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Shift in Afghan approach: Kabul promised to dismantle TTP safe havens


Feb 2, 2007
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ISLAMABAD: The new administration in Kabul has assured Pakistan that it will take action against alleged sanctuaries of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and its affiliates on the Afghan soil in a significant move which suggests increased anti-terror cooperation between the two neighbours.

The assurance came from President Ashraf Ghani during his talks with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and army chief General Raheel Sharif in his just-concluded maiden trip to Islamabad, officials familiar with the development told The Express Tribune.

A security official while speaking on condition of anonymity said there was a visible shift in Afghanistan’s approach since the new government took over in September this year. “We have had very frank and candid discussions with the Afghan president and he agreed that terrorist sanctuaries will be dismantled on the Afghan side of the border,” he disclosed.

The commitment was given after Ghani was briefed ‘with evidence’ that Pakistan’s ongoing operation in North Waziristan Agency was targeting ‘terrorists of all shades’, including the deadly Haqqani Network. “There is no ambiguity in our policy now. We are treating all militant outfits, including the Haqqanis, as a threat to peace,” the official insisted.

The paradigm shift is apparently attributed to army chief General Raheel Sharif who, according to sources, has a clear stance on the war on terror unlike his predecessor.

Officials said the Afghan president welcomed Pakistan’s push against militants and made it clear that his administration would not allow any militant group, including those from the TTP, to find refuge on Afghan soil.

Islamabad has long been seeking decisive action against the TTP sanctuaries in the northeastern Afghan provinces of Kunar and Nuristan. In the past, Pakistan had even accused Afghan security agencies of supporting the TTP and its affiliates to further their interests.

However, with the change of government in Kabul, Islamabad is hoping that Afghan authorities would eliminate TTP ‘safe havens.’

Relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan remained tense during former Afghan president Hamid Karzai’s 13-year rule. Karzai often accused Pakistan’s security establishment of sheltering Afghan insurgents, a charge Islamabad strongly denies. But unlike Karzai, his successor struck a reconciliatory note during his visit and avoided blame game.

The Express Tribune has learnt that a considerable progress has been achieved to evolve a new security mechanism under which security forces of the two countries would increase cooperation in the post-2014 scenario.

An official said currently Pakistan, Afghanistan and the US-led Nato forces had a trilateral arrangement to deal with border issues as well as fighting militants. Now the focus has shifted from trilateral to a bilateral approach.

The renewed offer from Gen Raheel to train Afghan security forces is part of that policy that would help strengthen military-to-military ties. The Afghan president is believed to have given a positive response to Pakistan’s offer, which was not accepted previously by his predecessor.

Shift in Afghan approach: Kabul promised to dismantle TTP safe havens – The Express Tribune
Just wait till Ajit Doval's Kabul visit with some handbags loads of cash and you'll see what we have already seen from Afghanistan. If there is to be peace in Afghanistan we unfortunately would have to ramp up the proxy war in India, including supporting Khalistanis and Naxals if needed. Moreover we need to ramp up attacks against Indians in Afghanistan with no regard for Indian civilians there. They too must be regarded as enemy combatants.
Just wait till Ajit Doval's Kabul visit with some handbags loads of cash and you'll see what we have already seen from Afghanistan. If there is to be peace in Afghanistan we unfortunately would have to ramp up the proxy war in India, including supporting Khalistanis and Naxals if needed. Moreover we need to ramp up attacks against Indians in Afghanistan with no regard for Indian civilians there. They too must be regarded as enemy combatants.
Afghanistan will remain Indian experiment for some long time. while we are generously criticized for our strategic depth approach but no one wonders it was a reaction to Indian using the Afghan soil against Pakistan for decades.
Afghan leaders are a sell out for sure and Indians know how to make them dance to the tune of money.

sadly proxy wars will continue against Pakistan and the culprits will continue to cry foul against Pakistan from their cultural centers along Pak Afghan borders near Balochistan. I am looking forward to deep strike missions against those camps where the anti Pakistani forces are being funded, trained and sheltered. assassinations, bombings and artillery strikes should contine and our armed drones should be used as well.

