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Shireen Mazari Daughter Calls Pakistani Soldiers Picture with Dead BLA Terrorists from Pangur Attack as "War Crime"


This is not true. This is the bastardized "American" definition of Geneva convention in that in their interpretation it does not apply to non-state "enemy combatants". However the GC applies to humanity in general whether they are state or non-state actors.

However, that aside, I don't see anything wrong with the picture. The photo was taken at the location of the incident, none of the officers or men is posing with the dead bodies gleefully. They are just standing around post action.

So in brief, USA is the most war crime committed country but in the whole world not an institution or country have courage to raise the issue.
The only victim of this clause are 3rd world countries, by their own citizen or by USA/West.
Peeps, calling someone bitch or slut isn't a rebuttal or a way to counter their propaganda. I am as pissed as you guys at Nida Kirmani, C Fair or Iman but i won't be calling them names for it doesn't serve no purpose.
Read clearly what I wrote

Show me one liberal group who fought for Pakistan on wars

Bla/blf ideology is secular liberal that’s what they claim.

True Islamic ideology is against ttp types. You just proved your hypocrisy. Against Islamists you make us all seem like terrorists when Islam is against khawarij. But for secular liberal bla/blf you say “liberal/secular are against violence”.
In Islam it clearly warns about khawarij.
In secular liberal ideology it praises the likes of mukti bani(who were secular) and bla/blf who are secular.

Islamists have contributed more to Pakistan then liberals can dream of.
Who stood by pak army in every war?
Who fought against khawarji with pak army?
Why were there any liberal militias in any wars pak fought why only Islamic ones?
As for economy goes, liberals have contributed less the Islamists.
Liberals definition of “economy” is opening bars, wineries, hera mandi, clubs and strip clubs.

Btw this is my last reply to you. I can’t be bothered replying to ignorants.

“The moment you start arguing with an ignorant fool, you have already lost” - Ali (R.A.)

Well, at one side you we have radical islamists & cut throat mullahs like TTP & TLP. On other hand "liberals" like this mazari girl. Decide for yourself who is "REAL" threat.

We ALL know history, The founder of Pakistan, Quad-e-azam was a liberal. MULLAHs were strictly against even creation of Pakistan. They still harm the country. By mullahs ( i don't mean every person with a beard, i strictly mean the breed which sympathizes with TLPs and extremist groups, which opposes equality, progressiveness, women empowerment, minority rights)

“The moment you start arguing with an ignorant fool, you have already lost” - Ali (R.A.)
Its unimaginable that you argued with me on everything and wrote entire essays and pack of lies and then you even went ahead and quote Ali (R.A.). I mean how come can quote this line when you are constantly arguing! You somehow wants to pretend that I am "fool" that you are trying to win argument with ??

Quoting great line never make anyone even remotely great!. You really have to be deserving, your whole content needs to be of caliber. Its hilarious that your entire content is based on lies and you are quoting a great line from the great personality. I will be really careful quoting one of greatest sayings and assuming myself to be correct. It would only make me look like 'munafiq'. How dare I can assume that the great saying is in favor or me or against the person who I am talking with.

Harmless minority of the country looks "threat" to you and so-called sharia followers TLPs and TTPs look peaceful to you. What an age and what a generation we have brought up. Dooms day scenario for the country!
Its really is unimaginable how conveniently people lie these days.

Conveniently, labeling BLA as "liberals" Which they are NOT. They are extremely conservative and at the right. Liberals / Seculars have nothing to do with violence thats why they are at the left. otherwise they would have been called as extremists or right-wing groups.

On the other hand, this guy is conveniently not claiming the violent islamists groups. The TTP (Which is clearly a product of religious extremists & madrassahs. ) .

You are hell bound to show day as a night. Anyone with common sense can tell that extremist radical religious groups like TTP, TLP and many more are REAL threat to this country. The extreme minority liberals like mazari girl or any other xyz who will never raise arms are NEVER a threat.

I only pity the group which endorses extreme groups and take side of violent groups. You all have to be Quad's followers who was the founder of the country. Not of the Taliban or TTPs or any other madrassah production.
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