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Should Imran Khan Visit India For SCO?

Should Imran Khan Attend SCO meet in India

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India sabotaged SARC in Pakistan, same India wants you not to sabotage SCO?

Didn't IK tried to peace with them sincerely? What came out of that effort? Balakot? FATF bullying and Kashmir! Which of three do you think India would stop doing if you'd visit.

Going to India means accepting whatever India has been doing against you and to Kashmir.
As per SCO tradition all Heads of state should visit... India can not change these traditions...
It’s entirely different if one on one discussions will happen between Modi and Imran most likely NSA level only though
IK should tell India to go fk itself.

Frankly, Imran is treading on thin ice here. I'm still raging over his Malaysia snub. And now if he turns up in India?? What a filthy slap on the face of Pakistanis and those who spoke up on our behalf this would be.

I have some lingering belief that he will do the right thing and tell India to sod off.
RSS/BJP/Modi/Shah/Yogi etc. are the best stuffs that have ever occurred to Pak vis-à-vis India!! IK should definitely go to make them even more popular.....

Congress/Gandhi/Indira etc. are the worst stuffs that have ever occurred to Pak vis-à-vis India.....

Heart says No as what did they did to SAARC for us and do we have to stand beside the modern day Hitler and how history is going to judge us. I feel so disgusted what they are doing to Kashmiri's in the occupied Kashmir and to the Muslims of India in general.

Head says don't be emotional and further your cause. I think IK should go with his charm and stay as a statesman while he needs to take Meleha Lohdi with him. While IK only gives a live interview to be broadcast live to the Indian audience and refuses to give any other interview or speech to any other network if its not live. While Meleha Lohdi busts the Indian balloon on the side lines and be a loose cannon.

On the other thought as they love our ISI and Taliban why not include in your delegation. One stone and kill two birds Afghan will burn with disgust through their back sides and ISI chief smile will set a new trend of smile for Indians.

My friends pick the option for me what do you think?
pakistan should totally boycott this event just because of indian presence.if we go then it will be considered as a compromise on kashmir.
Send Amir Liaquat or Sheik Rasheed

Send this guy.
Imran Khan does have some political incentives not to go. But SCO is a pretty big organization and one that Pakistan is taking pretty seriously, so it would be a pretty big blow to Pakistani foreign policy for IK to skip it. I will leave it up to Pakistanis to decide whether the benefits of skipping SCO outweigh the drawbacks. Ultimately Imran Khan is a smart leader, I am confident he will make the best decision for his nation.

India definitely made a good move by inviting IK though, as it shifts the burden onto Pakistan to decide whether or not to attend. The fact that India was also selected to be the host of the SCO summit is also pretty significant and shows the increasing influence it has in the region.

On a side note, I am curious as to whether Islamabad will be the location of a later SCO summit to balance the summit held in Delhi.
Yes Imran khan should visit India. This visit will not stop Imran khan to tell world about serious human rights violations happening in India.
If PM Imran Khan attends this, it will be the mother of all u-turns... so far.

It will be high treason and will be considered Pakistan's formal acceptance of the annexation of Indian Occupied Kadhmir.

However, PM Khan being the worst Prime Minister in Pakistan's 72-year history, I have no faith in this delusional man.
If PM Imran Khan attends this, it will be the mother of all u-turns... so far.

It will be high treason and will be considered Pakistan's formal acceptance of the annexation of Indian Occupied Kadhmir.

However, PM Khan being the worst Prime Minister in Pakistan's 72-year history, I have no faith in this delusional man.
ok ok what next
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