Dear Greeks never enslaved you guys, But Europeans did!
Greeks named your land India and your ancestors as Indians. They passed this knowledge to their European cousins: Brits, French, Portuguese, etc. And when Europeans came looking for you guys, they were looking for 'India' not 'Bharat' and when they colonized you guys; they didn't go like this "Ah! OK OK you guys are not Indians but BharatWasi, and this land is not India but Bharat! Seems like Greeks lied to us". In-fact, they told you guys that your land is India and you better consider yourselves to be Indians.
Moral of the Story: You got an identity given to you guys by Greeks. You should have an identity which is your own.
Knowledge is a human thing. It gets shared.
We were called India throughout our history. Our free independent self ruled history.
It is our international identity.
Which long predates colonial rule.
The Brits inherited knowledge that was always ours.
Not the other way around.
Cheers, Doc