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Shia killing watchdog site apparently banned

^^ The website was just reporting about the shias killed in Pakistan.

BTW your post is reported for being abusive to shias.
Bye Bye poor admin,
There is no liberty to express our views,a real shame, this forum sucks, everyone should leave.
When a scum bag terrorist , pulls a trigger or presses a button anywhere inside Pakistan, to me, regardless of their colour creed, he's targeting and killing Pakistani Nationals, similarly, a Pakistani security person, whether he's a Shia, Suni or any other sect, given the chance will shoot the culprit without distinction. For arguments sake, are there similar websites recording a break down of the numbers of their own sects getting killed.

Bye Bye poor admin,
There is no liberty to express our views,a real shame, this forum sucks, everyone should leave.

No one gets invited, and no one is under any obligations....any one is free to take a hike. !!!
khanz4996;3197870]i feel pity for you guys u are like a pawn just controlled really easily from outside?what is this shia killing?in the past ten years 100000 people died how many were shia?2000 5000 10000 or 20000 u dont look at the bigger picture.i hope a day will come when we wont call ourselves shias Sunnis or baralivs but only and only Muslims.

Well if it was 2000000 supporters of Sipah-e-Sahaba or Lashkar-e-Jhangvi no one would care or shed a tear more like people will say good riddance as a dead terrorist or its supporter is a good start.

As far as your feeling pity for pawns is concerned me and millions of civilized Pakistanis and people from around the world have been saying that for years stop the pawns but unfortunately some in our establishment will not take action against the cancer in society as they will lose millions/yr in support from middle east as you clearly said saudi arabia

yes the evidence clearly points towards Shias & Bralvies that are going around killing people and not the Saudi supported terrorist.Mr khan even the 2 years old child in Pakistan or around the world no who is the pawn.I love the way you are blaming the victims and praising the culprit.

huh Iran Pakistan relations????????what are u talking about we don't have relations with u we got relations with Saudi Arabia

you just proved who the pawn is

u need us not we need u go to hell

Who needs you for what last i checked even Kuwait stop issuing visas to Pakistanis cause of their support for Saudi supported terrorist.
If you don't no which is obvious from your post you lack any real information Kuwait is a G C C nation and part of Saudi alliance OUCH.

wait till US start its war against u and we will help them against u because once we helped u with nuke tech and u gave it to UN and put us in deep mess with the world

LOL How about you stop USA From using drones first and as far as information about nuclear tech is concerned it was your own Qaddafi who sent all to Washington in a jumbo full of documents and other materials in exchange for lifting of sanctions .On the other hand Iran is still under sanctions and continue to fight for its right to civilian nuclear tech plus threatened by Israel and its Real allies G C C.

For God sake start reading instead of getting your information from Friday sermons given to you by sold out also known as pawn uneducated mullhas.

after that i think

what you said above clearly shows you do no such thing.

we don't have any relations if we had any we will be taking or buying gas from u and oil

Pakistan does buy oil and gas plus electricity from Iran and yes we do have relations with Iran and good ones 2

instead of getting it from Saudi.

well Saudi refused to provide oil to you unless you paid first.

i checked my pockets and my head i got everything i didn't lose anything.

There is a famous saying ''Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most“ Mr khan in your case you cant lose what you never had.
khanz4996;3198005]if u made this country then have the balls to stay and fight on as well dont cry

we are standing and fighting for it but its obvious Zia filled up all Government crown and security corporations with his supporters hence the ban.

If you mean fighting with guns and bullets sorry that would mean destroying what we fought to create against the wishes of Wahabi Mullahs.

100000 sunnis lost their lives in past 10 years dure to all this terrorism crap

Then why don't you blame the people who are the terrorist or support terrorist instead you are blaming shais who are the target.millions upon millions comes from Saudi to support terrorist in Pakistan the reality which you completely ignore but quick to blame shia.

but we dont say its sunnis

Shias & Bralvies what you say and then enjoy their killings while blaming them.

we say Pakistanis but when 1 shia dies oh my God lashkar e jhangvi killing shias lol

you actually laughing at the killings of Muslims by terrorist and calling your self a Muslim you are not a Muslim you are a Terrorist you and like you who will do any thing for money but fear Not no Pakistani authority will save you from the day when you will have to answer to The Real God not the Saudis.

get a life and move on or leave this country.

we are going no where its our country and we aren't known as paudies so i suggest BY By and don't let the door hit you on your way out.

you say that u made this country for u i will say ok u did but u have to say ok when i say Jews made ur sect.

Is that why biggest supporter of Israel is House of Saud
we are standing and fighting for it but its obvious Zia filled up all Government crown and security corporations with his supporters hence the ban.

If you mean fighting with guns and bullets sorry that would mean destroying what we fought to create against the wishes of Wahabi Mullahs.

Then why don't you blame the people who are the terrorist or support terrorist instead you are blaming shais who are the target.millions upon millions comes from Saudi to support terrorist in Pakistan the reality which you completely ignore but quick to blame shia.

Shias & Bralvies what you say and then enjoy their killings while blaming them.

you actually laughing at the killings of Muslims by terrorist and calling your self a Muslim you are not a Muslim you are a Terrorist you and like you who will do any thing for money but fear Not no Pakistani authority will save you from the day when you will have to answer to The Real God not the Saudis.

we are going no where its our country and we aren't known as paudies so i suggest BY By and don't let the door hit you on your way out.

Is that why biggest supporter of Israel is House of Saud
if u dont want to understand then no can make u understand.if u r happy with ur views then be it coz u living in a box and u think inside the box u dont think outside the box.
i dont give a damn about iran what i care about is pakistan.and i know u guys and what u do in parachinar and what u doin there from past 30 years only killing.so taste the taste of your own medicine
if u dont want to understand then no can make u understand.if u r happy with ur views then be it coz u living in a box and u think inside the box u dont think outside the box.
i dont give a damn about iran what i care about is pakistan.and i know u guys and what u do in parachinar and what u doin there from past 30 years only killing.so taste the taste of your own medicine

Shah of iran forced him to leave because of his revolution so he left iran and continued struggle from outside and when the situation was under control he came back.

Our victory!!! :yahoo:
Shah of iran forced him to leave because of his revolution so he left iran and continued struggle from outside and when the situation was under control he came back.

Our victory!!! :yahoo:

Keep living in the sandhole. You most probably deserve it.
Stop fighting like kids. The site is working now, close the thread.

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