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Shireen Mazari beaten and arrested from her own home

Arrest has Mariam Nawaz’s mentally retarded finger prints all over it. Own goal on own party. Army would do well to dissociate from these party of killers.

IK supporter and want estab cut down to size after their recent debacle with him. Main worry is when Mariam Nawaz eventually comes to power we will need estab to save Pakistan from these theives and killers.
maryam will never come 2 power without establishment assist. do u really think ik, fc, smq, faisal sultan , yasmin rashid got fooled by platelets drama. it was pressure by khakis always assisted by kalias
Will IK now wake the F up and start behaving like a revolutionary, or is it going to be the same "condemning" tweets?
She has been released. ACE official who ordered the arrest has been made a scapegoat after ICH moved by PTI petition regarding arrest and handling of this affair to protect Hamza Shahbaz.

Notice that she was not advised on what charge she was arrested - hence it makes the arrest null and void as per PPC.

"Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely"​

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely" is the best known quotation of the 19th century British politician Lord Acton. He borrowed the idea from several other writers who had previously expressed the same thought in different words.

Absolute monarchies are those in which all power is given to or, as is more often the case, taken by, the monarch. Examples of absolute power having a corrupting influence are Roman emperors (who declared themselves gods) and Napoleon Bonaparte (who declared himself an emperor).

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely" arose as part of a quotation by the expansively named and impressively hirsute John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, first Baron Acton (1834–1902). The historian and moralist, who was otherwise known simply as Lord Acton, expressed this opinion in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton in 1887:
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."
The text is a favourite of collectors of quotations and is always included in anthologies. If you are looking for the exact "power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" wording, then Acton is your man. He coined the phrase but he didn't invent the idea; quotations very like it had been uttered by several authors well before 1887. Primary amongst them was another English politician with no shortage of names - William Pitt the Elder, Earl of Chatham and British Prime Minister from 1766 to 1778. Pitt said something similar in a speech to the UK House of Lords in 1770:
"Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it"
Acton is likely to have taken his lead from the writings of the French republican poet and politician, again a generously titled individual - Alphonse Marie Louis de Prat de Lamartine. An English translation of Lamartine's essay France and England: a Vision of the Future was published in London in 1848 and included this text:
It is not only the slave or serf who is ameliorated in becoming free. The master himself did not gain less in every point of view, for absolute power corrupts the best natures.
Whether it is Lamartine or his anonymous English translator who can claim to have coined 'absolute power corrupts' we can't be sure. What we can be sure about is that it came before Lord Acton's more famous version. Whether Acton was aware of Lamartine's essay we can't now tell.


"Absolute power corrupts absolutely" is one of the proverbial sayings that seems to be proved correct by experience of people's actual behaviour.
It was coined by the English nobleman Lord Acton in 1857, using similar ideas expressed by several of his contemporaries.

Even if they release Shirin Mazari PTI should call a general strike all over Pakistan to give a taste of the consequences to the US-backed establishment and their criminal puppets.

The Islamabad march should be backed up with a cycle of countrywide strikes to show that the whole country supports the march.

The more violence the illegal criminals use the more shutdowns there need to be in the country.

General strikes are a peaceful way to deal with the criminals. This is an alternative to descending into a violent revolution.
Idiots got exposed again.

First they tried to drag army connection in her arrest but got fully exposed. Now they themselves proved that they were behind the arrest.

PML_N is desperately trying to hide their failure in handling the economy, they will start blaming the army for all this hoping people will buy this and take the attention off them. Brother, destroying your own country is not the answer, plus this is part of the deal they made to bring Pakistan to the brink of civil war...

We shouldn't fall for this and let the courts (I know, even I, am laughing at the thought of kangaroo courts doing justice) decide, most important thing in my opinion right now is PML_N not to be given any chance of destroying Law and Order.

So what are PTI’s options here.

1. Move with Islamabad march and commit to non-violence
2. Move to Islamabad with threatening violence (but not indulging in violence)
3. Move to Islamabad and with civil disobedience and moderate level violence
4. Move to Islamabad and ransacking everything in sight (this option is too far fetched but I am just putting it out there)

5. Like Sri Lankans, march towards homes of crooks in respective areas. Drag them to streets.
To get some brownies points..i mean how would hamaza order release of her if she isnt arrested??have to arrest her first right?
And IHC was part of the plan
Hey bro,

I don’t have time to go through 15 pages on this thread. Can you tell me what happened in the shortest and simplest way. Updated news of course.
Bro Anti Corruption Executive officers tasked Islamabad Police to arrest her - she resisted 4 female
Constables dragged her out - her mobile phone was seized by the anti corruption officer.

Then a flurry of activity happened - people blamed BJ, they blamed the invisible ones, his daughter and PtI petitioned IHC - IHC termed the arrest unlawful - Hamza shat himself and demanded she get released.

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