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Shift in Afghan approach: Kabul promised to dismantle TTP safe havens

Afghanistan will remain Indian experiment for some long time. while we are generously criticized for our strategic depth approach but no one wonders it was a reaction to Indian using the Afghan soil against Pakistan for decades.
Afghan leaders are a sell out for sure and Indians know how to make them dance to the tune of money.

sadly proxy wars will continue against Pakistan and the culprits will continue to cry foul against Pakistan from their cultural centers along Pak Afghan borders near Balochistan. I am looking forward to deep strike missions against those camps where the anti Pakistani forces are being funded, trained and sheltered. assassinations, bombings and artillery strikes should contine and our armed drones should be used as well.

the Afghan intelligence agency is so blatant in its support for TTP that despite being caught two times by Americans (Latif Ullah Mehsood was snatched by Americans from Afghans) its chief continues to taunt Pakistan. he deserves a shot in the belly so that he dies slow and painful death.

I'm generally a hawk on this subject but I believe we should give Ghani a chance. He makes the right noises.

We should be mindful continually about enemy(s) trying to drive wedge in between "Af-Pak"
Thanks, India is doing just that. That's why the Afghans love India. India also supports the joining of Pakhtuns across both sides of the border and live with freedom.
And Pashtuns like me laugh and ridicule indian efforts - playing with fire and getting burned over it!

As did your former defense attaché in Kabul
I do see Af-Pak relations getting better under Ashraf Ghani. He seems a lot more pragmatic than that old Indian bought out clown. I think Pakistan is trying to introduce Chinese investment in Afghanistan.

India of course isn't going to take this sitting. Afghanistan is their huge investment and asset against Pakistan. They have already played their one card, Indian lobbies in the US paid hefty dollar amount for the pentagon report against Pakistan.

They will do more in the future. But as long Afghan leadership stays true, we can limit Indian involvement there and finally bring some much deserved peace to this region.
Well the Indians are doing the smart thing vis-a-vis Afghanistan...something which Pakistan should've done but unfortunately it was too busy being a lackey and turning into a mullah state.

But let me tell you that the Pashtuns on either side of the borders are quite different...our borders are not changing anytime soon buddy. The State of Pakistan is here to stay and exist....however the question is in which sort of condition it wants to exist? Miserable or Prosperous...
I can bet you're an Indian. False flagger. Look at your words.
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