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Shia women protesting shia killings beaten,water canoned and shelled by karachi police

Okay tough man. You can shove that Police uniform up your back side i couldn't care less.:lol:
Keep crying ahmadi atleast I have a motherland unlike you unwanted scum, these minorities will always cry foul play when incidents like these happen become drama queens on the streets of Pakistan and disrupt daily life.
Keep crying ahmadi atleast I have a motherland unlike you unwanted scum, these minorities will always cry foul play when incidents like these happen become drama queens on the streets of Pakistan and disrupt daily life.

Can't discuss with diaper wearing children. Does your parents know you are on internet? Good bye now and don't forget to change your nappy.:D
Only shameless coward men would think about attacking/hitting unarmed women and children. Pakistan's police and the comments here prove the sick mentality of Pakistan's society.

Oh so you have a problem if Shia protest because of their loved ones were brutally murdered just because of their faith. Don't bring sectarian non sense here.
i am just asking, why there is no protest when CHILDREN are killed by GROWN SHIA MEN DURING A PROCESSION, and there is protest WHEN GROWN SHIA MEN ARE KILLED BY UN KNOWN PERSONS
i am just asking, why there is no protest when CHILDREN are killed by GROWN SHIA MEN DURING A PROCESSION, and there is protest WHEN GROWN SHIA MEN ARE KILLED BY UN KNOWN PERSONS

Another troll. Take you sectarian non sense to some mullah or pro taliban forum.
Another troll. Take you sectarian non sense to some mullah or pro taliban forum.
i gave the mere facts, Sunni gets killed -------> no matter.............Shia gets killed ----------->boo hoo

but the result of both is same, no arrests made, no punishments given, cuz you know why? THERE IS NO DEATH SENTENCE IS PAKISTAN
**** u worthless cunt don't disrespect the Pakistani police my father is in it and I can vouch for him he's always done his job with dignity and honour I won't allow some worthless scum like you give them a bad rep

We should revoke their citizenships :coffee:
Only shameless coward men would think about attacking/hitting unarmed women and children. Pakistan's police and the comments here prove the sick mentality of Pakistan's society.

Being a woman doesnt exempt anyone from the rules of the land, all human beings are equal infront of the law both Islamically and constitutionally, the cops had every right to use non lethal force to disperse the protest that was probably getting out of hand, it was also probably a vulnerable to a terrorist attack, their protest albeit justified doesnt mean that they can disrupt civic peace and the traffic (that almost definitely has ambulances in it), women cry about gender equality all the time, this time equality was delivered and justice was served........
Pakistani police is a tool of ASWJ no one is surprised.

Stop this sectarian bullshit man, the country has had enough of it, no one is anyone's tool, these are just delusions created by myopic ''Mullahs'' to cause up a stir......
Being a woman doesnt exempt anyone from the rules of the land, all human beings are equal infront of the law both Islamically and constitutionally, the cops had every right to use non lethal force to disperse the protest that was probably getting out of hand, it was also probably a vulnerable to a terrorist attack, their protest albeit justified doesnt mean that they can disrupt civic peace and the traffic (that almost definitely has ambulances in it), women cry about gender equality all the time, this time equality was delivered and justice was served........

Bravo for defending one of the world' most corrupt police force. Would you like a medal also Sir?
not to start a sectarian war, or to offend anyone, but why does your name sound like that of the second Umayyad Caliph? you know the controversial one


My name isn't the second Caliph's name though, I'm afraid.

Anyhow, I appreciate your concern though.

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