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Shocker for navy, warship's part missing

Maybe India should reflect how they shuold treat their warships.
how common? give us an example from IN past 5/10 years.

Might be a case of fatigue failure of rivets. It's quite common for such components exposed to periodic stress cycles. The ship in question is less than 10 years old though.
Loose lips sink ships. Gag the media like the Chinese do. This Liberal/ Feminist shit is the cause of this. Reporting such incidents badly affects morale of any armed forces.
Loose lips sink ships. Gag the media like the Chinese do. This Liberal/ Feminist shit is the cause of this. Reporting such incidents badly affects morale of any armed forces.

as of now , its not loose lips that are sinking indian ships , its poor maintenence and incompotent crew that are blowing up and sinking indian navy submarines
as of now , its not loose lips that are sinking indian ships , its poor maintenence and incompotent crew that are blowing up and sinking indian navy submarines
That happens with navy of all the countries and by the way it is not subamrines but submarine,only one submarine has sunk till date.
Such a junkmedia.
Ok it is good for another purpose .Our rivals may underestimate us .
May I say that its mentally?
Comredoooo there is a difference between "its" & "it's" :rofl: but I guess that's too heavy for your high iQ brian :rofl:

You still need some good English leaningooooo :rofl:
This is not a big deal, may have been lost due to stress...
Comredoooo there is a difference between "its" & "it's" :rofl: but I guess that's too heavy for your high iQ brian :rofl:

You still need some g:police:ood English leaningooooo :rofl:
:rofl:Do you know what's english input method?
A frog in the Well knows nothing of the great ocean.
You blame them for reporting things you dont like to hear?

Thats what their job is, and they are doing it right.

No one criticise media here.My point is about junk media.Some junk journalist even dont know difference between submarines and frigate.All they know is to exaggerate and sensationalise some fragile pieces of news
:rofl:Do you know what's english input method?
A frog in the Well knows nothing of the great ocean.
Did I touch the nerve with its n it's !!!! :rofl:
I know you are hurt .... a-but-hurt really ( if you know what I mean :rofl: )

STILL DO YOU KNOW THIS IS A ENGLISH LANGUAGE FORUM !!!! If you cant go back you your chiense forums

You mean beside google translate right ??? :rofl:
And sorry I wont call you a frog. I don't want to insult the poor creature for you idiocy Comoroedoooo :rofl:

"कितीपण नळीत घातली तरी कुत्राची शेपटी सरळ होत नाही. ती वाकडी ती वाकडीच रहाते."

"अस मानल जात की माणुस माकडापासुन उत्क्रांत झाला. पण म्हणुन आता तु माकडा सारख वागायची गरज नाही "
Now Beat this. Even your google translate wont help :rofl:
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