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Shireen Mazari beaten and arrested from her own home

Bro Anti Corruption Executive officers tasked Islamabad Police to arrest her - she resisted 4 female
Constables dragged her out - her mobile phone was seized by the anti corruption officer.

Then a flurry of activity happened - people blamed BJ, they blamed the invisible ones, his daughter and PtI petitioned IHC - IHC termed the arrest unlawful - Hamza shat himself and demanded she get released.

But will anyone be taken to task for the unlawful arrest, or is it open badmashi?
Seems this sh!tshow ended with PDM own goal.

Mariyam probably ordered Shireen’s arrest with the hope the PTI blames the establishment. But Hamza shutdown this whole operation in hope that he gets brownie points from PTI.

Not that I am absolving the establishment of any blame. They are the root cause of this fiasco, make no mistake.
But will anyone be taken to task for the unlawful arrest, or is it open badmashi?
The ACE officer has been made the official scapegoat - show cause notice has already been served “on a Saturday” 😂. F me these corrupt bastards work fast when their interests align and their *** is on the line.

Apart from that - this was a misadventure and PMLN just suffered a bloody nose.
Islamabad march should be announced ASAP.

This system only favors the corrupt elite.

I think that PTI has lost a lot of momentum by delaying the march. The outrage was very high when the US-backed regime change happened. Now people are getting used to the old criminals being back in power.

The looters of PPP and PMLN portray themselves as political parties, like PTI. But they’re not. They’re criminal gangs disguised as political parties. PTI should not accept them as political rivals. They need to be described as criminal gangs who’re not acceptable even for a day.
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Me thinks Imran Khan should keep all options on the table to keep his adversaries guessing.

Although my brain says IK should not take the violence route a part of me says, unless there is a revolution, the system will remain the same and only the names will change.

Until a purge to some degree does not take place, this system will only favor the establishment and elites. The government of the time will only be hostage to their egos.
Rana Sanaullah is now trying to make it look like she was arrested for her recent statements.

The gang of criminals is totally confused, Rana the murderer sent an anti-corruption squad to arrest her for the 'recent statements'.
One could judge the confusion and chaos in the ranks and file of criminal 'politicos'.
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