and from opposite genders. And its nothing, has no practical use, but just time passing or time wasting.

I don't know of others but I am in full support of the Government's act to ban such packages, I also demand that usage of Cell Phones by Teens U.A.O. 18 must also be banned strictly.

KIT Over
Thanks for the agreement.

But, is it not to be considered as well that why only all the cellular companies offer such long packages in night? Certainly, a buisnessman or a working person or even a house wife, tired of being doing work all day long won't avail such an "opportunity" than who will? Certainly the youth.

KIT Over

Sorry for disagreement on that, as i know many people who are awake at night also take advantage and many housewife now shifted their gossips to early morning as at that time they are free, their children are asleep, and they need to wake up for prayers, etc.

Banning ONE package will only take one opportunity from teenagers, but their would b many other things which can help then to spoil the technology. They might find some other way.. the only way is to take mobile from them, and cheap packages for the people who can't afford , but do need to remain social.
ban them sure, but will it cure the situation. NO
then whats the purpose of banning. when the youth wants to do something it does it, either one way or the other.

They'll use orkut, facebook, skype and let me tell you, its even worse than cell phones.

What will you do then? Ban internet???

Pakistan will become Iraq. :angry:
No logical reason to ban anything. Maybe the Pakistani youth who spend hours on the phones late at night might want to consider doing something constructive but anyone who thinks banning late night phones is going to help that cause is completely delusional. If not phones than MSN Messeger.. might ban that as well while your at it..
What day or night makes any difference with these packages? If they would've offered it at day, teens etc would still be spending their day time talking uselessly instead of studying, thinking, and developing themselves.

In the end, the companies don't force anyone to make calls at night, the users are responsible themselves. Our corrupt and foolish politicians who have an IQ which is worse then a pig, only such worthless people can raise such issues in bloody playground which is known as parliament.

Ps, there's going to be no ban or whatever, this is just another freaking issue they have to raise because they need to spend time in their kido- playgrounds doing something. [Punjab assembly, Parliament etc etc]
kar do ban :rofl: who cares............ i am not living in Pakistan anyway :rofl:
Ohh Come on what's wrong with that? If you can do all your productive work in day time and talk at night I don't see any reason to bann anything. In India I can't even ink it down how many packages are there. Telecom companies compete with each other to provide the best services to consumers and increase the traffic on its network.

It is just good business. If you just contradict everything with your social problem, how will we progress?

Yes, I would say if our children are getting affected then parents shouldn't give the cellphones to them as simple as that.

Why you guys always blame the govt in the end for things that are in your hands as well? Same thing happens in India also but the frequency is way less..

Can someone tell me if Pakistan has only single telecom company or all of them, Like Vodafone, Virgin and local companies etc???

If yes, then you don't need a bann, you need to broaden your thinking. Stop being calculative about everything and measure it with social, cultural issues. Or you will never be able to progress, personally.
Ban it please my countless nights have been wasted already... loog sir kha jatay hain paka paka k sir mai dard hojata hai
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