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Should India Donate its Fighters ?


Jan 17, 2009
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Afganistan has been a Virtual arena of a "Cold War" between India and Pakistan, with Both trying to make their Influence.

In this Regard, India has been making massive efforts especially in Rebuilding the Country, being often Acknowledged by Karzai.

Now, as India Donated its Airliners to Afganistan, Will it be good Idea for India to Donate the Fighters say Mig 21 Bisons and a Few older helicopters to Afganistan "Free of Cost" Once they Retire?

It will start a great Military Cooperation and Help the Country which has No Money at the moment to spend on such Planes.

Comments Most Welcome.
one of the major reasons we have a positive image in afganistan is that we have no military presence there. the face we put up in afganistan is that shown by the developmental work. we are not seen as part of the american "invaders", who came and blew up most of the country further into the dark ages.

we help train the afgan army. i do not know how flashy or eye catching that is. gifting military equipment of the type we are talking about just might be too flashy. that combined with the training we are providing to the ANA will push some of the fence sitters one way or another.

while it will strengthen our clout with the government, it will also make us greater targets for the taliban. its just a question whether the risk is worth the payoff.
Afganistan has been a Virtual arena of a "Cold War" between India and Pakistan, with Both trying to make their Influence.

In this Regard, India has been making massive efforts especially in Rebuilding the Country, being often Acknowledged by Karzai.

Now, as India Donated its Airliners to Afganistan, Will it be good Idea for India to Donate the Fighters say Mig 21 Bisons and a Few older helicopters to Afganistan "Free of Cost" Once they Retire?

It will start a great Military Cooperation and Help the Country which has No Money at the moment to spend on such Planes.

Comments Most Welcome.

Sounds like a good idea at first but offloading planes that cost the lives of our personals to Afghanistan will kill the PR that we have developed with them. It’s not like we have fighter jets lying around that we can start donating. The MIG 21’s are in service because we have a shortage ourselves. Helicopters and old army vehicles might be a good idea like one of those Suzuki Gypsies that used to be around when I was a kid.
Maybe a few Tejas wont do us any harm in the later stages but not Mig 21's.
Its not only giving jets but then Indian has to give training , spare parts and prepare a ground support unit for maintenance etc . It might take time to training them ,around three to five years so in a way it will be a along term commitment.
Never the less for new Afghan pilots they may need trainer aircraft too or have to go to other country for training.
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one of the major reasons we have a positive image in afganistan is that we have no military presence there. the face we put up in afganistan is that shown by the developmental work. we are not seen as part of the american "invaders", who came and blew up most of the country further into the dark ages.

we help train the afgan army. i do not know how flashy or eye catching that is. gifting military equipment of the type we are talking about just might be too flashy. that combined with the training we are providing to the ANA will push some of the fence sitters one way or another.

while it will strengthen our clout with the government, it will also make us greater targets for the taliban. its just a question whether the risk is worth the payoff.

Not sure about that we already are a target of Taleban. I do agree civilian aid is much better but we need to sow the seed of future Military Corporation.
Its not only giving jets but then Indian has to give training , spare parts and prepare a ground support unit for maintenance etc . It might take time to training them ,around three to five years so in a way it will be a along term commitment.
Never the less for new Afghan pilot they may need trainer aircraft too or have to go to other country for training.

Yeah true it’s too much effort. How about giving some indigenous trainers or providing free training.
Afghan Air Force already had number of Mig-21, which they retired in 1999 & 2000.

Source List of Afghan Air Force aircrafts
India having
200 Mig 21 (Including Biason)
70 Mig 29
120 MKI
50 Mirage
100 Mig 27
100 Jaguar

If u see the above Indian Air force fleet, the jets in red color almost completed their life n wouldn't be valuable for any airforce in the world, including Afghanies. If u takeout the red highlighted aircrafts, IAF would left with almost 250 modren aircrafts........Now the next question comes, how can IAF secure their airspace after excluding old horses with limited AC's?

Besides that, We know that LCA or MRCA is not coming b4 2015 as LCA havent any designated engine and radar. And MRCA competetion is still in evaluation process. So it would be self killing, If IAF donate its old horses.
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lol you give them fighters ? so half of them can crash they're bisons into the RAW headquarters and other half end up plunging into the ISI HQ ?.. Thats a conspiracy i see !! :rofl: jokes mate

but in all seriousness, that wouldnt sit well AT ALL with the americans and more importantly the russians.
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YouTube - Training the Afghans

lol you give them fighters ? so half of them can crash they're bisons into the RAW headquarters and other half end up plunging into the ISI HQ ?.. Thats a conspiracy i see !! :rofl: jokes mate

but in all seriousness, that wouldnt sit well AT ALL with the americans and more importantly the russians.

After watching this video, I have serious doubt, how can they secure their land if Americans & Nato moves out after 2011.
India can't afford to give Mig-21s to afghans. Our air force is already below sanctioned strength.

Even after we get our air force above sanctioned strength, we should not give our planes to Afghans. We are in Afghanistan to rebuild the country, not to promote military activity.

Besides once Afghanistan is back on its feet they would want something better than flying coffins.
India should even give them Su 30 MKI :) After all once US is out they will be flying those equipment to Pakistan :p
Lets look at ourself first..... we are not self sufficient yet...
no need to be so close with any nation.... be it Israel, Afganistan, Russia or US of A.
Lets first try to solve our problems... we are not yet US of A or China.....
Lets keep only our humanitarian help to Afganistan... this will bring a lot of goodwill than any other....
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