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SHOCKING:The 1.3 million Dalit human waste collectors

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There have been detailed cases some mentioned in the OP where upper caste men have indeed used the threat of violence to force these poor people into this occupation.

yeah there are and there will be the powerful one will always try to dictate but the weaker one will have to show some courage to oppose.India have given more than enough power in hands of dalits.If anyone in any part of country touch dalit that become a headline automatically and the govt takes quick actions.There have been a wide discrimination among the caste in India and I am proud that India is slowly filling that gap

As if some reserved quota will fix all social ills.

I think it is serving the purpose.I don't know if your country have this system my country have and with my experience I will say that reservation have contributed in progress of dalits in India.Untouchability is almost gone from India
This is what they are born to do, they are Dalits. According to the Vedas the Dalits are of Vishnu's feet (unlike the Brahmin which are of Vishnu's head) or not even part of it so therefore they are untouchable and they should stick inside their dharma, which is toilet cleaning or garbage picking.

A Dalit simply has no place doing something a Kshatriya or Brahmin would do. That is against Hinduism.
Manual scavenging, the removing of human excreta from dry latrines, railroad tracks and sewers by hand, is a caste-based and hereditary occupation form of slavery reserved exclusively for Dalits

It is estimated that around 1.3 million Dalits in India, mostlywomen, make their living through manual scavenging – a term used to describe the job of removing human excrement from dry toilets and sewers using basic tools such as thin boards, buckets and baskets, lined with sacking, carried on the head.

Manual scavengers earn as little as one rupee a day. Dalit scavengers are rarely able to take up another occupation due to discrimination related to their caste and occupational status, and are thus forced to remain scavengers. They are paid less than minimum wages and are often forced to borrow money from upper-caste neighbours in order to survive and consequently they end up maintaining the relationship of bondage.

Manual scavenging is not a career chosen voluntarily by workers, but is instead a deeply unhealthy, unsavoury and undignified job forced upon these people because of the stigma attached to their caste. The nature of the work itself then reinforces that stigma. Navi Pillay, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in 2013

The Victims

While the central government enacts laws, state representatives in panchayats, elected village councils, and municipal corporations too often not only fail to implement prohibitions on manual scavenging by private households, but also perpetuate the practice. In Maharashtra state, for instance, panchayats have recruited people to manually clean toilets and open defecation areas on the basis of their caste, even denying them other jobs for which they are qualified within the panchayat. While panchayats compensate families that clean dry toilets, drains, and open defecation sites with housing and wages, many of those employed told Human Rights Watch that they are denied regular wages and have been warned that they will be evicted from their houses if they refuse manual scavenging work.

The panchayat in Nhavi village in Maharashtra’s Jalgaon district hired nine women and men to manually clean open defecation sites. Bimal told Human Rights Watch that she does not want to clean excrement, but has continued to do so because she fears her family will be thrown out of the home where she lives:

We have farming and labor work, but then if I go for farming work I get threats from the panchayat—“If you don’t work, empty the house.” I am afraid to lose my house. If I had a place to live I would not do this dirty work.

Bimal’s husband, Kailash, has a college education, but began manually cleaning toilets in Nhavi in 1989 when he was unable to find alternate employment. He said, “I studied commerce and banking, but I couldn’t find work. Even though I am educated, the panchayathired me to clean toilets because I am from this community.”

Some women said they faced threats of violence when they refused to practice manual scavenging. In November 2012, when Gangashri along with 12 other women in Parigama village in Uttar Pradesh’s Mainpuri district voluntarily stopped cleaning dry toilets, men from the dominant Thakur caste came to their homes and threatened to deny them grazing rights and expel them from the village. Despite these threats, the women refused to return to manual scavenging. Soon after, some 20 to 30 upper caste men from Parigama confronted the community. Gangashri recalls:

They called our men and said “If you don’t start sending your women to clean our toilets, we will beat them up. We will beat you up.” They said, “We will not let you live in peace.” We were afraid.


Manisha who lives in Uttar Pradesh's Mainpuri district cleans toilets in 20 homes every day. "I use a tin plate and broom to remove the excrement that has collected in the toilet, I collect the excrement in a basket, and then I take it and throw it away. This work is so awful I don't feel like eating," she says.

For people who practice manual scavenging, untouchability and social exclusion are inextricably linked. Manjula Pradeep, executive director of Navsarjan, a Gujarat based nongovernmental organization that has worked for decades around this issue explains:

Manual scavenging is itself a form of caste-based violence and needs to be understood that way. It is degrading, it is imposed upon very vulnerable people, and in order to leave manual scavenging, they have to make themselves even more vulnerable— they risk backlash, they don’t know how they will live







Cleaning Human Waste | Human Rights Watch

Manual Scavenging - International Dalit Solidarity Network

BBC News - In pictures: India's 'untouchable' scavengers

@Atanz Can you believe this???

