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Shiv Sena activists attack Indian TV channels

Awesome work by the Shiv Sena!!

What I love most about these guys is that they are their own worst enemy! At this rate no one's even going to remember they existed 5 years from now (or whenever Thackrey dies).
Kahani mein twist ? :disagree:

nah serioulsy my interaction with them have proven they are easy to work with and they are ready to listen.
People migrate and locals find difficult to get jobs. There is sense of anger and Local parties like MNS take advantage of it. But it is not that they are always wrong but the method they apply many times is wrong.

GP, i disagree on this point. Yes, migration does change the demography a big way. No question about it. But has any study really being done to see the growth rate of marathi speaking population and its own migration to other area's? .
At this rate no one's even going to remember they existed 5 years from now (or whenever Thackrey dies).

Why sir? ..... Why then did MNS (Its SS ver 2) even won those few seats that it did in last election?
GP, i disagree on this point. Yes, migration does change the demography a big way. No question about it. But has any study really being done to see the growth rate of marathi speaking population and its own migration to other area's? .

Survey ? Yes Link: Marathi population in state falls to 69% in 30 yrs - dnaindia.com

The problem is more noticed with Low income groups or laborers. The cost of local masonry worker is Rs 100 then comparative cost of laborer from particular state is is Rs 50. When the local cost of leaving is very high then the local guy is at disadvantage as he has to feed his family where as the other state guy leaves away from family where cost of living is low.

Do you know why the same problem does not occur in Chennai ?
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Why sir? ..... Why then did MNS (Its SS ver 2) even won those few seats that it did in last election?

Politics it was with open support from Congress. Plus MNS people are ex SS people.
Indian local issues are not supposed to be discussed here as this is a defence section.
Politics it was with open support from Congress. Plus MNS people are ex SS people.

But, people VOTED for them in those pocket's. That was distrurbing to me. With the gloom in the market, i suspect this mushrooming.
Guys, many of you are telling just one part of the story, being a marathi born outside mumbai and migrating to mumbai at the age of two i can provide you with both sides view...

shivsena was created in 1960s as an opposition to south indians who were dominant at that time, there wasnt a state called maharshtra till 1961. so it could play the marathi card pretty well and garnered support from natives but didnt really make waves till 1995 when out of nowhere it gained power with support from BJP. it ruled for 4 and half yrs and then lost because of lot corruption, infighting, taking for granted the marathi votes,etc.....during this period it changed its stance and accepted all those people from the rest of India who had being living in mumbai for more than 15yrs..biggest benefacaries were guratis that migrated from gujrat during the time span (who now in mumbai are hardent supporters of shivsena otherthan marathis) ......

with mumbai starting to get uplifed do to economic progress and more job oppurtunities the people from bihar and UP started migrating in huge numbers in late 1990s....many of them came alone with their families staying in their native states and they started forming groups, lived in small houses together, spent little and sent lot of many back to families, since many of them were uneducated they did pity jobs for less money and so on...thus started disturbing the monopoly of the locals, many of locals cheated so the middle class strayed towards the hard working, cheap migrants which added to job losses or oppertunities ......so the ruckus began which both MNS and shivsena turned into political agenda....and continues to burn mumbai!!

only possible solution to this is creation of jobs and providing better education to them in the native states of the migrants which again for reasons like corruption arent taken into account..parties like RJD,SP make it a political agenda at home states and try to earn votes.....SP a few months ago went to the extent of a demand banning english which the world knows provides 25%of jobs in India, by doing so they want people to be uneducated and fight amongst themselves over religion and cast so that they gain political mileage !!!

by keeping a stalemate the only beneficiaries are the political parties and the losers being both marathi, bihari and UP people... along with Indian economy!!

the media has been attacked because for quite some time it has been showing only the shivsena in the wrong, the actual situation being all political parties being guilty!!!
already posted
congress walah's support.. remember divide and rule was given to Indians by brits and we've never really left it.. giving MNS a backing ate SS vote bank considerably which affected the biggest opposition BJP! ek teer se do nishane tau!! .. and poor marathi manoos once again fooled by the party of Nehru and co.
Indian local issues are not supposed to be discussed here as this is a defence section.

valid point sir!.. guys ghar ki baat ghar men rehne do!
why Shiv Sena is more sensitive about language issue???

Can anyone from India explains seriously and logically.

You are trying rationalize irrational people.
good job shiv sena..but i am really dissapointed..this attack should have been done on sahara samay channel..
Good job shivsena.but i am disappointed.these attacks should have been done on Saharasamay news channel..
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