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"Shining India, Swaggering India" - Times of India

For some reason, India is obsessive about China. China is still a very poor country. But I guess for a country like India, China is heaven. On the flip side, China barely notices India. India should focus on become like the west. Also, its sad that many Indians regard white people as only servants and beggars in the ideal world. That is very racist.

Guess what?

The year 1962 is the main answer leading to many questions, including but not limited to the swaggering. In addition, no any brainwashed could tolerate the fact hat authoritarianism can win over democracy. It's an excruciating pain in their @ss...
See, how your caste ideology comes into display?

We all know that shoe maker is a low caste in your society, but no, not in our civilized ones. A shoe maker can travel to India because he earns his honest money, whereas many Indians can’t afford a comfortable meal and some even starved to death.

You probably have some reason to swagger, but please be respectful to other professionals. This forum is not caste based. I believe so.

And when you confront them with uncomfortable facts, they go into denial mode or one of the hundred other ways to deviate from the topic.

India official: It's not slavery – The CNN Freedom Project: Ending Modern-Day Slavery - CNN.com Blogs
See, how your caste ideology comes into display?

We all know that shoe maker is a low caste in your society, but no, not in our civilized ones. A shoe maker can travel to India because he earns his honest money, whereas many Indians can’t afford a comfortable meal and some even starved to death.

You probably have some reason to swagger, but please be respectful to other professionals. This forum is not caste based. I believe so.

I can understand that Chinese can feel for lows castes in India after what they went through for centuries.

Traditional Yi society in Yunnan was class based. People were split into the Black Yi (nobles, 5% of the population), White Yi (commoners), Ajia (33% of the Yi population) and the Xiaxi (10%). Ajia and Xiaxi were slaves. The White Yi were not slaves but had no freedom of movement. The Black Yi made slave-raids on Han Chinese communities. After 1959, some 700,000 slaves were freed.

Yuan subjects were divided into four classes, with northern Han Chinese occupying the second-poorest class and southern Han Chinese the poorest one.

Four Class System of China Yuan Dynasty, Social Status, Ruling Class

I know when subjugated people suddenly gets power, that kinda gets on their head.
Former slaves of Mongolian, Manchus and particularly Japanese are giving us lessons. These Chinis are hilarious.:laugh:

Really? did we make a video of white begging us for money ? did we called ourselves shinning and incredible :rofl:come on i hope you are not in that 81-85iq range
Really? did we make a video of white begging us for money ? did we called ourselves shinning and incredible :rofl:come on i hope you are not in that 81-85iq range


Superficial, Arrogant Nationalism

China's state TV claims the Philippines is part of China: Arrogant, Nationalistic, Imperialist, and War-Mongers. - The medical and societal journal of a vitreo-retinal surgeon. | Eye Dr DeLengocky

Your arrogance has no limits
Really? did we make a video of white begging us for money ? did we called ourselves shinning and incredible :rofl:come on i hope you are not in that 81-85iq range

What about your wierd sex enhancing home remedies. :argh: Remind me of those capsules caught in South Korea.
My dear Psuedo-German, I am a male. I have noticed one thing why fairandunbiased and you are not online at the same time.

Trust me, I'm not him. I'm not so patient with aggressive ghettoized low IQ losers.
Here again comes IQ talks from high IQ copy-paste Chini.

lmao look, Gotterdamerung is on at the same time, what a huge slap to the face lying 81er. Are you genetically programmed to be a liar? I mean, being an 81er isn't your fault, but I don't think lying is genetic... or is it for you people? :lol:
Götterdämmerung;2971690 said:
You have been copy-pasting this sentence a few dozen times, girl! :D

Then what is your problem, babe. :D

lmao look, Gotterdamerung is on at the same time, what a huge slap to the face lying 81er. Are you genetically programmed to be a liar? I mean, being an 81er isn't your fault, but I don't think lying is genetic... or is it for you people? :lol:

Use firefox and chrome and login with different IDs at at the same time, its so simple high IQ Chinis. :laugh:

.......... are very high IQ (Idiot Quality) People:rofl:

HIgh IQ comes with high copy paste power.
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