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Should democracy be scrapped in India?

Götterdämmerung;2957077 said:
The problem is, the current system is the mother of your corrupt politicians. Indian democracy has been a miscarriage from the very beginning.

Indira Gandhi's State of Emergency should have been kept for at least two decades like SKorea's Park Chung-hee who turned this once dirt poor country into a modern state.

Are you out of your Mind?

Infact During that Period, She Put the Word 'Socialist' in our Constitution.

And You see India after 15 Years in 1991!
How? by killing our own citizens and students?

Please see the "PS".

Don't attempt to say you are not killing your citizens today. Your system kills thousands of your kids a day.

But selfish politicians are ruining our country.

I wish I could shoot down these bastar***

Again, don’t tell your corrupted politicians are not elected by your people. They are your legitimate leaders, and you are illegal to shoot them.

Use your brain!
Are you out of your Mind?

Infact During that Period, She Put the Word 'Socialist' in our Constitution.

And You see India after 15 Years in 1991!

I got his from the German wiki:

Trotz der fragwürdigen Beweggründe Indira Gandhis für den nationalen Ausnahmezustand war er anfänglich in der Bevölkerung durchaus willkommen. Quasi über Nacht wurde das Leben in Indien geordnet. Es gab keine Streiks und Protestmärsche mehr. Züge und Busse fuhren nach Plan, und Behörden sowie öffentliche Einrichtungen hatten tatsächlich zu den Öffnungszeiten offen. Es wurden beachtliche Erfolge gegen Schmuggel, Steuerhinterziehung und Kriminalität erzielt. Großgrundbesitzer wurden teilweise enteignet; Leibeigene wurden befreit und bekamen Arbeit in Infrastrukturprojekten der Regierung, die durch das deutliche Plus an Steuereinnahmen finanziert werden konnten.

Google translate: Despite the questionable motives of Indira Gandhi for the national state of emergency it was initially welcomed in the population. Almost overnight, life in India was organized. There were no more strikes and protest marches. Trains and buses were running on schedule, and government and public institutions were actually open on opening times. There were considerable success against smuggling, tax evasion and crime. Landowners were partially expropriated, serfs were freed and given jobs in infrastructure projects of the government, which could be financed by the significant increase in tax revenues.

Indira Gandhi
First comes freedom then everything else ! Ask any slave/captive, human or animals no one wants their freedom taken away & the last few weeks have shown that "true freedom" in CN is all but a fleeting dream except for those who can afford it i.e. those in power or the rich folks !

Economically enslaved hungry man will never get true freedom!

He has to subject to other people’s power, either this one or that one.

This is precisely slaves are enslaved.

If you give hungry people food, they’ll do work for you at your will (at different reasonable level).

Use your brain.
:lol: we had enough of the Socialist Democratic model for once, almost went out of foreign reserves in 90's
slow and steady wins the race...
Don't attempt to say you are not killing your citizens today. Your system kills thousands of your kids a day.

I have read your biased comments about Naxals.Before supporting them i would have liked if you would have done a little study on them..as they say little knowledge is dangerous.

You would obviously not know how many police and law enforcing men have they killed..and you wont have even cared to find out that they are against any kind of development work done in rural area as it gives more awareness to people and makes them use their brain to find out who is right.

Anti Nationals who use violence to prove their point cant be greeted with bouquets.
its sad that even after more than 6 decades of constitution we are questioning the systematical model which has binded us all irrespective of our cultural diversity.
The problem is precise your system failed to give basic freedom to your citizens: the freedom to live in this world. Just look at your starvation numbers, it is shameful, which is also recognized by some of your leaders, but they are unable to execute.

Of course, you can be united under poverty, illiteracy and starvation in trading for a mere name of "democracy" with a content of feudalism.

We are improving a lot. Poverty is decreasing, overall literacy rate in India is at over 74 %, there is enough food for everyone (but distribution of it is another question which has to be solved). If you compare this stats with stats from a decade ago, you will see the difference. Although its true that demcracy is slowing down the process, but in the end, everything comes at a price.
Your stupid question itself falls flat on its face cause there is no such thing as more/less democracy so its either democracy or whatever else get that ! The real question would be the amount of freedom one enjoys within a democracy & ask any US citizen on the forum how they're constantly monitored by the CIA/FBI that'll give you some insight before "comparing" democracies !

Please read more history, boy! Yes, there is more democracy or less democracy.

In early stage of US, only white male with properties can vote.

Next, only white men and women can vote.

Next, black people can vote.

This is how democracy moves from less to more in a healthy way.

If you give fools no constraints, before giving sufficient education and material richness, the fools will run amuck, ignoring any laws. This is more or less the picture for Indian democracy.

In fact, India does not have real democracy but more a feudalism/casteism.
Please read more history, boy! Yes, there is more democracy or less democracy.

In early stage of US, only white male with properties can vote.

Next, only white men and women can vote.

Next, black people can vote.

This is how democracy moves from less to more in a healthy way.

If you give fools no constraints, before giving sufficient education and material richness, the fools will run amuck, ignoring any laws. This is more or less the picture for Indian democracy.

In fact, India does not have real democracy but more a feudalism/casteism.

at least give some kind of proof before stating such nonsense......
This is not China to adopt one party rule. We do not suppress voice of our own people. ...


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The court warned Google India and Facebook India if the companies fail to implement a system to check and remove "objectionable" material from their online pages then "Like China we will block all such websites," said Justice Suresh Kait on Thursday in a report by the Times of India

The problem is precise your system failed to give basic freedom to your citizens: the freedom to live in this world. Just look at your starvation numbers, it is shameful, which is also recognized by some of your leaders, but they are unable to execute.

Of course, you can be united under poverty, illiteracy and starvation in trading for a mere name of "democracy" with a content of feudalism.
thanks for your concern my friend.
Yes we have poor, every country can not support its citizen if the citizen is not ready to work hard to improve his/her life.

Besides always remember JFK "Ask not what the country has done for you, but what you have done to the country" and if you go by those words INDIA as a nation is a nation of ample oppertunities. I know students who peruse Medicine even after working part time to pay his anual fees. Its because of Citizens like them we are destined to become powerfull.
any one who is not ready to work for his own betterment is always a liability to not only his ownself but to the society. INDIA in its 66 years of freedom has changed the slave mentality of over 90% of its population of 45% and this will soon go down further.
India High debt, High deficit trade, High Inflation, High Unemployment, Rupee falling to historically Low

INDIA going to collapse soon

just believe me
Götterdämmerung;2957504 said:
For millenia of human history, neither democracy nor robots were known in practically all societies. ;)

That is fine, but once accustomed to democracy, it is hard to live under other forms of governance.
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