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SHOCKING:The 1.3 million Dalit human waste collectors

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it is, well sometimes we hate Eachother more then we hate Outsiders but All is well ;) :lol:

Yep you can still Find Black Indo-Aryans and Sakas in North India they are mixed but wast Majority is "Pure" thanks to Caste System.
he he i am just a non-Average Teenager from Western India.i just Ignore Some Posts made by other members here. i am just being Honest Actually in "Correct Way" my Ancestors were Mostly Politicians(and royal Priest/Ministers) so i guess i can play with words as well ;) :cheers:

you are a nice guy. Where do u live ? do u have any relatives in China ? i have many Relatives out side India they are mostly in US & UK.

I work in the US for now, and all my family members are in China. Since you are a teenager, I won't go hush with you. I would like to encourage you to visit slums in your city or better yet, go to rural areas in your state, to see for yourself how majority of your countrymen live and if your country is as rosy as you think it is. See through your own eye, not through politicians months. Be an independent thinker, and don't be a blind patriot. Political slogans like "Diversity In Unity" should be examined against the social realities of race, caste, religion. There is one India if you think as a Brahmin, and there is the other India if you think as Dalit.

There are too much hostility between countries here PDF, and you will soon become just another Indian "Internet Warrior" out of your patriotic instinct for your motherland, and you will become defensive for all social ills that plague India today, which doesn't help building India a bit. So stay focus on your school work, and treat your lower caste maids that your family may have nicely. :-)
This is going too far, unless India is underestimating its GDP by 2000%, then no way can you pay them anything other than close to nothing. Even China cannot pay them handsomely. Even in Canada, it's ok, but still not a lot.

Second, lucky? Affirmative action is something that is done for the minorities that are discriminated against, and it never works. EVEN in US and Canada.

This is a blatant twisting of the facts. Unless India got developed between last night and this afternoon, no way can Indian civil servants, especially one of such low ranking live anything close to a decent life.

I am not going to say it's because of India's evil politicians, but money is not subjective, you have what you have. You can't pay people what you don't have.

Also without money and education, as well as time, on a massive scale, there can be no social progress. Unless something like the cultural revolution happens, and it completely destroys the way of old and starts to empower the lowest of the low. But as you know that has serious side effects.

The only way what you say can be true is if India is AT LEAST 5 times as rich as it is in 2014, and Indians are good because they are the decedents of God.

I will say this however, I know why you are over compensating, you don't have to, it is what it is.

The video that you saw was of Pakistani waste collector and not Indian. you quoted my post of that video and dedicated your entire reply on Indian civil servants. Tells me how I wasted my time trying to tell you about the real ground situation. But it seems you are more interested in proving your point than learning what the situation is. Good luck. please dont quote me further.
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