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Shocking : Principal opens fire with AK-47 on students

Thing is in this school the Pakistani ultra rich elite's kids study and they know no manners. Look at how the teacher is being mobbed and cornered.

Its normal in out part of the world to own an AK-47. yet crime rate is far lower than many other parts where people dont own weapons.
However its not normal for a teacher to walk around with AK-47 inside the school. The guards have these weapons. He must have borrowed from a guard.
School guards carry AK47's?? How bad is the situation there since you mention a very low crime rate? The whole scenario doesnt gel together pretty well.
That's sick. Did he shoot the kid? Why were those boys pushing a school principal around? Even in our most delinquent schools, teachers and principals aren't allowed to carry weapons.
That's sick. Did he shoot the kid? Why were those boys pushing a school principal around? Even in our most delinquent schools, teachers and principals aren't allowed to carry weapons.

The boys were venting anger at the teacher for their own failure at exams taken by external teachers. These students expect to get high marks without studying.

They thronged the girls section of the school and were instigating each other to beat the teacher.
Ur talking guns being in colleges....
Only thing that will surprise me would a preschooler takes a gun to pteschool.
A freinds nephew around 5 years took his father's pistol to his school. Teacher saw him showing it to his friends. His parents were called and nothing happened.
So a bechara principal carring a ak 47 is alright.
P. S after army public school shooting it was encouraged by law enforcement officials that teachers should carry firearms to school.
Lol, Is this a college or Pakistan military academy?
Open carry is a common in most civilized countries. Namely Switzerland, USA, Sweden and Norway.
Come out of your cave and see the world !
state of educational affairs "a principle holding an AK47 his students wanting to lynch him to death "

he was cornered by bunch of thugs / students and he used this for self defence any one in his position will do the same
That's sick. Did he shoot the kid? Why were those boys pushing a school principal around? Even in our most delinquent schools, teachers and principals aren't allowed to carry weapons.
well this was a mob attack, the teacher fired in self defense. i don't think he shot anybody directly he probably shot warning shots at the wall and the bullet ricocheted, and the shrapnel hit the boy in the head. you could clearly see the boy walking afterwards and believe me if it had hit him directly he wouldn't have been alive.
How did it escalate to this point without anyone complaining or intervening?

Rural Pakistan(in this case KpK) needs a massive reeducation of the population on what is acceptable social behavior both in humanity and Islam and what is barbarism.

This is unfortunately not doable unless similar barbaric and inhumane treatment is given to any who objects to this reeducation .. catch 22
The boys were venting anger at the teacher for their own failure at exams taken by external teachers. These students expect to get high marks without studying.

They thronged the girls section of the school and were instigating each other to beat the teacher.
where is POLICE ?
I am surprise present condition of Pakistan, Oil tanker got tossed and no police come to off limit area more then 200 died, just few days before that incident an oil tanker in delhi also got tossed and police immediately off limit that area near to my home
where is POLICE ?
I am surprise present condition of Pakistan, Oil tanker got tossed and no police come to off limit area more then 200 died, just few days before that incident an oil tanker in delhi also got tossed and police immediately off limit that area near to my home

you are talking about Tanker spilled in Delhi (Your capital) vs oil spilled on a highway somewhere in the countryside of Punjab . How is that comparable ? I saw numerous videos of People dying on the roads of New delhi but nobody came near them . Now I cannot imagine happening that in Islamabad
School guards carry AK47's?? How bad is the situation there since you mention a very low crime rate? The whole scenario doesnt gel together pretty well.
After APS attack where 142 kids were killed by terrorists , all good schools have armed guard and then backup weapons inside the school. This school in question is owned and run by ex army brigadier and he is proactive about security
you are talking about Tanker spilled in Delhi (Your capital) vs oil spilled on a highway somewhere in the countryside of Punjab . How is that comparable ? I saw numerous videos of People dying on the roads of New delhi but nobody came near them . Now I cannot imagine happening that in Islamabad
It was also highway NH 8 and police do available in every district of each state.
I am saying about that incident as I saw one very long video oil was leaking and even reached to fields people pouring in cans before they all get burned alive, tossing of tanker is very serious incident, when so many peoples can come on hearing this news police should also reached in this time easily.
Still you can defend your state of condition its no issue to me because you themself are the sufferers

After APS attack where 142 kids were killed by terrorists , all good schools have armed guard and then backup weapons inside the school. This school in question is owned and run by ex army brigadier and he is proactive about security
irony same weapons to safeguard students are used to kill them
It is very hard to find guns with common Indians.
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