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Should India accommodate and give refugee to persecuted Hindus from Pakistan and Bangladesh?

Because Hype is my fraand, unlike you you tub of lard, now go drown in nihari!:mad: AND ATHEIST BANIYA!

@Hyperion is my blood brother because his people - the Pukhtoons - are an off-shoot of my caste - the Butts; so far as Butt Folklore has been able to piece together the actual word was Patloon as in 'Patloon covered Butts' but in time the name got changed to Pukhtoon from Patloon - You can ask @EyanKhan for confirmation ! :coffee:
Coz he iz our fraaaaand..... he can say whatever he waaants! :D

I was hoping for major Irani-Arbi fireworks on the ISIS aims at Tehran thread, not much luck, a few sporadic shots is all.:(

Think you can tag a few people, throw about a few comments, be the agent provocateur and get the fire going?8-)

@Hyperion is my blood brother because his people - the Pukhtoons - are an off-shoot of my caste - the Butts; so far as Butt Folklore has been able to piece together the actual word was Patloon as in 'Patloon covered Butts' but in time the name got changed to Pukhtoon from Patloon - You can ask @EyanKhan for confirmation ! :coffee:

Oh man, you better be VERY vigilant from now on, after this Hype might just start stitching a bori for you....and a rather big bori it'll be.
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Topic says it all.
Should India accommodate persecuted Hindus from Pakistan and Bangladesh?
Indian constitution says India should be the home for ethnic Indians all over the world.
Few of you would ask, why only Hindus, why not Muslims? Well, Muslims got an Islamic countries for themselves. If Muslims are to come India, what's the need for an Islamic country? Lets unite. Lolz..

This guy is funny. I also try to be funny here. What you are going to do with Indian Muslims?..send them to saudia Arabia? :D and you unite all hindus and we unite all Muslims and let have fight with each others and we will convert you into Islam after beating badly :P

Truth is you guys were never united thats why you got ruled by others easily.. All raja/mahara were selfish caring about their own rule at the cost of lives of their people. Even relatives fought each others for rule..even nowadys you have people who dont respect low castes people belong to same religion
I was hoping for major Irani-Arbi fireworks on the ISIS aims at Tehran thread, not much luck, a few sporadic shots is all.
Think you can tag a few people, throw about a few comments, be the agent provocateur and get the fire going?
It seems the arbi's are no longer as active on the forum as they used to be. Now it's the Iranis vs Turks most of the time.
It seems the arbi's are no longer as active on the forum as they used to be. Now it's the Iranis vs Turks most of the time.

Damn it! I like the turks, Ok so I am cool with the arbis and iranis too but seeing the spectacle (of them going at each other) is so satisfying in a very base manner.

I miss the good old days of the Naswar darbar, where we'd pull Buttsy's (Armstrong) leg and hunt fundoos (hype, me, jaibi and secur).
No Kalash folks for you :P
Though you can have the TTP crowd and the MQM ones as a bonus , plus a few Punjabis if you want :D
ok :(
How about our Maoists for your Baloch Bugtis?:cheers: We don't have anyone who can even remotely approach the TTP. Maybe when Khalistanis were a force in the 80s, but nothing now.:ashamed:
Of course , don't even need to ask.

Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Parsis, Jains etc should all be given citizenship.

On a very selective basis Muslims, Christians and other religions should be considered too.

Truth is you guys were never united thats why you got ruled by others easily.. All raja/mahara were selfish caring about their own rule at the cost of lives of their people. Even relatives fought each others for rule..even nowadys you have people who dont respect low castes people belong to same religion

:lol: Madrassa history :lol:
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This guy is funny. I also try to be funny here. What you are going to do with Indian Muslims?..send them to saudia Arabia? :D and you unite all hindus and we unite all Muslims and let have fight with each others and we will convert you into Islam after beating badly :P

Truth is you guys were never united thats why you got ruled by others easily.. All raja/mahara were selfish caring about their own rule at the cost of lives of their people. Even relatives fought each others for rule..even nowadys you have people who dont respect low castes people belong to same religion
haha if it came to that you will know what happens.We seen what you can do in past 4 wars so....:laughcry: stop smoking that shit man :omghaha:

We can see what your efforts to Unite all muslims is happening in Middle east.:p:
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