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Shooting down of Indian MiGs In Kargil

This is what happen when limited intelligence meets a desire for propaganda...one ends up making fool of themselves.

"Brigadier Singh, who led the Batalik-based 70 Infantry Brigade during the war, had petitioned the Delhi high court in 2006, complaining that his performance during the conflict had been assessed incorrectly, which eventually cost him a war medal and also led to his supersession while being considered for promotion to the rank of Major General.

Brigadier Singh bemoaned that the report of Lt Gen Kishan Pal, then General Officer Commanding (GOC) of 15 Corps, who oversaw operations in that sector, not only cost him a war medal but also deprived him of a promotion.

Observing that the report of a person who writes ACRs in a biased manner could not be allowed to be sustained, it observed that the then GOC was not favourably motivated towards Brigadier Singh and had attempted to tailor the report belittling his achievements.
In his plea, Brigadier Singh said he had contended that in the post-Kargil operations report, Lt Gen Pal had falsely shown four of his most successful battalions under a fictitious headquarters commanded by the then deputy general officer of 3 Infantry Division, Brigadier Ashok Duggal."

Armed forces tribunal indicts Lt Gen for fake Kargil battle accounts - Economic Times

Do you even understand, what it mean??

It is about Brigadier Singh, alleging that Lt Gen Pal had a personal grudge againt him costed him a war medal, by showing the victories under his command under a fictitious hdq..which Fake battle are you talking about?

you conveniently forgot to highlight this part

the Army reacted cautiously to the Tribunal's order backing claims that top commanders had fudged accounts of the 1999 Kargil war, particularly of battles waged in the Batalik sector.

This is what happens when "indian bias won't let you read whole article and you start shooting your mouth like a typical idiot from 90 percent pool.

And about fake battles, I have provided links, Don't quote me again, until you
thoroughly go through my post and check @Areesh post on page 10 as well. Fake Valour.
Feeling is mutual, you left us with no choice to recapture our Area.
i have no problem with the bold part
Who were Kashmiri Mujhaidin who are fighting indian army? Your own Indian occupied Kashmir people
Your edited post ,has so many contradiction in one straight line.yes they are our people,that much is clear,repply me after the 1st semi finals
you conveniently forgot to highlight this part

the Army reacted cautiously to the Tribunal's order backing claims that top commanders had fudged accounts of the 1999 Kargil war, particularly of battles waged in the Batalik sector.

This is what happens when "indian bias won't let you read whole article and you start shooting your mouth like a typical idiot from 90 percent pool.

And about fake battles, I have provided links, Don't quote me again, until you
thoroughly go through my post and check @Areesh post on page 10 as well. Fake Valour.

I had read the article it entirety.. How obtuse are you or pretending to be ..the 'fudged' battle tribunal is talking about, are the ones which were shown under fictitious headquarters commanded by the then deputy general officer of 3 Infantry Division, Brigadier Ashok Duggal...to discredit Brigadier Singh, unders who's command these battles actually took place.
``For reasons best known to Lt Gen Kishan Pal, he was favouring and giving credit to Brigadier Duggal and my command tenure was shown in bad light. Though it could not help him and he could not take his next rank, I had to suffer a lot because of this act,'' Brigadier Singh said.

Due to the `fudged' battle accounts, Brigadier Singh was awarded only a Vishisht Seva Medal (VSM), and not a Mahavir Chakra, for which he had been cited.

During the visit of then Army Chief Gen V P Malik to the war-front, Lt Gen Kishan Pal had estimated the number of intruders to be around 45 whereas Brigadier Singh estimated it to be over 600, which later proved to be right.

Brigadier Singh filed a complaint with the Army Headquarters in 2000, charging Lt Gen Pal with bias, which was rejected by the Army two years later.

It is story about an officers bias against his junior and downplaying his achievement.
Or didn't you read the army's response to the tribunal judgement.

The Army reacted cautiously to the Tribunal's order backing claims that top commanders had fudged accounts of the 1999 Kargil war, particularly of battles waged in the Batalik sector.

"While General Malik cited the account-fudging incident as an `aberration,' the Army said that it will take action on the issue only after analysing the verdict. ``We have not yet received the copy of Tribunal's judgement. Once we get it, it will be analysed and appropriate action would be taken,'' a senior Army officer told a news agency."

