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Should India accommodate and give refugee to persecuted Hindus from Pakistan and Bangladesh?

May be you should read closely the views of most Pakistani members on this forum. They are more of interested to be as Al-Bakistani's.
I have read it. I personally never met any punjabi or sindhi who claimed that his ancestors are arabs..stop talking non sense. Its you guys who don't embrace them (as this mike brando said their crime was to change religion) after they had changed their religious beliefs because according to you hinduvata they are no more native rajpout or anyone else after they became muslims

true..,but they(hindu BD& Pakistanis) have no other places to go other than India...
I dont mind you can have them and if they feel more safe and comfortable in India then i PERSONALLY dont have any problem with IT..but india is already over crowded. You can only afford them if you deport Muslims actors/actress/singers into aRABIA OR SUDAN OR ANY OTHER ISLAMIC COUNTRIES BECAUSE THEY ARE MUSLIMS
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I dont mind you can have them and if they feel more safe and comfortable in India then i PERSONALLY dont have any problem with IT..but india is already over crowded. You can only afford them if you deport Muslims actors/actress/singers into aRABIA OR SUDAN OR ANY OTHER ISLAMIC COUNTRIES BECAUSE THEY ARE MUSLIMS

Don't worry, they have more than enough space. BTW, why will we throw our Indian Muslim brothers out? There are not many Muslim actors\singers as you think. None of them are pure Muslims. Look in to each one of their family closely, they are all mixed with Hindu-Muslims. So, don't pass your judgement that easily.
@Hyperion is my blood brother because his people - the Pukhtoons - are an off-shoot of my caste - the Butts; so far as Butt Folklore has been able to piece together the actual word was Patloon as in 'Patloon covered Butts' but in time the name got changed to Pukhtoon from Patloon - You can ask @EyanKhan for confirmation ! :coffee:
So@ hyperion is an off shoot of your butt....interesting:D
I dont mind you can have them and if they feel more safe and comfortable in India then i PERSONALLY dont have any problem with IT..but india is already over crowded. You can only afford them if you deport Muslims actors/actress/singers into aRABIA OR SUDAN OR ANY OTHER ISLAMIC COUNTRIES BECAUSE THEY ARE MUSLIMS
India is not that small as you think..don't worry,we have enough space to accomadate few more millions fleeing from religious persecution..
India Muslims are our brothers..they have every rights to stay and live in India like others..no one is going to deport them..India is for all its citizens..religio/ethnicity/,caste has no role in it...
This guy is funny. I also try to be funny here. What you are going to do with Indian Muslims?..send them to saudia Arabia? :D and you unite all hindus and we unite all Muslims and let have fight with each others and we will convert you into Islam after beating badly :P

Truth is you guys were never united thats why you got ruled by others easily.. All raja/mahara were selfish caring about their own rule at the cost of lives of their people. Even relatives fought each others for rule..even nowadys you have people who dont respect low castes people belong to same religion

How united are u guys, now that you have your own nation??

Bangladesh...ring a bell.:D
Kidding? 15 times in theater? I heard it's very nice, i will try to find this weekend and watch on net. It collected almost 60 cr.
Naa yaar not kidding
Watched GS 30+ in theatre only
What shit? did not it true Indians were invaded by many foreigners and got rule in there? why it happened if you were all united in greater India? I am talking about foreigners(turks,.arabs, Afghans,Persian, mughals, English, Portuguese) not native people of this land. You coward Hindus cannot even save your own kind and just watched them getting oppressed and looted in the hands of invaders

Wars ? when was the last time you had any balls to go at war with any race outside India lol you are not arabs, Persians,English, Spanish or French who went there and conquered others. You belong to those who think you are peaceful if you let others conquer you and if you don't fight back. You can only oppress your own people and kind after they were converted into different religious beliefs for whatever reasons. You can only oppress your son if he get convert into Islam tomorrow ..You can only oppress and kill fellow vulnerable Indian Muslims if they are living in hindus majority areas whenever there is hindu-muslim clash but you are chicken for foreigners. sad but true

Take some Pakistani Muslims as well....don't you guys claim that their forefathers were Hindus whom arab invaders prosecuted and converted by force ? same race? no? lol

Yeah we were the same Indians who defeated Alexander.it was due to some cowards of sindh they got ruled.I hear your ancestors would drop weapons and run at the sight of any invader.
LoL pakistan tried that 4 times and ended up losing one part.
you are a foreigner now, why don't you try invading ;)
Prosecuted Hindus in Pakistan?
Joke of the century. Take care of the minority and Delite abuse in your own country first before talking such bullshit.
Dont know about bangladesh but i am pretty sure bengali Hindus are happy as Bangladesh is a secular state
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