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Shireen Mazari Daughter Calls Pakistani Soldiers Picture with Dead BLA Terrorists from Pangur Attack as "War Crime"

Pakistanis still obsessed with “Mullahs”.
The new wave of terrorism is from liberal/secular ideology people. We’re stuck in the past however and still cry “mullah” always.
If you don’t adapt to counter new threats then you’ll suffer again like Pakistan did during peak of war on terror.

I am liberal / secular ideology. I consider cut throat Mullahs likes of TTPs & TLPs the curse on this country. If anything which can destroy Pakistan is these radical extremists.

A persons views can be liberal that is separate to what his/her views about the state. I have seen liberals as many folds more patriot for their country. Nationalism in liberals is far beyond then mullahs and extremists.

I wonder which direction we are going. So many radical extremist sympathizers here, how you can even call liberals as threat ?. Can all liberals of the country together come into roads and block the roads and use violence as means, kill policemen on the way down ?????

No wonder, radical extremism has added hatred against fellow human beings in this country. You guys cannot tolerate any peaceful person. (Iam not talking about mazari, i don't endorse her views) .

You guys love TTPs & TLPs (the emerging cut throat mullah brigade) .
I say plaster these photos across all major boulevards in all cities
I am liberal / secular ideology. I consider cut throat Mullahs likes of TTPs & TLPs the curse on this country. If anything which can destroy Pakistan is these radical extremists.

A persons views can be liberal that is separate to what his/her views about the state. I have seen liberals as many folds more patriot for their country. Nationalism in liberals is far beyond then mullahs and extremists.

I wonder which direction we are going. So many radical extremist sympathizers here, how you can even call liberals as threat ?. Can all liberals of the country together come into roads and block the roads and use violence as means, kill policemen on the way down ?????

No wonder, radical extremism has added hatred against fellow human beings in this country. You guys cannot tolerate any peaceful person. (Iam not talking about mazari, i don't endorse her views) .

You guys love TTPs & TLPs (the emerging cut throat mullah brigade) .
Issue isn’t liberal or non library. Issue is credibility and
moral turpitude. It’s hard to lecture others in a conservative society when your own moral compass is deviant.

Now we can’t judge gori of Europe to gori wannabe of mazari family. Both grew up in diff background and with different limits for right and wrong.
Issue isn’t liberal or non library. Issue is credibility and
moral turpitude. It’s hard to lecture others in a conservative society when your own moral compass is deviant.

Now we can’t judge gori of Europe to gori wannabe of mazari family. Both grew up in diff background and with different limits for right and wrong.

I am not talking about Mazari at all. basically give a dam to whatever she has to say. I am only speaking generally in response to a statement which equates liberals as threat lol. In fact, reality is opposite. We all know this society wants to say goodbye to international relations, trade, education, science & technology and just want to embrace Mullahism / Talibinization / basically madrassah's child rapists culture.

Ours is a overwhelmingly religious extremist society in a bad way. Not in a way of peaceful religion but opposite and they all think themselves as 'islamic'. They just want to jump and cheer around mobs who burn minorities / foreigners on the name of blasphemy.

I remember when TTP first emerged decades ago, basically there were so many sympathizer in our society of TTP. Giving excuses oh this is for islamic nizaam.. lmao!. Hell with this sort of violent islamic nizaam. Even bomb blasts didn't changed their views, they were of the view its ok destroy everything and this zionist army.. This was the REAL thought of MULLAHS.. This thought is still with those radical extremists. And here people are commenting that liberals are threat ?. What a joke!

I am not talking about Mazari at all. basically give a dam to whatever she has to say. I am only speaking generally in response to a statement which equates liberals as threat lol. In fact, reality is opposite. We all know this society wants to say goodbye to international relations, trade, education, science & technology and just want to embrace Mullahism / Talibinization / basically madrassah's child rapists culture.

Ours is a overwhelmingly religious extremist society in a bad way. Not in a way of peaceful religion but opposite and they all think themselves as 'islamic'. They just want to jump and cheer around mobs who burn minorities / foreigners on the name of blasphemy.
You misunderstood Pakistani society. Everything is halal for them. They want western technology and trade, free welfare system for themselves, but at the same time they want Riast e madina. Their view of Riast e Madina is, Tax free 21 century oil rich Arabia. Not the madina of 7th century. They want sharia justices and punishment for everyone else except themselves.
Have some shame. Is this how your parents taught you to refer to women?
A person's respect is in his/her own hands. If she doesn't care for her own respect why should anyone else care?