If you want a highlight a post then quote it!!
I had read the article it entirety.. How obtuse are you or pretending to be ..the 'fudged' battle tribunal is talking about, are the ones which were shown under fictitious headquarters commanded by the then deputy general officer of 3 Infantry Division, Brigadier Ashok Duggal...to discredit Brigadier Singh, unders who's command these battles actually took place.

It is story about an officers bias against his junior and downplaying his achievement.
Or didn't you read the army's response to the tribunal judgement.

The Army reacted cautiously to the Tribunal's order backing claims that top commanders had fudged accounts of the 1999 Kargil war, particularly of battles waged in the Batalik sector.

"While General Malik cited the account-fudging incident as an `aberration,' the Army said that it will take action on the issue only after analysing the verdict. ``We have not yet received the copy of Tribunal's judgement. Once we get it, it will be analysed and appropriate action would be taken,'' a senior Army officer told a news agency."

If you want a highlight a post then quote it!!

Now you moving in circles, there are accounts of fake battles, A major rank soldier faking entire battle scene just to get medal, A Soldier presumed dead awarded medal, he was found alive later, A Havildar was demoted and his medal taken away because of this very reason.
71 was a civil war fueled by india through providing weapons,equiptment and also shelter to the rebels of the country.

yes we fueled the civil war by asking the west pakistan politicians not to hand over power to east pakistan.
yes we fueled the civil war by asking the west pakistan politicians not to hand over power to east pakistan.
BS.Thats the way of u *** **** indians.when u have done something wrong,then u try to cover it up with $hit
Now you moving in circles, there are accounts of fake battles, A major rank soldier faking entire battle scene just to get medal, A Soldier presumed dead awarded medal, he was found alive later,

Am I moving in circles or are you trying to deviate and scurry??

Quote the relevant news to me, and put forward your argument and I ll rip it.

Ok Let me work on the links you provided and I can only assume I am matching your assumption to the right link, since you do not have the manners to post the relevant link with the argument you are making.

A Havildar was demoted and his medal taken away because of this very reason.,

Double demotion for Kargil hero - News

What reason??

Indiscipline probably

When asked the probable reasons behind the grave injustice meted out to the gallant soldier, Maj Gen Thapliyal said, "It could be a disciplinary action against him. It might be possible that someone misbehaved with him. As per the rules, a Param Vir Chakra winner has to be saluted by every one irrespective of rank. Therefore, one may expect the injury to the ego of Kumar," he said.

"He must quit the Army and join a civilian job, if a state government has offered it to him. Param Vir Chakra is just not a medal and those who have won it deserve respect," Maj Gen Thapliyal said. - See more at: Double demotion for Kargil hero - News

A major rank soldier faking entire battle scene just to get medal,
Indian troops faked Pakistani deaths - Archive - Al Jazeera English

This is Siachen and 2004 and not Kargil 1999.
Some amazing "victory" indeed. :lol:
some low esteemed Indians decided that Pakarmy refused to take their dead but their own video dispels their crap claim. normally out of respect, armies dont make videos of such body exchanges, you will never see such thing in any other conflict. But Indians needed something for propaganda but it busted their lies that we didnt collect our dead soldiers.

some asshole Indian decided that making a video of a flag meeting of Pakistanis coming and collecting bodies will make them look better but that same video now is a proof that some idiots in India dont just drink holy piss but also eat holy crap willingly.

this thread and many others like this are a real test for some low esteemed Indians who just loose their mind and go on the troll overdrive to ease their bruised egos. be it cricket, be it sport, be it a song or be it any food or anything... the moment you show that Pakistan did better than Indians, .. then half of their chronic trolls die out of shock and half of them cut their balls and bleed themselves to death by repeating their past "victories"..
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some low esteemed pillocks decided that Paksitan army refused to take their dead but their own video dispels their crap claim. normally out of respect, armies dont make videos of such body exchanges, you will never see such thing in any other conflict. But Indians needed something for propaganda but it busted their lies that we didnt collect our dead soldiers.

some asshole Indian decided that making a video of a flag meeting of Pakistanis coming and collecting bodies will make them look better but that same video now is a proof that some idiots in India dont just drink holy piss but also eat holy crap willingly.

this thread and many others like this are a real test for some low esteemed Indians who just loose their mind and go on the troll overdrive to ease their bruised egos. be it cricket, be it sport, be it a song or be it any food or anything... the moment you show that Pakistan did better than Indians, .. then half of their chronic trolls die out of shock and half of them cut their balls and bleed themselves to death by repeating their past "victories"..