What do I keep telling you guy's? 1,270,000,000 yes 1,270,000,000 people. Now scoop the 1% cream and you still end up with whopping 12.7 million. This "cream" is then used to show off to the world about "Shining India Happenen India".

The reality, the disgusting reality is rest of the 99% is below average with 300 million living like savages, looking like savages and subsisting like savages. This is the hidden reality of India that is simply overlooked because it is not polite to mention such facts. The other reason is most Western media get the dazzle from the 1% and frankly are not bothered about the mass ignominy of the 100s of millions.

The only thing I fond disturbing is these things used to either be naked or semi naked in the Saree dress. As such they could be easily identified as Indian. However in last decade or plus they have taken to wearing Shalwar Kameez which I detest because that links us to them. This is why I said they don't have any history or culture worth anyything. Just copy and theft.

Don't believe me? Check out older images of India ( pre 1995 ) and the Saree is dominant with only the Sikh Punjabi dressing like us although even they used to wear tight leggings.

Anyway ugliness as advertised by the average Tamil, Orrisan, Maratha, Telagu, Keralite, Bengali, Maratha and most India in tandem with living in filthy conditions, humongous slums, openly shatting on the streets as is evidenced by India's sterling record on the defaction front is India today. I know we are told about the future superpower but that is future to be seen.

As this was not enough povery on a scale that African's feel shamed notwithstanding the magic statiscal improvement seen lately. So what do you have? Amongst the most ugly people living in filthy conditions starving more than Africans having no history other than by all claming to become "Indus people". From Ganga dwellers they suddenly become Indus people with Indus history.

And then we have the few who have can afford to clothe themselves and feed themselves coming here to mock us. Bizzare.

Man as beast - India
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yeah there are and there will be the powerful one will always try to dictate but the weaker one will have to show some courage to oppose.India have given more than enough power in hands of dalits.If anyone in any part of country touch dalit that become a headline automatically and the govt takes quick actions.There have been a wide discrimination among the caste in India and I am proud that India is slowly filling that gap

I think it is serving the purpose.I don't know if your country have this system my country have and with my experience I will say that reservation have contributed in progress of dalits in India.Untouchability is almost gone from India

There is NO caste system in China, as it was eliminated some 66 years ago if there was something similar to that, and this is THE root cause of many social ills in India. Nice to know India is doing something about it, but the progress is extremely slow. Are we going to see the total elimination of the caste system in India, in our life time?
Seriously didnt think india was this bad, maybe propaganda effects but damn this is literally shit place for these people to live. (not that we dont have any problems at home but none this bad, and a big **** you to higher cast indians from my side)

apne logo ki fikar kro miyan aur galli apne pappa ko dena jaakr samjhe tameej main rhoo.Rozana logo ki jaan jaa rhi hai pakistan main due to their ethnicity aur you are judging India.Don't you feel shame criticizing others when you are far from paerfect
India have given more than enough power in hands of dalits

That again i am sorry to say sounds arrogant on your part.

If anyone in any part of country touch dalit that become a headline automatically and the govt takes quick actions

Right now there are over a million human beings being forced into the most degrading job possible on the planet....

I don't see any headlines !
yeah there are and there will be the powerful one will always try to dictate but the weaker one will have to show some courage to oppose.India have given more than enough power in hands of dalits.If anyone in any part of country touch dalit that become a headline automatically and the govt takes quick actions.There have been a wide discrimination among the caste in India and I am proud that India is slowly filling that gap

I think it is serving the purpose.I don't know if your country have this system my country have and with my experience I will say that reservation have contributed in progress of dalits in India.Untouchability is almost gone from India
what had happened to dalits,why does it sound so unique and a bit sensitive from you guys' mouths?why is it untouchable,if touched,then what?

This is what they are born to do, they are Dalits. According to the Vedas the Dalits are of Vishnu's feet (unlike the Brahmin which are of Vishnu's head
that explained everything
That again i am sorry to say sounds arrogant on your part.

Right now there are over a million human beings being forced into the most degrading job possible on the planet....

I don't see any headlines !

bhai yahan aakr dekho ki forced hai ya willing hain.I live in India and I have seen a high cast contracter being dragged on road and beaten by dalits because he tried to do this dirty work.Dalits were angry because he took the work.How will you handle this situation.