She is yet to call BLA as terrorists

But still she would be called to official events at President house in Islamab

But seriously tho 'War crime' lmao
Did she even read the Geneva Convention before spewing this woke BS.
Pretty sure army released these for Psychological warfare,The terrorists also perform these tactics to instill fear amd terror into people's mind.

I think no one forgot who've seen the video of these animals playing football with our soldiers heads years back.And seeing these pigs dead does bring me relief.
Army is incrediblely Based for releasing these pics it give people hope and I hope we see them eradicated once in for all.
If anything which can destroy Pakistan is these radical extremists.
What ideology do baloch separatist terrorists follow? What ideology did al zulfiqar terrorists follow? What ideology do ptm follow?
A persons views can be liberal that is separate to what his/her views about the state.
Same can be said about Islamists
have seen liberals as many folds more patriot for their country. Nationalism in liberals is far beyond then mullahs and extremists.
What was the ideology of the poonch rebels or Pashtun tribesman or gilgit liberators in 47?
What was the ideology of Hur mujahideen in 65 who defended sindh while pak army was stretched thin? Or the other mujahideen who fought alongside pak army in 65?
What was the ideology of al badr or al shams who fought in east Pakistan in 71 against mukti bani and what was the ideology of mukti bani?
What was the ideology of the mujahideen who defeated soviets in Afghanistan to protect Pakistan and its interests?
What was the ideology of the mujahid groups in 90s Kashmir uprising?
What was the ideology of the mujahideen who went kargil alongside pak army and fought against Indians?
What was the ideology of the many mujahideen pak army uses in loc to do raids for it?

Where were liberals in 47, 65, 71, 80s, 90s, 99 and during times of tension?

You claim liberals are more patriotic but their the first ones to pack their bags and flee the country during war.

You claim liberals are far more “patriotic” then Islamists but I’ve yet to meet a Pakistani soldier who dies for liberalism or nationalism. Every single Pakistani Muslim soldier fights for shahadat while doing jihad for Allah not nationalism.
I wonder which direction we are going. So many radical extremist sympathizers here, how you can even call liberals as threat ?. Can all liberals of the country together come into roads and block the roads and use violence as means, kill policemen on the way down ?????
Again, isn’t bla, blf, bras, ptm all liberal ideology?
Wasn’t mukti bani liberal ideology?
The shaheed soldiers who sacrificed their lives recently im nuashki and poonch weren’t they fighting liberal ideology following bla?
No wonder, radical extremism has added hatred against fellow human beings in this country. You guys cannot tolerate any peaceful person. (Iam not talking about mazari, i don't endorse her views) .
Total the numbers up since 1947 to present. See how have caused more harm. Liberals vs Islamists.
It wasn’t Mullahs who broke Pakistan it was liberal ideology followers.
It wasn’t Mullahs begging Pakistan to make peace with india it was liberals.
It wasn’t Mullahs waging separatist’s campaigns in sindh in Balochistan in kpk.
It wasn’t Mullahs who created al zulfiqar and hijacked pia flights.

You guys love TTPs & TLPs (the emerging cut throat mullah brigade) .

You guys are just good for generalizing. So ignorant you guys don’t even bother to learn the other side.

TTP are khawarij in Islam and we follow the example of Ali R.A. against khawarij.

True Muslims know talks can’t happen with khawarij they are told to fight them and end them.

It was liberals begging us to do peace with terrorists not Islamists.
The responses on Twitter were brilliant, her self-righteous ego took a battering.

A real credit to those defending PA :pakistan:
After looking her pictures I am convinced that shes not complaining about the dead bodies in fact she's complaining about the less dead cocks, she could have had.
Every single Pakistani Muslim soldier fights for shahadat while doing jihad for Allah not nationalism.

Pakistan military also have minorities, Even in the past they have fought bravely for motherland likes of Cecil Chaudhry.

Total the numbers up since 1947 to present. See how have caused more harm. Liberals vs Islamists.
It wasn’t Mullahs who broke Pakistan it was liberal ideology followers.
It wasn’t Mullahs begging Pakistan to make peace with india it was liberals.
It wasn’t Mullahs waging separatist’s campaigns in sindh in Balochistan in kpk.


It was liberals begging us to do peace with terrorists not Islamists.


and hell no! BLA is FAR from liberal .. They are extremely conservative and at the very right end of the right end. True Liberals / secular ideology give highest regard to human-rights and they have nothing to do with violence.