Pakistan refusing to accept their dead in Kargil

New Delhi: Pakistan has been disowning its dead in Kargil, refusing to take
back the bodies of its regulars killed, an army spokesman said here on
Wednesday. “Pakistan only accepted three bodies of its soldiers killed in
the early stages of the conflict, but has not been claiming the bodies of
regulars of the northern light infantry, which the Indian army found,” the
spokesperson said.

The army buried the bodies of 13 Pakistani soldiers according to Muslim
rites conducted by a Maulvi, after finding them in the post Tiger Hill
. The body of a Pakistani major and ten soldiers found in a hollow
of a spur of hill subsequently, would be given a burial by the army, he
said. “The Indian army respects the enemy dead, we ensure that each and
every body of the enemy found is buried with Muslim rites,” he said....

...Even in the middle of the war, the Indian Army had handed over bodies in coffins draped in the Pakistani flag to the Pakistani army at a border crossing near Kargil.

Pakistan had at first refused to accept the bodies but later did. At least seven soldiers were caught and diaries and documents were found on them...

The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Frontpage | Pak army admits Kargil role, martyrs turn troops

Kargil tragedy: Dead soldier’s family still waiting to receive his body – The Express Tribune

This is really moving video of Pakistani soldiers who were captured during Kargil, some of them claim,once injured, how they were abandoned and left to die by their comrades.

Sir you forgot ,the world 1st patrol ,reconnaissance and anti submarine plane Breguet Atlantique shot down by same nimble Mig 21 after WWII.

Shooting down an unarmed plane which posed no threat, and inside Pakistan's territory killing 16 unsuspecting aviators is a 'victory' only as per the Indian moral compass. This incident happened the same year after which Pakistan shot down two Indian jets and a heli. The bastard who shot down this plane died a pathetic death inside the same Mig-21. He was burnt alive, Karma is a bitch.
An IAF HAL Ajeet aircraft in the gun sight of PAF's F-86 during the 1965 Indo-Pakistani war

An IAF HAL Ajeet aircraft in the gun sight of PAF's F-86 during the 1965 Indo-Pakistani war..jpg
Shooting down an unarmed plane which posed no threat, and inside Pakistan's territory killing 16 unsuspecting aviators is a 'victory' only as per the Indian moral compass. This incident happened the same year after which Pakistan shot down two Indian jets and a heli. The bastard who shot down this plane died a pathetic death inside the same Mig-21. He was burnt alive, Karma is a bitch.

Mig27 got flame out.Mi 17 and Mig 21 were shot down by surprise and as much venerable as Atlalitque as none of them fitted with defensive measures.And Karma is a bitch ,oh Yes 170 of those bastard Northern Life infantry soldiers who torchered and killed a downed pilot were buried down under avalanche is surely an over dose of karma.....
So you're suggesting that you posting stuff from 1999 is fully justified, but any attempts by Indians to counter the sneak attack accompanying such posts is a sign of low self esteem and insecurity? Basically, statements like the Bharti brigade is incompetent in the morals of combat and warfare(post 31 above) are gospel truth, is it?

Well, the honorable "CT Expert" betrayed his mettle on the thread which he had started, to brag about the US aid that Pakistan "successfully achieved". Until then I used to think he was one of the saner members here -- but alas, how naive can I be sometimes! Now these pieces of gem are not really surprising anymore.
we could have shot down that Indian helicopters as well that Indians sent to Gilgit trying to copy American SEALs..

their Lungi got caught by our JETs who instead of shooting it down.. force landed it and the Indian pilots were given tea and food and even petrol for their helicopter and told to Shoo away and never try to copy Uncle Sam :usflag:

we will always boast we maybe down but not out and will hit you back.

but your kind is a different story. always accepting defeat and occupation.
do you know how many British Soldiers were rogering the Indians during the Empire time? only 2000?
so much for the Indian Soormaas' the world conquerors.

one single Pathan used to make all Rajas poop in their lungies and run away leaving behind their women.
this is how some of your Indian women got those fairer skins.
who learnt after the slapping by the Chinese to never ever try a country of same or bigger size and always pick up fights with the weak countries

but still almost every country int he neighborhood shows you the middle finger.

Well the "ghazis" didn't even have the guts to initially admit that the intruders in Kargil were their own regular soldiers.

If you are really as brave as you claim, you declare war and attack from the front -- not fire from a mercenary's shoulder!!!

You can't spin it both ways, 'Sir'!
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