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Shiite mosque in eastern Saudi Arabia attacked, casualties reported

Daesh ,who attacks all countries around the world and agian it attacked Saudi, has never attacked Iran.

These terrorists will never bite the hand that feeds them.

Think before speak, then why ISIS in Iraq and Syria is disparately trying to destroy Shiites shrines and holy places ? Why kills shia Muslims in Iraq ? if ISIS is made by Iran, can't Iran order them to not attack shia places ?
ISIS has a exact same ideology with Al Qaeda and that is base on Wahhabism, the bad appearance of Islam in west is because of Wahhabi ideology.
The people of Qatif & Al hasa should start rising up and defend themselves otherwise will suffer more.
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The people of Qatif & Al hasa should start rising up and defend themselves otherwise will suffer more.

More violence, just what region needs....Like I keep saying, the peoples religious leanings are influencing order of events significantly.
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