You just cannot label every person as "liberal" who is not radical extremist like TLP. You are referring to many in your commentary which have nothing to do with liberal mentality. You cannot just refer people from center as liberals.. you have defined only 2 extremes. But majority of that lies in the center. If I have to guess, (I could be wrong though) perhaps 35-45% of Pak society is inclined to any extreme religious sect or groups. 50-55% in center. 1-5% as liberals. Traditionally, liberals have always placed country as first. Pakistan sab sey pehlay. Whereas strict so-called islamists have majorly gone for their own version first (whether shia, wahabbi or whatever and will support regional proxies fueling that sectarian violence as well. That's on top of sympathies of radical extremist terror organizations and full support of cut throat ideologies. Further more, these groups have ZERO contribution in country's economy . (I agree extremely rare right-wing personalities can be exception).
First of all, the terrorist outfit does not fall under the protection of the war crime shield.
She is totally unaware of it and just barked to support her own projection/satisfaction or to please the terrorists.

This is not true. This is the bastardized "American" definition of Geneva convention in that in their interpretation it does not apply to non-state "enemy combatants". However the GC applies to humanity in general whether they are state or non-state actors.

However, that aside, I don't see anything wrong with the picture. The photo was taken at the location of the incident, none of the officers or men is posing with the dead bodies gleefully. They are just standing around post action.

This is not true. This is the bastardized "American" definition of Geneva convention in that in their interpretation it does not apply to non-state "enemy combatants". However the GC applies to humanity in general whether they are state or non-state actors.

However, that aside, I don't see anything wrong with the picture. The photo was taken at the location of the incident, none of the officers or men is posing with the dead bodies gleefully. They are just standing around post action.

The common article 3 of GC is applicable only to a situation which is an “armed conflict” but the term “armed conflict” has not been defined in the Convention. So, it is for the state to determine whether an armed conflict exists or not when the state is facing an insurgency/armed rebellion. State can recognize it as an armed conflict, in which case international customary law would be applicable, or it can simply declare it a domestic issue.

Low intensity conflicts are generally not considered as armed conflict. Almost all experts agree that Article 3 of GC is not applicable to guerilla warfare tactics by terrorists in any case.

Baby Mazari is clueless about what she is on about...

Agree with the second part. There's nothing wrong with the pics
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Pakistan military also have minorities, Even in the past they have fought bravely for motherland likes of Cecil Chaudhry.
Read clearly what I wrote
Show me one liberal group who fought for Pakistan on wars

and hell no! BLA is FAR from liberal .. They are extremely conservative and at the very right end of the right end. True Liberals / secular ideology give highest regard to human-rights and they have nothing to do with violence.
Bla/blf ideology is secular liberal that’s what they claim.

True Islamic ideology is against ttp types. You just proved your hypocrisy. Against Islamists you make us all seem like terrorists when Islam is against khawarij. But for secular liberal bla/blf you say “liberal/secular are against violence”.
In Islam it clearly warns about khawarij.
In secular liberal ideology it praises the likes of mukti bani(who were secular) and bla/blf who are secular.
You just cannot label every person as "liberal" who is not radical extremist like TLP. You are referring to many in your commentary which have nothing to do with liberal mentality. You cannot just refer people from center as liberals.. you have defined only 2 extremes. But majority of that lies in the center. If I have to guess, (I could be wrong though) perhaps 35-45% of Pak society is inclined to any extreme religious sect or groups. 50-55% in center. 1-5% as liberals. Traditionally, liberals have always placed country as first. Pakistan sab sey pehlay. Whereas strict so-called islamists have majorly gone for their own version first (whether shia, wahabbi or whatever and will support regional proxies fueling that sectarian violence as well. That's on top of sympathies of radical extremist terror organizations and full support of cut throat ideologies. Further more, these groups have ZERO contribution in country's economy . (I agree extremely rare right-wing personalities can be exception).

Islamists have contributed more to Pakistan then liberals can dream of.
Who stood by pak army in every war?
Who fought against khawarji with pak army?
Why were there any liberal militias in any wars pak fought why only Islamic ones?
As for economy goes, liberals have contributed less the Islamists.
Liberals definition of “economy” is opening bars, wineries, hera mandi, clubs and strip clubs.

Btw this is my last reply to you. I can’t be bothered replying to ignorants.

“The moment you start arguing with an ignorant fool, you have already lost” - Ali (R.A.)
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