the Afghan intelligence agency is so blatant in its support for TTP that despite being caught two times by Americans (Latif Ullah Mehsood was snatched by Americans from Afghans) its chief continues to taunt Pakistan. he deserves a shot in the belly so that he dies slow and painful death.
Afghanistan will remain Indian experiment for some long time. while we are generously criticized for our strategic depth approach but no one wonders it was a reaction to Indian using the Afghan soil against Pakistan for decades.
Afghan leaders are a sell out for sure and Indians know how to make them dance to the tune of money.

sadly proxy wars will continue against Pakistan and the culprits will continue to cry foul against Pakistan from their cultural centers along Pak Afghan borders near Balochistan. I am looking forward to deep strike missions against those camps where the anti Pakistani forces are being funded, trained and sheltered. assassinations, bombings and artillery strikes should contine and our armed drones should be used as well

Let me run operations for just 10 months. This is time to unleash our vengeance. Indians have killed far too many Pakistanis. Its time they pay.
The indian is a strange creature, he only understands the language of strength and force.

We need to put down a 20 year plan with a sole objective of avenging our dead of the past 10 years. India is here for ever. Sooner or later the time will be ripe for us to hit, fast, true and hard. We need not blame India, we need not raise it diplomatically. Our energies must only be focused on seeking Qisas for those killed by Bharat in the last decade.
Anyways, do we have capabilities to go in and hit targets within Afghanistan without them finding out about it? How strong is their Air force?
Anyways, do we have capabilities to go in and hit targets within Afghanistan without them finding out about it? How strong is their Air force?

Air Strikes alone achieve little.
Just wait till Ajit Doval's Kabul visit with some handbags loads of cash and you'll see what we have already seen from Afghanistan. If there is to be peace in Afghanistan we unfortunately would have to ramp up the proxy war in India, including supporting Khalistanis and Naxals if needed. Moreover we need to ramp up attacks against Indians in Afghanistan with no regard for Indian civilians there. They too must be regarded as enemy combatants.

CIA carries much bigger bags

and even bigger stick.

Afghanistanis will work with Pakistan this time around

Perhaps less for Afghanistani interest and more to keep the 10,000 American soldiers safe.
Just wait till Ajit Doval's Kabul visit with some handbags loads of cash and you'll see what we have already seen from Afghanistan. If there is to be peace in Afghanistan we unfortunately would have to ramp up the proxy war in India, including supporting Khalistanis and Naxals if needed. Moreover we need to ramp up attacks against Indians in Afghanistan with no regard for Indian civilians there. They too must be regarded as enemy combatants.

@Oscar this dude is threatened to murder innocent people:(
man...horus is mad...

/me leaving the thread.
India has continually supported terrorism within our borders. It is time for India to stop training terrorists in Afghanistan to be used against Pakistan. The Mariot attacks too were a blueprint of RAW and CIA.

We on the other hand need to do something to improve relations with Afghanistan and make them feel secure with us as a neighbor. It is unfortunate that they do not respect the durand line.
India has continually supported terrorism within our borders. It is time for India to stop training terrorists in Afghanistan to be used against Pakistan. The Mariot attacks too were a blueprint of RAW and CIA.

We on the other hand need to do something to improve relations with Afghanistan and make them feel secure with us as a neighbor. It is unfortunate that they do not respect the durand line.

Ironically every single Pakistani neighbour complains off terrorism emanating from Pakistan effecting their country..some of it being state sponsored others being spontaneously bred from fertile lands of Af-Pak.

One day before Indian prime ministers oath taking ceremony..Indian consulate in Herat was attacked, which even Afghans claim was orchestrated by Pakistan.

On the other hand Americans openly claim that Pakistan is sponsoring terrorism in Afghanistan and India. as it does not have the military might for direct confrontation.

Pakistan Behind May Attack on Indian Consulate in Herat, says Afghan Minister

.Pak using militants as proxies to counter Indian Army: Pentagon : Americas, News - India Today
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