Why I am arrogant I stand for the rights of dalits.India have given 49 % of reservation in every education and jobs still we are accepting it how I am arrogant in this.IIT have given the seat to a 10% marks dalit and 100% marks upper caste was ignored we are still okay with it where is arrogance
What do I keep telling you guy's? 1,270,000,000 yes 1,270,000,000 people. Now scoop the 1% cream and you still end up with whopping 12.7 million. This "cream" is then used to show off to the world about "Shining India Happenen India".

The reality, the disgusting reality is rest of the 99% is below average with 300 million living like savages, looking like savages and subsisting like savages. This is the hidden reality of India that is simply overlooked because it is not polite to mention such facts. The other reason is most Western media get the dazzle from the 1% and frankly are not bothered about the mass ignominy of the 100s of millions.

The only thing I fond disturbing is these things used to either be naked or semi naked in the Saree dress. As such they could be easily identified as Indian. However in last decade or plus they have taken to wearing Shalwar Kameez which I detest because that links us to them. This is why I said they don't have any history or culture worth anyything. Just copy and theft.

Don't believe me? Check out older images of India ( pre 1995 ) and the Saree is dominant with only the Sikh Punjabi dressing like us although even they used to wear tight leggings.

Anyway ugliness as advertised by the average Tamil, Orrisan, Maratha, Telagu, Keralite, Bengali, Maratha and rest in tandem with living in filthy conditions, humongous slums, openly shatting on the streets as is evidenced by India's sterling record on the defaction front.

As this was not enough povery on a scale that African's feel shamed notwithstanding the magic statiscal improvement seen lately. So what do you have? Amongst the most ugly people living in filthy conditions starving more than Africans having no history other than by all claming to become "Indus people". From Ganga dwellers they suddenly become Indus people with Indus history.

And then we have the few who have can afford to clothe themselves and feed themselves coming here to mock us. Bizzare.

Man as beast - India

As I said to another poster here this is some weird power exercising mentality going on.....

People who can well afford proper sanitation are tasking other human beings based on their caste to collect their excrement !

They are in some cases forcing them....

USA,world police,your biggest "democratic" peer is messing up its ppl,where the hell is your intervention?:laugh:

Take Libya as an example

Rebellions have been supported and financed for far less
apne logo ki fikar kro miyan aur galli apne pappa ko dena jaakr samjhe tameej main rhoo.Rozana logo ki jaan jaa rhi hai pakistan main due to their ethnicity aur you are judging India.Don't you feel shame criticizing others when you are far from paerfect
aree bhai if you are asking an apology cause i hurt your nationality then i duly apologize as i never meant that nor have written it... as far as brahmin thing goes **** you f you finger in your *** tumhari gand me danda dalli ke putar ok he ab? this is a big reason why you are rotting in the cast system while i am on the other side of the border... i may get blown (according to you) because of a certain religious belief but nobody not even the terrorists will force me to do menial jobs for generations upon generations... i am free to do whatever the f i want and i am FREE TO WRITE WHATEVER THE F I WANT ON A PAKISTANI FORUM AND YOU ARE OUR ENEMY STATE... AB DAFA HO AUR TARIYAN KISI AUR KO LAGA PISS DRINKER...
bhai yahan aakr dekho ki forced hai ya willing hain.I live in India and I have seen a high cast contracter being dragged on road and beaten by dalits because he tried to do this dirty work.Dalits were angry because he took the work.How will you handle this situation.

Why I am arrogant I stand for the rights of dalits.India have given 49 % of reservation in every education and jobs still we are accepting it how I am arrogant in this.IIT have given the seat to a 10% marks dalit and 100% marks upper caste was ignored we are still okay with it where is arrogance

You have a perspective and more importantly the resources to explain it here.....Those poor souls don't !

I cannot agree with you here...
There is NO caste system in China, as it was eliminated some 66 years ago if there was something similar to that, and this is THE root cause of many social ills in India. Nice to know India is doing something about it, but the progress is extremely slow. Are we going to see the total elimination of the caste system in India, in our life time?

actually India caste system was just like class system in current scene.India have given equal rights to everyone but the people with money obviously are more powerful. Upper caste Hindus were rich then Indian laws gave extra benefits to lower caste people.Lots of people took advantage of the laws and came forward.Still in rural India there is lot of discrimination but with time It is reducing.Still we can hear news but many are false propaganda news and some are true news which are very efficiently handled by police.In case if victim of any crime is dalit the efficiency of police increases and rules are hard and precise
There is NO caste system in China, as it was eliminated some 66 years ago if there was something similar to that, and this is THE root cause of many social ills in India. Nice to know India is doing something about it, but the progress is extremely slow. Are we going to see the total elimination of the caste system in India, in our life time?
sorry,bro,given the time frame seen in their project of designing a jet or building a ship and their efficiency reflected from it,all of us here won't be able to live long enough to see that:laugh:
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